--- /dev/null
+MANPAGES = $(basename $(wildcard *.8.adoc))
+$(warning MANPAGES = $(MANPAGES))
+all: $(MANPAGES)
+%.8: %.8.adoc
+ asciidoctor -bmanpage $<
--- /dev/null
+# Make a local timeline of given directories
+# $1 = timeline root directory
+# $2... directories for the timeline
+# This is intended for a cron-driven backup script that regularly (eg.
+# hourly) snapshots given directory trees $2... into a succession of
+# date stamped trees under $1 by using hard links.
+# NOTE: outside mutex synchronisation may be needed e.g. with flock.
+# $1/current is the direct store of the current snapshot. This is
+# updated by rsync from the local source trees regularly
+# $1/yyyy-dd-mm form timeline window of daily snapshots by means of
+# hard links to "$1/current" files.
+# This may be combined with timeliner-remote for caching and storing
+# the snapshots long term while a shorter, rolling most recent
+# timeline window is kept locally.
+: ${SNAPTIME:=10:00:00}
+## Helper function to time stamp log lines.
+log() {
+ date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S - $*"
+log "$0 begin"
+for D in "$@" ; do
+ rsync -aR --delete-after /.$(realpath "$D") $BACKUP/current/. || \
+ ERR=true
+$ERR && exit 1
+if [ "$HOST" = "$BACKUP" ] ; then
+ cmd() { $* ; }
+ cmd() { ssh $HOST "$*" ; }
+TS=$(date +%s)
+TODAY="$(date -d @$TS +%Y-%m-%d)"
+# If snapshot of $TODAY exists then exit
+cmd test -d "$BASE/$TODAY" && exit 0
+# If there is a snap of yesterday and time < SNAPTIME then exit
+cmd test -d "$BASE/$(date -d "@$((TS - 86400))" "+%Y-%m-%d")" && \
+ test "$TS" -lt "$(date -d "$SNAPTIME" +%s)" && exit 0
+log ".. snapshot $TODAY"
+cmd mkdir -p "$BASE/$TODAY"
+cmd cp -axl "$BASE/current/." "$BASE/$TODAY/."
+log "$0 end"
--- /dev/null
+# Make a remote timeline of given local directories by keeping a
+# rolling local timewindow and rsync that to the remote host.
+# $1 = remote host:base
+# $2 = local base
+## Helper function to time stamp log lines.
+log() { date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S - $*" ; }
+## Helper function to test if $1 string is less than $2 string
+before() { [ -n "$(echo yes | awk "\"$1\"<\"$2\"")" ] ; }
+log "$0 begin"
+DDAY="$(date -d "-$WINDOW days" +%Y-%m-%d)"
+# determine day of most recent remote snapshot
+RDAY="$(ssh $HOST ls -r $BASE | sed '2,$d')"
+for DAY in $(ls $LOCAL) ; do
+ [ "$DAY" = "current" ] && continue
+ log "local backup directory $LOCAL/$DAY"
+ if [ -z "$RDAY" ] ; then
+ log ".. remote store is empty"
+ ssh $HOST mkdir $BASE/$DAY
+ elif before "$RDAY" "$DAY" ; then
+ log ".. latest remote $RDAY before local $DAY"
+ ssh $HOST mkdir $BASE/$DAY '&&' cp -axl $BASE/$RDAY/. $BASE/$DAY/.
+ elif [ "$DAY" != "$RDAY" ] ; then
+ log ".. local $DAY before latest remote $RDAY"
+ before "$DAY" "$DDAY" && rm -rf $LOCAL/$D # drop local snapshot
+ continue # and skip the copying
+ fi
+ log ".. copy %DAY to remote $REMOTE"
+ rsync -a --delete-after $LOCAL/$DAY/. $REMOTE/$DAY/.
+log "$0 done"
--- /dev/null
+# This is intended to be installed as a cron.hourly script.
+#REMOTE=remote.example.com # needs paswwordless ssh access to root
+#DIRS="/root /etc /home /opt /usr"
+[ -z "$DIRS" ] && exit 0 # "not configured yet"
+ flock -n 1 || exit 0
+ timeliner $LOCAL $DIRS && timeliner-backup $REMOTE:$BASE $LOCAL
+} >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
--- /dev/null
+= timeliner(8)
+:doctype: manpage
+== NAME
+timeliner - cron driven backup of directories into local timeline
+*timeliner* _target_ _source_*
+*timeliner-backup* _remote_ _target_
+=== timeliner
+In normal use, *timeliner* would be set up as an _hourly_ `cron` task.
+It then makes hourly _rsync_ copies of the _source_* directories into
+the _target/current_ directory, plus _daily_ hardlink snapshots of
+that directory as a series of timeline directories named in the format
+of _target/yyyy-mm-dd_ (where _yyyy_ is the year in 4 digits, _mm_ is
+the month in 2 digits, and _dd_ is the day of the month in 2 digits).
+The daily snapshots are regularly made as early as possible after the
+hard coded SNAPTIME of 10:00:00, or possibly earlier in the day if the
+previous day snapshot is missing.
+The target directory is either a directory pathname (a relative or
+absolute pathname) or a "remote pathname" in the form of
+* A plain pathname nominates the base directory for the `current` and
+ _yyyy-mm-dd_ timeline directories.
+* A remote pathname results in `rsync` and `ssh` being used for
+ maintaining the timeline ath the nominated remote base directory.
+In both cases, the timeline directory must reside in a filesystem
+cabale of hard links.
+== timeliner-backup
+*timeliner-backup* is a companion script that normally is set up as a
+follow-on _hourly_ cron task to transfer a _target_ timeline to a
+_remote_ store and then maintain the local _target_ timeline as a
+rolling window of only the few most recent daily backups. The remote
+timeline is built by making a hard link copy of the most recent prior
+day before using `rsync` to copy the next day snapshot. The local
+recent day snapshot is synchronised hourly to the remote host.