--- /dev/null
+;;; Words for adding words
+ WORD p_here,'HERE',dovariable
+ ;; The heap
+ dq heap_start
+ ;; CREATE ( "[ \t\0]*([^ \t\0]+)" -- tfa )
+ ;; Skip leading whitespace and scan following non-whitespace
+ ;; as being a "word" to add into the current vocabulary. Add
+ ;; that word header, which consisits of:
+ WORD p_create,'CREATE',fasm
+ pushr rsi
+ push p_stdin_DFA ; ( -- stream )
+ DOFORTH p_read_word ; ( -- chars* n ) read next word
+ mov rax,qword [p_wordlist_DFA] ; Current word list
+ mov rax,[rax] ; last word of current wordlist
+ mov rbx,qword [p_here_DFA]
+ mov [rbx],rax ; TFA of new word
+ mov qword [rbx+16],0 ; flags field
+ ;; copy pname
+ pop rcx ; n
+ mov qword [rbx+24],rcx ; PFA (length)
+ pop rsi ; chars* (source)
+ lea rdi,[rbx+32] ; (dest)
+ ;; clear DF
+ movsb
+ dec rcx
+ jge p_create_COPY
+ mov byte [rdi],0 ; extra NUL
+ inc rdi
+ mov qword [rdi],rbx ; pTFA
+ add rdi,8
+ mov qword [rdi],rbx ; OFF
+ add rdi,8
+ mov qword [rbx+8],rdi ; pCFA
+ add rdi,8
+ mov qword [rdi],dovalue ;CFA
+ add rdi,8
+ mov qword [rax],rbx ; Install new word
+ mov qword [p_here_DFA],rdi ; allocate the space
+ push rbx
+ popr rsi
+ next
+ WORD p_allot,'ALLOT',fasm
+ ;; ( n -- )
+ ;; Allocate n bytes on the heap
+ pop rax
+ add rax,qword [p_here_DFA]
+ mov qword [p_here_DFA],rax
+ next
+ ;; DOES> ( -- )
+ ;; Change DOES offset of latest compilation word to current
+ ;; compilation address.
+ WORD p_does,'DOES>',fasm
+ mov rax,qword [p_wordlist_DFA]
+ mov rax,[rax] ; last word of current wordlist
+ add rax,8
+ ;add rax,byte [rax]
+ add rax,1
+ mov rbx,[p_here_DFA]
+ mov qword [rax],rbx
+ mov qword [rax+8],dodoes
+ next
+ WORD p_literal,'LIT',IMMEDIATE
+ dq p_create
+ dq p_does
+ dq p_get
+ dq p_exit
+ WORD p_execute,'EXECUTE'
include 'stack.asm'
include 'math.asm'
include 'stdio.asm'
+include 'compile.asm'
WORD p_program_version,'PROGRAM_VERSION',dostring
STRING 'RRQ Forth version 0.1 - 2021-05-13',10
pop qword [p_stdin_DFA]
;; Initial blurb
- push qword 1 ; stdout
- DOFORTH p_program_version ; version string => ( s n )
- DOFORTH sys_write ; printout
- pop rax ; ignore errors
- DOFORTH p_words
+ dq p_program_version
+ dq p_tell
+ dq p_stdin
+ dq p_read_word
+ dq p_tell
+ dq p_nl
+ dq p_emit
+ ;; DOFORTH p_words
push 0
DOFORTH sys_exit
+ rb 1048576 ; +1 Mb heap
+ rb 1048576 ; +1 Mb heap
+ rb 1048576 ; +1 Mb heap