--- /dev/null
+;; This newlisp module implements mmap access to file regions.
+(unless foop (load "foop.lsp"))
+(context 'MAIN:MMap)
+(FOOP base len prot flags fd offset)
+(constant 'LIBC (exists file? '("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6")))
+(unless LIBC (die "cannot find libc"))
+(import LIBC "mmap" "void*"
+ "void*" ; void *addr
+ "long" ; size_t length
+ "int" ; int prot
+ "int" ; int flags
+ "int" ; int fd
+ "long" ; off_t offset
+ )
+(import LIBC "munmap" "int"
+ "void*" ; void *addr
+ "long" ; size_t length
+ )
+(import LIBC "lseek" "long"
+ "int" ; int fd
+ "long" ; off_t offset,
+ "int" ; int whence
+ )
+ 'PROT_READ 0x01
+ 'MAP_SHARED 0x01
+ )
+;; Creates a new mapping in the virtual address space of the calling
+;; process.
+(define (MMap:MMap FD LENGTH (OFFSET 0))
+ (when (string? FD) (setf FD (open FD "r")))
+ (let ((D (list (context) nil LENGTH 0 0 FD OFFSET)))
+ (when (< LENGTH) (setf (D 2) (lseek FD 0 SEEK_END)))
+ (setf (D 1) (mmap 0 (D 2) PROT_READ MAP_SHARED FD OFFSET))
+ D))
+(define (Unmap)
+ (munmap (%base) (%len)))
--- /dev/null
+(load "mmap.lsp")
+(println (symbols MMap))
+(println MMap:%len)
+(println (setf X (MMap "mmap.lsp")))
+(println (get-string (:%base X)))
+(:Unmap X)