From c8819ee75b180664d649f542f4448122f6c4cdce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralph Ronnquist Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 13:45:35 +1000 Subject: [PATCH] saving prebuilt binaries --- .gitignore | 2 - reference.html | 3342 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rrqforth | Bin 0 -> 2148423 bytes 3 files changed, 3342 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 reference.html create mode 100755 rrqforth diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index d2b2e19..cc6b724 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ archive gdbinit -reference.html -rrqforth rrqforth.fas diff --git a/reference.html b/reference.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f57f5c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference.html @@ -0,0 +1,3342 @@ + + + + + + +RRQFORTH Reference Documentation + + + + + +

Word Index

+ +

<   +<=   +=   +!=   +>   +>=   +0=   +0<   +-   +*   ++   +/   +<<   +>>   +s>>   +[']  


@   +!   +C@   +C!   +2@   +2!   +!+   +@n++   +@n--   +C,   +S"   +>R   +R@   +R>   +R[n]  




ABS   +ALLOT   +AND   +[ASM]  



+ +










+ + +




+ +


+ +




+ +




+ +

Word Descriptions



Word: [ASM]

data stack: ( -- )

"[ASM]" is a function word that introduces inline assembly in an +RRQFORTH definition. Such assembly code may return to subsequence +RRQFORTH executon by means of the following instruction sequence:

        mov rsi,forthcode
+        lodsq
+        jmp qword [rax]
+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( v -- )

"0BRANCH" is a function word that implements execution conditional by +means of optionally adding the subsequent branch offset, or not, to +the point of execution. If the value, v, is 0 then the branch offset +is added, and otherwise execution continues with the cell following +the branch offset in the definition.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: 0=

Data stack: ( v -- 0/-1 )

"0=" is a function word that replaces a value with its logical +complement; the result is zero if the value non-zero, and the result +is non-zero if the value is zero.


Compare with NOT.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: 0<

Data stack: ( v -- 0/-1 )

"0<" is a function word that replaces a value with -1 if the value is +less than 0, and 0 otherwise.

Definition concept 1: Word: 0<
: 0= 0 SWAP < ;

See also SWAP and +<.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( v -- )

"1BRANCH" is a function word that implements execution conditional by +means of optionally adding the subsequent branch offset, or not, to +the point of execution. If the value, v, is non-zero then the branch +offset is added, and otherwise execution continues with the cell +following the branch offset in the definition.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: 2DROP

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- )

"2DROP" is a function word that plainly discards the top 2 cells from +the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: 2DUP

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v1 v2 v1 v2 )

"2DUP" is a function word that duplicates the top 2 cells on the data +stack.

Definition concept 2: Word: 2DUP
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: 2@

Data stack: ( a -- v2 v1 )

"2@" is a function word that pushes the two concecutive values v1 and +v2 from the address a onto the data stack. Value v1 is from address a +and value v2 is from address a + 8.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: 2OVER

Data stack: ( v1 v2 v3 v4 -- v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 v2 )

"2OVER" is a function word that replicates the second duble-cell pair +onto the top of the data stack. This is similar to OVER but +working with cell pairs rather than single cells.

Definition concept 3: Word: 2OVER
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: 2!

Data stack: ( v2 v1 a -- )

"2!" is a function word that stors two concecutive values v1 and v2 to +the address a from the data stack. Value v1 is stored at address a and +value v2 is stored at address a + 8.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: 2SWAP

Data stack: ( v1 v2 v3 v4 -- v3 v4 v1 v2 )

"2SWAP" is a function word the reorgnizes the top 4 cells swappping +the upper and lower pair. This is similar to SWAP but +working with cell pairs rather than single cells.

Definition concept 4: Word: 2SWAP
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: C,

Data stack: ( v -- )

"C," (C-comma) is a function word that puts a byte on the +HERE heap. The least significant byte of the value is put +at the current free head address, which also is incremented.

Definition concept 5: Word: C,
: C, HERE @ 1 ALLOT C! ;  ( v -- ; Claim 1 byte and put lsb value there )

See also :, [p_comma]. HERE, @, +ALLOT, C! and ;.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: C@

Data stack: ( a -- v )

"C@" is a function word that pushes the byte value v from the address a.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: C!

Data stack: ( v a -- )

"C!" is a function word that stores the byte value v (the least +significant byte of the cell) at the address a.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: R@

Data stack: ( -- v )   Return stack: ( v -- v )

"R@" is a function word that "copies" the top return stack value onto +the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: R>

Data stack: ( -- v )   Return stack: ( v -- )

"R>" is a function word that "moves" the top return stack value onto +the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: ABS

Data stack: ( v1 -- v2 )

"ABS" is a function word that replaces a value with its absolute +value. To that end, the values are 64-bit signed integers.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( n -- )

"ALLOT" is a function word that merely increments the HERE +variable with n so as to claim that amount of the heap.

Defintion concept for ALLOT

( n — ) : ALLOT HERE @ + HERE ! ;

Usage example 1: claim 16 bytes for variable FOO


+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: AND

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v3 )

"AND" is a function word that replaces a value pair with their bitwise +conjunction; each bit is 1 if the corresponding bits of both operands +are 1 and 0 if not.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- p[argv** argc] )

"ARGS" is a value word that holds a pointer to the command line data +block which consists of a count cell followed by that many asciiz +pointers and then a 0 cell.

Usage example 2: the command line argument block
ARGS -> 8 bytes: count of non-zero asciiz pointers following
+        8 bytes: command name string
+        8 bytes: first argument string
+        8* ...
+        8 zero
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: BASE

Data stack: ( -- a )

"BASE" is a variable word for the numerical base used by input and +output functions, NUMBER and [p_dot], when +translating numbers between cell value form and text form. The +numerical base is set to 10 or 16 by DECIMAL and +HEX respectively, and those are the only two bases currently +supported.


See also DIGITS, which holds the mapping table from +digits to text.

Usage example 3: claim 16 bytes for variable FOO


+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: Compiling: ( -- a 0 )

"BEGIN" is an immediate function word that is used together with +IFBREAK, IFAGAIN and END to +implement structured execution control. BEGIN simply places the +address for resolving branches back to this point during execution, +and then a 0 as a marker so as to allow for an unknown number of block +exit points.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: [']

Data stack: ( -- cfa )   Input stream: word

"[']" is an immediate function word that reads the next word on the +input stream and pushes its cfa.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- )

"BRANCH" is a function word that implements execution transfer by +means of adding the subsequent branch offset to the point of +execution.

+_______________________________________________________ +




"BREAK" is an immediate function word that lays out an unconditional +branch out of an enclosing xef:p_begin[BEGIN]-END block. +Similar to IFBREAK it lays out the branch cell +followed by a reserved cell for the branch offset, and inserts the +resolution address just above the required 0 on the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: [calltrace]


"[calltrace]" is a variable word that ccontains a small assembly +snippet that may be used for debugging when running under gdb.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( cfa -- flags )

"CFA>FLAGS@" is a function word that pushes word flags of the given cfa.

Defintion concept for CFA>FLAGS@

: CFA>FLAGS@ 16 - @ 16 + ;

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( stream -- )

"CLEAR-STREAM" is a function word that discards whatever is currently +remaining in the buffer for the stream, so that a subsequent read will +pull in more data from its source.

+ +
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: :

Data stack: ( -- )    Input stream: word

":" (colon) is a function word that starts a new forth definition. +This includes reading the next word for making a new dictionary entry +and setting evaluation state to compiling mode.

Definition concept 6: Word: :

See also doFORTH, READ-WORD, +CREATE, TFA>CFA, !, +] and ;.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: ,

Data stack: ( v -- )

"," (comma) is a function word that puts a cell value on the +HERE heap.

Definition concept7: Word: ,
: , HERE @ 8 ALLOT ! ; ( v -- ; Claim 8 bytes and put value there )

See also :, [p_Ccomma]. HERE, @, +ALLOT, ! and ;.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( char* n -- tfa )

"CREATE" is a function word that allocates a "word header" with the +indicated [n:char*] print name, and returns the "TFA" (Token Field +Address) of the word. The header memory layout is as follows:

struct WORD
+TFA  8 link ; tfa of previous word
+pCFA 8 cfap ; CFA = Code Field Address of this word
+     8 flags ;
+PFA  8 length ; length of pname representation
+     ? pname ; the pname bytes
+     1 nul ; a forced nul byte following the pname
+pTFA 8 tfap ; TFA = Token Field Address of this word
+OFF  8 doff ; entry offset for FORTH level execution
+CFA  8 doer ; word execution semantics
+DFA  0 content ; DFA = Data Field Address

A "word" is generally understod as a marker in memory for some content +as held in the memory space following the DFA (Data Field Address).


The words CFA (Code Field Address) is the most important field for +RRQFORTH execution, as holding a jump address to the assembly code +that implements the particular execution semantics for the word. +"CREATE" will assign this as "dovariable", which makes the word push +its DFA when executed. This is changed to "doforth" for RRQFORTH +function words initiated by ":" (aka "COLON") or changed to "dovalue" +for RRQFORTH constants created by "CONSTANT".

Definition concept 8: Word: CREATE
HERE @ R> ( save tfa on RS )
+  R@ CURRENT-WORD @ DUP @ , ! ( link in a new word )
+  DUP 49 + R@ + ,             ( pCFA )
+  0 ,                         ( flags )
+  DUP , ( length )
+  HERE @ ROT ROT MEMCPY 0 C,  ( pname + NUL )
+  R@ ,                        ( pTFA )
+  0 ,                         ( OFF )
+  doVARIABLE                  ( CFA, default semantics )
Usage example: a possible definition of CONSTANT



See also !, +, [p_comma], @, +[p_Ccomma], CURRENT-WORD, DUP, +HERE, HERE, R@, ROT, +and doVARIABLE, +as well as EXECUTE +about the range of "doer" assignments and their meanings.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- a )

"CURRENT-WORDLIST" is a variable word that points out the DFA of the +current word list word for FIND to use finding words. The +word list word content is as follows:

Layout 1: word list word content
  8 TFA of latest word in the word list
+  8 DFA of the/a subsequent word list to search through

Note that word lists are chained by "extension" and in general it ends +with the FORTH word list. Initially the +SYSTEM word list is the only other word list.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- a )

"DATA-STACK" is a variable word that harbours the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- )

"DECIMAL" is a function word that sets BASE to 10.

Definition concept 9: Word: DECIMAL
+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- v )

"DEPTH" is a function word that pushes the count of data stack cells +onto the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( dfa -- tfa )

"DFA>TFA" is a function word that pushes word tfa of the given dfa.

Definition concept for DFA>TFA

: DFA>TFA 24 - @ ;

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- a )

"DIGITS" is a variable word that holds the character array for mapping +digit values to characters. It contains the 16 characters 0-9 and a-f.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: /

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- q )

"/" (div) is a function word that replaces a pair of values with the +results of signed integer division of the first, v1, divided by the +second, v2. To that end, the values are 64-bit signed integers. The +result is the integer quotient, q, and the discarded remainder, r, +where q and r are the respectively largest and smallest integers to +satisfy the formula:

       v1 = q * v2 + r
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: /MOD

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- q r )

"/MOD" (div-mod) is a function word that replaces a pair of values +with the results of signed integer division of the first, v1, divided +by the second, v2. To that end, the values are 64-bit signed integers. +The result is the integer quotient, q, and the remainder, r, where q +and r are the respectively largest and smallest integers to satisfy +the formula:

       v1 = q * v2 + r
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: doDOES

Data stack: ( -- a )

"doDOES" is a variable word whose value is the implementation of the +[p_does] execution semantics. This is the same as +doFORTH but it starts at an offset into the word +concerned.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- )

"DOES>" is a function that in execution mode does nothing but in +compilation mode it changes the execution semantics assignments for +the most recent word to use the dodoes sematics with adjustment +offset to the current heap address. I.e., the word being defined will +have its execution start at whatever comes after "DOES>".

Word: DOES>
+STATE @ != IF ( only for compilation mode )
+  CURRENT-WORDLIST @ @ TFA>CFA    ( cfa of current word )
+    doDOES OVER !                 ( set up doer )
+    HERE @ OVER 8 + - SWAP 8 - !  ( set up offset

See also +!, +!⇒>, +→>, +@, +CURRENT-WORDLIST, +HERE, +IF, +IMMEDIATE, +OVER, +STATE, +SWAP, +TFA>CFA, +THEN, +doDOES, +as well as EXECUTE +about the range of "doer" assignments and their meanings.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: doFASM

Data stack: ( -- a )

"doFASM" is a variable word whose value is the implementation of the +execution semantics for assembly code content.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: doFORTH

Data stack: ( -- a )

"doFORTH" is a variable word whose value is the implementation of the +RRQFORTH execution semantics.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: doSTRING

Data stack: ( -- a )

"doFASM" is a variable word whose value is the implementation of the +execution semantics for assembly code implemented words. In those +cases the execution leads to the word content.


The register context at entry to an assembly code implemented word is +as follows:

    rax = cfa* of word to execute
+    rsi = cell* in the calling definition, after calling cell
+    rsp = data stack pointer
+    rbp = return stack pointer

The assembly code must ensure that rsi is preserved and that rsp +and rbp are used according to their roles.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: .

Data stack: ( v -- )

"." is a function word that prints the top stack value to stdout using +the current BASE (either DECIMAL or +HEX).

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: "

data stack: ( -- char n )    Input stream: ...."

""" (double quote) is a function word that copies the input stream +text up to next double quote to PAD, and returns the +[n:char*] cell pair for that string.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: doVALUE

Data stack: ( -- a )

"doVALUE" is a variable word whose value is the implementation of the +execution semantics for cell values, which are variables with a single +64-bit cell holding the value.


The execution of this result in pushing the value:

Resulting data stack: ( -- v )
+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- a )

"doVARIABLE" is a variable word whose value is the implementation of +the execution semantics for "variables", which basically are markers +into the heap for some number block of memory.


The execution of a variable results in pushing its content address:

Resulting data stack: ( -- a )
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: DROP

Data stack: ( v -- )

"DROP" is a function word that discards the top stack cell.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: DUP

Data stack: ( v -- v v )

"DUP" is a function word that duplicates the top stack cell.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: ELSE

Data stack: Compiling: ( a -- a )

"ELSE" is an immediate function word that is used together with +IF and THEN to implement structured execution +control. ELSE lays out an unresolved unconditional branch as an ending +for the "then-part" of the structured statement, and it then performs +the branch resolution for the "else-part". To that end it replaces the +stacked address which pin-points the foot address the branch offset to +resolve, so that at execution time there is an appropriate conditional +branch past the "then-part" and the "else-part" of the "structured +statement".

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: EMIT

Data stack: ( c -- )

"EMIT" is a function word that puts the given character code to +standard output (file descriptor 1). The character is the least +significant byte of the top cell.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: END

Data stack: Compiling: ( a 0 * -- )

"END" is an immediate function word that is used together with +BEGIN, IFBREAK and IFAGAIN to +implement structured execution control. END processes the data stack +to resolve any dangling IFBREAK branch offset for the +block of the matching BEGIN.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: =

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- 0/-1 )

"=" is a function word that replaces a pair of values with -1 of the +values are equal, and 0 otherwise.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( a n -- )

"ERASE" is a function word that stores n NUL bytes at address a an up.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( stream -- ??? 0/1 )     Input stream: ......

"EVALUATE-STREAM" is a function word that reads words separated by +whitespace from the stream until it discovers an unknown word, or the +stream is exhausted. Depending on STATE, the words are +either executed or compiled, and all ther stack and heap effects are +preserved. "EVALUATE-STREAM" returns with an additional 0 or 1 on the +stack to respectively indicate that the last word was unkown, i.e. not +found (FIND) in the current word list +(CURRENT-WORDLIST) and not a +NUMBER of the current BASE.


Note that numbers in the current BASE are treated as known +words that are parsed into cell values. If interpreting, then the +value is left on the stack. If compiling, then the value is added to +the heap subsequent to first adding LIT, which is done +so as to make that value be push to the data stack upon a later +execution.


In the DECIMAL base, the number word may begin with a +minus sign.


The words are read and executed one by one, accounting for whether its +a number word or not, whether it is an IMMEDIATE word +or not, and whether the state at the time of execution indicates +"compiling" of "interpreting". Immediate words are executed in both +interpreting and compiling state, while other words have their CFA get +added to the heap so as to gain their execution effect upon a later +execution.


Note that "EVALUATE-STREAM" keeps the stream (pointer) on the return +stack while reading, parsing and executing.


If "EVALUATE-STREAM" ends with 0, then THIS-WORD holds +the [n:chars] reference of the offending word in the stream buffer.

Definition concept 10: Word: EVALUATE-STREAM
( too complex to include here )
+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( cfa -- )

"EXECUTE" is a function word that transfers the execution to the +indicated "Code Field Address", which typically is the CFA of an +RRQFORTH word with the CFA cell containing a jump address for the code +that implements the execution semnatics of the word.


The following execution semantics are predefined:

  • +

    +assembler implemented words constitute their own execution + semantics; +

  • +
  • +

    +[p_doforth] implements the FORTH machine. This treats the word + content as a succession of cells that hold the cfa pointers for the + words that make of the definition. As is customary in FORTH + machines, the advance through that succession is provided by each + word code ending making an explicit jump to its successor. The + RETURN-STACK serves as a call stack for tracking + the nesting of FORTH executions by saving the "addresses" of the + successor cells. +

  • +
  • +

    +[p_dodoes] implements the variation of starting the FORTH + execution somewhere within a definition rather than at the + beginning. +

  • +
  • +

    +[p_dostring], [p_dovalue] and [p_dovariable] implement + different common ways of using word content other the as FORTH + definitions. +

  • +
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: EXIT

Data stack: ( -- )

"EXIT" is a function word that implements the ending of a FORTH +definition and its threading to the subsequent step of the calling +definition.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- 0 )

"FALSE" is a value word representing logical false.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: FIND

Data stack: ( char* n -- [ char* n 0 ]/[ tfa ] )

"FIND" is a function word that searches the current word list search +path for the given [n:char*] word, and returns the TFA of the matching +word if any. Otherwise FIND preserves the initial data stack but adds +0 to it.


The word is sought starting with the +CURRENT-WORDLIST word list, for the first +occurence of a match. If not found, the search continues with the +subsequent word list, and so on.


When a word is found, then the data stack is changed by discarding the +[n:char*] double cell string pointer and pushing (only) the TFA of the +matching word instead.

+_______________________________________________________ +



data stack: ( -- a )

"FORTH" is a variable word for the FORTH word list, which does not +have any subsequent word list.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: @

Data stack: ( a -- v )

"@" is a function word that pushes the value v from the address a.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: @n--

Data stack: ( a n -- v )

"@n--" is a function word that pushes the value from the address, a, +then decrements the cell at that address by n.

Defintion concept 11Word: @n++
: @n++ OVER @ DUP ROT - ROT ! ;
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: @n++

Data stack: ( a n -- v )

"@n++" is a function word that pushes the value from the address, a, +then increments the cell at that address by n.

Defintion concept for @n++

( a n — v ) : @n++ OVER @ DUP ROT + ROT ! ;

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: >=

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- 0/-1 )

">=" is a function word that replaces a pair of values with -1 if the +first, v1, is greater than or equal to the second, v1, otherwise 0. To +that end, the values are 64-bit signed integers.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: >

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- 0/-1 )

">" is a function word that replaces a pair of values with -1 if the +first, v1, is greater than the second, v1, otherwise 0. To that end, +the values are 64-bit signed integers.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: >R

Data stack: ( v -- )   Return stack: ( -- v )

">R" is a function word that "moves" the top data stack value onto the +return stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: HERE

Data stack: ( -- a )

"HERE" is a variable word that keeps the lowest address of the free +allocation space. It get updated by all words that allocate memory.

Usage example

1024 HEAP @ + HEAP ! ( allocate 1024 bytes on the heap )


See also ALLOT.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: HEX

Data stack: ( -- )

"HEX" is a function word that sets BASE to 16, which uses +letters a-f as additional digits. (Uppercase letter are also accepted +on input).

Definition concept 12: Word: HEX
: HEX 16 BASE ! ;
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: IF

Data stack: Compiling: ( -- a )

"IF" is an immediate function word that is used together with +ELSE and THEN to implement structured execution +control. IF results in layout of a 0BRANCH instruction +with an unresolved branch offset, and places the address for resolving +this instruction on the datastack. This address will then be resolved +and asssigned by a subsequent ELSE or THEN so +that at execution time there is an appropriate conditional branch past +the "then-part" of the "structured statement".

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: Compiling: ( -- a )

"IFAGAIN" is an immediate function word that is used together with +BEGIN, BREAK and END to implement +structured execution control. IFAGAIN scans the datastack for the +nearest preceding BEGIN marker and lays out a branch from this point +the beginning of the block during execution.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: Compiling: ( -- a )

"IFBREAK" is an immediate function word that is used together with +BEGIN, IFAGAIN and END to +implement structured execution control. IFBREAK simply places the +address for resolving branches from this point the end of the block +during execution.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- )

"IMMEDIATE" is an immediate function word that sets the flags field of +the most recent word to 1, thereby making that word an immediate word.

Definition concept 13:Word: IMMEDIATE

See also :, CURRENT-WORDLIST, +@, +, !, and [p_semicolon;].

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: [

Data stack: ( -- )

"[" (left bracket) is a function word that sets the stream evaluation +mode to be intepreting. In this mode, words are executed immediately +after parsing, by invoking their "doer".

Definition concept 14: Word: [
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: <=

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- 0/-1 )

"<=" is a function word that replaces a pair of values with -1 if the +first, v1, is less than or equal to the second, v1, otherwise 0. To +that end, the values are 64-bit signed integers.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: <

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- 0/-1 )

"<" is a function word that replaces a pair of values with -1 if the +first, v1, is less than the second, v1, otherwise 0. To that end, the +values are 64-bit signed integers.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: LIT

Data stack: ( -- v )

"LIT" is a function word that pushes the cell subsequent and moves +excution past that. The literal value is thus layed out as if a +subsequent CFA pointer in the containing definition, and the LIT +execution will make the execution skip past that and instead contine +with the CFA pointer following the value.


It’s not a good idea to use "LIT" interactively.

Definition concept 15: Word: LIT
: LIT R> DUP 8 + >R @ ;
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: S"

Data stack: ( -- chars* n )

"S"" is a function word that pushes the [n:char] pointer for a string +inlined subsequently to it in the containing definition. This is +similar to LIT but for a string literal.

Definition concept 16: Word: LIT
: LIT R> DUP @ 2DUP + 8 + >R SWAP 8 + SWAP ;
+_______________________________________________________ +



data stack: ( "name" -- )

"LOAD-FILE"" is a function word that opens a file via +OPEN-FILE", allocates a stream buffer of 15000 +bytes for reading it, saves the stream pointer as value for the newly +created filename variable, and then it invokes +EVALUATE-STREAM for processing the file.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: (

Data stack: ( -- )

"(" (left parenthesis) is a function word that scans and ignores words +until the next right parenthesis, or the end of the stream. This is +used for comments in RRQFORTH code.


Note that the terminating right parenthesis is a word, i.e. must have +whitespace before and after it.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( n -- a )

"MALLOC" is a word that allocates memory using mmap of at least n +bytes and returns the lowest address of the allocated block.


Note that this makes new page allocations for the process from the +kernel, and the granularity is in pages, i.e. a multiple of 4 kb.


The memory is allocated with READ and WRITE access but not EXEC +access, and flagged as PRIVATE, ANONYMOUS and LOCKED. See the "man +page" of mmap for details.


See also STREAM

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: -

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v3 )

"-" (minus) is a function word that replaces a pair of values with the +result of reducing the first, v1, with the second, v2. To that end, +the values are 64-bit signed integers.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: *

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v3 )

"*" is a function word that replaces a pair of values with the result +of multiplying them. To that end, the values are 64-bit signed +integers, and clipping the result to the least signifcant 64 bits.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( v1 -- v2 )

"NEGATE" is a function word that replaces a value with its +2’s-complement negation. To that end, the values are 64-bit signed +integers.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: NIP

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v2 )

"NIP" is a function word that discards the second of the top two cells +on the data stack.

Definition concept 17: Word: NIP
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: NL

Data stack: ( -- v )

"NL" is a value word pushing a newline character onto the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: NOT

Data stack: ( v1 -- v2 )

"NOT" is a function word that replaces a value with its bitwise +complement; each bit is zero if non-zero, and non-zero if zero.


Compare with <<p_0equal,0⇒>.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( char n -- [ 0 ]/[ v 1 ] )

"NUMBER" is a function word that parses a text number using +BASE as numerical base, then returns the result number and +a 1 on top, or just a 0 if the word didn’t parse.


A number consists of, first an optional minus sign, if in +DECIMAL base, then digits 0-9 and, if in HEX +base, letters a-f or A-F for values 10-15. I.e. the normal positive or +negative decimal integers or normal (positive only) hexadecimal +integers.

Definition concept 18: Word: NUMBER
( too complex to include here )
+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( "name" -- fd )

"OPEN-FILE"" is a function word that reads the intputstream for a +filename, adds that to the dictionary as a no-content variable, opens +that file and returns the input file descriptor.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: OR

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v3 )

"OR" is a function word that replaces a value pair with their bitwise +disjunction; each bit is 1 if the corresponding bits of any operand +is 1 and 0 if not.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: OVER

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v1 v2 v1 )

"OVER" is a function word that duplicates the second top stack cell on +the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: PAD

Data stack: ( -- a )

"PAD" is a variable word for a 1 kb data space that is used by +[p_double_quote] (only), and otherwise free for temporary use.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: PICK

Data stack: ( vu...v1 v0 u -- vu...v1 v0 vu )

"PICK" is a function word that pushes the u:th data stack cell down +from top onto the data stack. 0 indicates the top cell making it the +same as DUP, and 1 indicates the second top cell making it +the same as OVER.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: +

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v3 )

"+" (plus) is a function word that replaces a pair of values with the +result of adding them. To that end, the values are 64-bit signed +integers.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- char* length )

"PROGRAM_VERSION" is a string variable hilding the version string.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: !

Data stack: ( v a -- )

"!" is a function word that stores the cell value v at the address a.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: !+

Data stack: ( a n -- )

"!+" is a function word that adds n to the cell value at a.

definition concept for !+

( a n — ) : !+ OVER @ + SWAP ! ;

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: QUIT

Data stack: ??

"QUIT" is a function word that implements the root execution loop of +RRQFORTH. First it resets the stacks to their original settings, and +thereafter it enters loop of reading words from STDIN and +executing them.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: '

data stack: ( -- cfa )    Input stream: word

"'" (single quote) is a function word that reads and find the next +word on the input stream and pushes its cfa.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( stream -- c )

"READ-STREAM-CHAR" is a function word that gets the next character +from the given stream buffer, possibly refilling the buffer if it is +backed by a file descriptor. The refill is done by a SYS_READ call +when more characters are needed. The next character is pushed on the +stack, unless the stream is exhausted in which case the -1 is pushed +instead.


See also STREAM.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( stream -- char* n )

"READ-WORD" is a function word that "reads" the next whitespace +separated word from the given stream and returns the [n:char*] duoble +cell pointer for it. The characters of the word are copied to +PAD, and there is a limit of 1024 characters.


At the end of the stream READ-WORD returns 0 length.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( a m n -- a )

"REALLOC" is a word that reallocates memory using mremap of address a +of size m to be size n bytes and returns the lowest address of the +allocated block.


Note that this makes new page allocations for the process from the +kernel, and the granularity is in pages, i.e. a multiple of 4 kb.


The memory is reampped using the MREMAP_MAYMOVE flag,


See also MALLOC

+_______________________________________________________ +

compile.asm: WORD p_right_bracket,],fasm



Word: ]

Data stack: ( -- )

"]" (right bracket) is a function word that sets the stream evaluation +mode to be compiling. In this mode words parsed into CFA pointers +which are placed on the heap in the given order, unless the word is +flagged as IMMEDIATE or a NUMBER. An +immediate word is executed immediately, and a number is parsed and +left on the stack.


Note that a word is parsed as a number only if it is not found in the +wordlist; i.e., the word list may contain definitions for numbers.

Definition concept 19: Word: ]
: ] 1 STATE ! ;
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: ROLL

Data stack: ( vu...v1 v0 u -- ...v1 v0 vu )

"ROLL" is a function word that "moves" the u:th data stack cell down +from top onto the data stack while discarding it. 0 indicates the top +cell; 1 indicates the second top cell making it the same as +SWAP; 2 indicates the third top cell making it the same as +ROT.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: ROT

Data stack: ( v1 v2 v3 -- v2 v3 v1 )

"ROT" is a function word that "rotates" the top three data stack cells +such that the third becomes the first while the second becomes third +and the first becomes the second.


See also ROLL.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: R[n]

Data stack: ( n -- a )

"R[n]" is a function word that pushes the address for the n:th cell on +the top return stack value onto the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: ;

Data stack: ( -- )

";" (semi-colon) is a function word that ends a new forth definition +by means of adding an EXIT

Definition concept 20: Word: :
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: [p_setup_signals]

Data stack: ( -- a )

"[p_setup_signals]" is a variable word that contains the assembly code +sniippet for setting up the signal handling. rrqforth handles SEGV by +restarting the interpreter loop on STDIN.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: <<

Data stack: ( v1 n -- v2 )

"<<" is a function word that shifts value v1 n steps left (i.e. +"moving" bits towards more significant bits) to form value v2.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: >>

Data stack: ( v1 n -- v2 )

">>" is a function word that shifts value v1 n steps right (i.e. +"moving" bits towards less significant bits) to form value v2.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: s>>

Data stack: ( v1 n -- v2 )

"s>>" is a function word that shifts value v1 n steps right (i.e. +"moving" bits towards less significant bits) to form value v2, but +preserving (and copying) the sign bit.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: SP

Data stack: ( -- v )

"SP" is a value word pushing a space character onto the data stack.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- a )

"STATE" is a variable word marking whether the stream evaluator is in +compiling mode (1) or interpreting (0) mode.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- stream )

"STDIN" is a value word referring to the stream buffer for the +standard input file descriptor.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( fd size -- addr ) or ( block -1 -- addr )

"STREAM" is a function word that sets up a buffer for an input file +descriptor or for a memory block (of size+data).


File descriptor backed STREAM


A file descriptor backed STREAM gains a buffer of the given size +prefixed by a 32 byte STREAM header of the following layout:

Stream layout 2, for file descriptor
  8 bytes = size of buffer (excluding the 32 byte header)
+  8 bytes source file descriptor
+  8 bytes current fill
+  8 current read position

Memory block backed STREAM


A memory block stream is only the header (though allocated via +MALLOC which reserves a full kernel page) with the +following layout:

Stream layout 3, for memory block
  8 bytes = block address
+  8 -1 (indicates memory block)
+  8 size of block (taken from the block's first 8 bytes)
+  8 current read position
+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( stream -- n )

"STREAM-NCHARS" is a function word that scans ahead in the stream +buffer for the next non-whitespace character, and returns its position +relative to the end of the buffer. This is done without changing the +stream (or filling it by reading the backing file).

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( s -- n )

"STRLEN" is a function words that counts how many bytes there are from +s to the first NUL byte and returns that count, n, not including the +NUL byte.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( s1 s2 n -- v )

"STRNCMP" is a function words that compares up to n characters of +character sequences s1 and s2, and returns the difference of the first +differing characters, as in s2[i] - s1[i], or 0 if all n characters +are the same.


I.e., the value v is less than 0 if string [n:s1] is alpha-numerically +less than [n:s2], +v is greater than 0 if [n:s1] is greater than [n:s2], +and v is 0 if [n:s1] and [n:s2] are equal.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( s1 s2 n -- )

"STRNCPY" is a function words that copies n bytes of byte sequence s1 +to s2.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: SWAP

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v2 v1 )

"SWAP" is a function word the swaps the top two data stack cells.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data value: ( -- a )

"SYSTEM" is a variable that holds the word list data for the system +calls. This is set up as separate word list from FORTH +merely as a matter of segregation.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: TELL

Data stack: ( char* n -- )

"TELL" is a function word that prints a string to stdout (file +descriptor 1).

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- )

"TERMINATE0" is a function word that terminates the program with exit +code 0.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( tfa -- cfa )

"TFA>CFA" is a function word that pushes word cfa of the given tfa.

Definition concept for TFA>CFA

: TFA>CFA 8 + @ ;

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( tfa -- dfa )

"TFA>DFA" is a function word that pushes word dfa of the given tfa.

Definition concept for TFA>DFA


+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( tfa -- flags )

"TFA>FLAGS@" is a function word that pushes word flags of the given tfa.

Defintion concept 21Word: TFA>FLAGS@
: TFA>FLAGS@ 16 + @ ;
+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( tfa -- char* )

"TFA>NAMEZ" is a function word that pushes changes a tfa pointer to a +pointer to the word pname’s character sequence, which is zero +terminated as well as preceded by a length cell.

Defintion concept for TFA>NAMEZ
: TFA>NAMEZ 32 + ;
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: THEN

Data stack: Compiling: ( a -- )

"THEN" is an immediate function word that is used together with +IF and ELSE to implement structured execution +control. THEN performs the branch resolution for the stacked address +which pinpoints the foot address the branch offset to resolve, so that +at execution time there is an appropriate conditional branch past the +"then-part" or the "else-part" of the "structured statement".

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- a )

"THIS-WORD" is a variable word used in +[p_evaluate_stream:EVALUATE-STREAM] as cache for the [n:char*] +values of the successive words being evaluated. This typically points +into the input stream buffer and remain valid until further stream +buffering functions are used.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: TRUE

Data stack: ( -- -1 )

"TRUE" is a value word representing logical true.

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: TUCK

Data stack ( v1 v2 -- v2 v1 v2 )

"TUCK" is a function word that "inserts" the top cell below the second +cell on the data stack.

Definition concept 22: Word: TUCK
+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: !=

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- 0/-1 )

"!=" is a function word that replaces a pair of values with -1 of the +values are unequal, and 0 otherwise.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- a )

"VERBOSE?" is a variable word that is assigned at start up to -1 or 0 +signify whether or not the command line arguments includes "-v". When +non-zero (i.e. running rrqforth with "-v") the evaluation loop is more +verbose.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( v lo hi -- 0/-1

"WITHIN" is a function word that replaces a triple of values with -1 +of the the first, v, is within the value range spanned by the second, +lo, inclusive and third, hi, exclusive.

Definition concept 23: Word: WITHIN
+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( wl -- )

"WORDS" is a function word that prints all words of teh given word +list to stdout (file descriptor 1).

+_______________________________________________________ +


Word: XOR

Data stack: ( v1 v2 -- v3 )

"XOR" is a function word that replaces a value pair with their bitwise +exclusion; each bit is 1 if the corresponding bits of the two operands +differ and 0 if not.

+_______________________________________________________ +



Data stack: ( -- a )

"RETURN-STACK" is a variable word harbouring the return stack.


System calls


RRQFORTH includes function wrapping for all "Linux syscalls", which +generally are described in their "man pages. This wrapping takes the +arguments fro the data stack in reverse order, i.e. the first argument +is deepest.


Use SYSTEM WORDS to get a list of all (321) available syscalls.


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