pop rdx ; 2nd argument
pop rcx ; 1st argument
- push rsi
+ sub rsp, 32
+ call rax
+ add rsp, 32
+ next
+forth_asm EFICALL3, 'EFICALL3'
+ pop rax ; function pointer
+ pop r8 ; 3rd argument
+ pop rdx ; 2nd argument
+ pop rcx ; 1st argument
sub rsp, 32
call rax
add rsp, 32
- pop rsi
+ push rax
+ next
+forth_asm EFICALL10, 'EFICALL10'
+ pop rax ; function pointer
+ mov rcx, [rsp + 8 * 9]
+ mov rdx, [rsp + 8 * 8]
+ mov r8, [rsp + 8 * 7]
+ mov r9, [rsp + 8 * 6]
+ ;; Reverse order of stack arguments
+ mov r10, [rsp + 8 * 5]
+ mov r11, [rsp + 8 * 0]
+ mov [rsp + 8 * 5], r11
+ mov [rsp + 8 * 0], r10
+ mov r10, [rsp + 8 * 4]
+ mov r11, [rsp + 8 * 1]
+ mov [rsp + 8 * 4], r11
+ mov [rsp + 8 * 1], r10
+ mov r10, [rsp + 8 * 3]
+ mov r11, [rsp + 8 * 2]
+ mov [rsp + 8 * 3], r11
+ mov [rsp + 8 * 2], r10
+ sub rsp, 32
+ call rax
+ add rsp, 32 + 8 * 10
+ push rax
: ConOut.OutputString ConOut 8 + @ ;
: ConOut.OutputString() ConOut SWAP ConOut.OutputString EFICALL2 ;
+: BootServices SystemTable 96 + @ ;
+: BootServices.LocateProtocol BootServices 320 + @ ;
+: BootServices.LocateProtocol(GOP)
+ HERE @ 5348063987722529246 , 7661046075708078998 , \ *Protocol = EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
+ 0 \ *Registration
+ HERE @ 0 , \ **Interface
+ BootServices.LocateProtocol EFICALL3 DROP
+ HERE @ 8 - @ \ *Interface
+ ;
+: GOP.Blt BootServices.LocateProtocol(GOP) 16 + @ ;
+: GOP.SetMode BootServices.LocateProtocol(GOP) 8 + @ ;
\ Store a null-terminated UTF-16 string HERE, and return a pointer to its buffer
\ at runtime.
: UTF16"
0 C, 0 C, \ Null terminator
-UTF16" Hello UEFI!" ConOut.OutputString()
+ BootServices.LocateProtocol(GOP) \ *This
+ HERE @ 255 C, 0 C, 0 C, 0 C, \ *BltBuffer = single blue pixel
+ 0 \ BltOperation = EfiBltVideoFill
+ 0 \ SourceX
+ 0 \ SourceY
+ 100 \ DestinationX
+ 200 \ DestinationY
+ 400 \ Width
+ 20 \ Height
+ 0 \ Delta (unused)