VARLIBDIR = $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/overlay-boot
MAN8FILES = overlay-boot.8 overlay-go.8 overlay-stop.8 overlay-diskfile.8
+MAN8FILES += overlay-share.8
VARLIBFILES = overlay-boot overlay-go overlay-stop functions reaper
VARLIBFILES += overlay-init overlay-postmount overlay-premount
VARLIBFILES += overlay-diskfile
+VARLIBFILES += overlay-share
INITFILES = subhosts
ETCFILES = subhosts.conf
+overlay-boot (0.1.10) experimental; urgency=medium
+ * include the overlay-share utility
+ -- Ralph Ronnquist <> Fri, 02 Dec 2022 19:21:58 +1100
overlay-boot (0.1.9) experimental; urgency=medium
* discard most mounts before unshare
/var/lib/overlay-boot/overlay-stop /usr/sbin/overlay-stop
/var/lib/overlay-boot/overlay-go /usr/sbin/overlay-go
/var/lib/overlay-boot/overlay-diskfile /usr/sbin/overlay-diskfile
+/var/lib/overlay-boot/overlay-shar /usr/sbin/overlay-share
--- /dev/null
+:doctype: manpage
+:revdate: {sys:date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"}
+:COLON: :
+:BANG: !
+overlay-share - Utility to bind mount directory into subhost.
+*overlay-share* _path_ _subhostname_
+*overlay-share* is a utility command script for bind-mounting a
+ directory into a subhost under the same pathname.
+no options.
+# overlay-share /home/guest example
+The above bind-mounts the main host's directory tree +/home/guest+
+into the subhost +example+ and thereby making that directory subtree
+shared between the subhost and the main host.
+*overlay-boot*, *overlay-stop*