;; Read a member of an external archive
-(define (get-stdin CMD)
+(define (get-stdout CMD)
(let ((I (pipe)) (O (pipe)) (DATA "") (ALL "")
(SUB (fn (I O)
(map close (list (I 1) (O 0) 0))
(define (get PATH MEMBER)
(if (list? PATH) ((PATH 0) (PATH 1) core)
(directory? PATH) (read-file (format "%s/%s" PATH MEMBER))
- (ends-with PATH ".a") (get-stdin (format "%s p %s %s" AR PATH MEMBER))
- (tar-able PATH) (get-stdin (format "%s xOf %s %s" TAR PATH MEMBER))
+ (ends-with PATH ".a") (get-stdout (format "%s p %s %s" AR PATH MEMBER))
+ (tar-able PATH) (get-stdout (format "%s xOf %s %s" TAR PATH MEMBER))
;; Discover and load an in-core archive by means of a marker row of 40
- (letex ((LOAD load) (CTX '(or (and (1 (args)) (args 1)) MAIN)))
+ (letex ((LOAD load) (CTX '(if (1 (args)) (args 1)) MAIN))
(fn () (if (archives (args 0))
(eval-string (archive:get $it (args 0)) CTX)
(LOAD (args 0) CTX))))
- (letex (READ-FILE read-file)
+ (letex ((READ-FILE read-file) (CTX '(if (1 (args)) (args 1)) MAIN))
(fn ()
- (if (archives (args 0)) (archive:get $it (args 0))
+ (if (archives (args 0)) (archive:get $it (args 0) CTX)
(READ-FILE (args 0)))))
- (letex (FILE? file?)
+ (letex ((FILE? file?))
(fn () (if (archives (args 0)) true (FILE? (args 0)))))