--- /dev/null
+MAIN = sitetool.lsp
+LSP = $(filter-out $(MAIN),$(wildcard *.lsp))
+TCL = $(wildcard *.tcl)
+OTHER = tooltips.txt
+default: sitetool
+sitetool: $(MAIN) $(LSP) $(TCL) $(OTHER)
+ packnl -w $@ $^
--- /dev/null
+; Start a sub process that runs "wish"
+; Use as:
+; (tk ....) to deliver tk (wish) text
+; (tk:hanshake ....) does the same
+; (tk:stop) to stop the sub process
+(context 'tk)
+(map set '(myin tcout) (pipe))
+(map set '(tcin myout) (pipe))
+(setf TAG "newLISP: " TAG* (length TAG))
+(set 'SUB (process "/usr/bin/wish" tcin tcout))
+(define (tk:tk) (apply handshake (args)))
+(define (read-tcl (DISCARD nil))
+ (let ((BUFFER ""))
+ (when (read myin BUFFER 10000)
+ (unless DISCARD (println BUFFER)))))
+; function to pass commands to Tcl/Tk
+(define (handshake)
+ (let (str "")
+ (write-line myout
+ (format "if { [catch { puts [%s] }] } { %s }"
+ (apply string (args))
+ "tk_messageBox -message $errorInfo; exit" ))
+ (read-tcl true)
+ str))
+(define (load-tcl FILE)
+ (write myout (read-file FILE)))
+(define (read-loop)
+ (let ((FD nil) (BUFFER))
+ (while (and (setf FD (net-select (list 0 myin) "r" -1)) (member myin FD))
+ (when (> (read myin BUFFER 100000))
+ (if (starts-with BUFFER TAG)
+ (eval-string (TAG* BUFFER) MAIN)
+ (println BUFFER)
+ )))))
+(context MAIN)
+;; exit when main window is closed
+;(tk "bind . <Destroy> {puts {newLISP: (exit)}}")
--- /dev/null
+;; This is a gui tool for editing the Hourglass site configuration
+(load "runtk.lsp")
+(define (pad TXT (N 0))
+ (string TXT (dup " " (max (- N (length TXT)) 0))))
+(define (wrap TXT (WIDTH 60))
+ (let ((OUT '()) (LN "") (FST 0))
+ (dolist (W (parse (replace "\n" TXT " ") " "))
+ (when (> (+ (length LN) (length W) FST) WIDTH)
+ (push (pad LN) OUT -1)
+ (setf LN "")
+ (setf FST 0))
+ (extend LN (if (= FST) "" " ") W)
+ (setf FST 1))
+ (unless (empty? LN) (push (pad LN) OUT -1))
+ (join OUT "\n")))
+; Register all tooltips
+(dolist (SETTING (parse (read-file "tooltips.txt") "---\n"))
+ (let ((TAG (when (regex "(\\S+)" SETTING 0) $1)))
+ (tk (format "set desc(%s) {%s}" TAG (replace "\n" SETTING " ")))))
+(tk:load-tcl "sitetool.tcl")
+(while true
+ (tk:read-loop)
+ (println (eval-string (or (read-line) (exit))))
+ )
--- /dev/null
+# Report dimensions
+#puts [winfo vrootwidth .]
+#puts [winfo vrootheight .]
+wm title . {Hourglass sitetool}
+#wm geometry . 600x400
+## Tell embedding newlisp to (exit)
+bind . <Destroy> {puts {newLISP: (exit)}}
+set count 3
+proc tooltipOn {w name} {
+ if {![winfo exist .balloon]} {
+ toplevel .balloon
+ wm overrideredirect .balloon 1
+ label .balloon.l -foreground blue -background lightyellow \
+ -highlightthick 0 -relief solid -borderwidth 1 \
+ -font {sanserif} -textvariable balloon_text \
+ -justify left -wrap 480 -padx 10
+ pack .balloon.l
+ }
+ global desc
+ set ::balloon_text $desc($name)
+ set x [expr {[winfo rootx $w]+10}]
+ set y [expr {[winfo rooty $w]+[winfo height $w]+5}]
+ set g [format +%d+%d $x $y]
+ # This is probably overdoing it, but better too much than too little
+ wm geometry .balloon $g
+ wm deiconify .balloon
+ wm geometry .balloon $g
+ raise .balloon
+ after idle "[list wm geometry .balloon $g]; raise .balloon"
+proc tooltipOff {} {
+ if {[winfo exist .balloon]} {
+ wm withdraw .balloon
+ }
+proc setting {name defval} {
+ global count;
+ incr count;
+ set wname .fr.settings.name$count ;
+ set wvalue .fr.settings.value$count ;
+ set weq .fr.settings.eq$count ;
+ label $wname -text "$name" -font sanserif;
+ label $weq -text { };
+ text $wvalue -height 1 -wrap none -padx 4 -font sanserif -width 30;
+ $wvalue insert end "$defval";
+ grid $wname -row $count -column 0;
+ grid $weq -row $count -column 1;
+ grid $wvalue -row $count -column 2;
+ #pack .fr.settings ; #grid $me -row $count -column 0 -sticky w;
+ bind $wname <Enter> [list tooltipOn $wname $name]
+ bind $wname <Leave> {tooltipOff}
+frame .fr
+frame .fr.settings
+grid columnconfigure .fr.settings 0 -weight 1 -uniform A;
+setting {listener.net} {192.168.255}
+setting {listener.ports} {80 443 1080}
+setting {listener.activity.dir} {activity}
+setting {listener.tap} {hourglass}
+setting {control.action} {ipset-control.lsp}
+setting {control.dat} {control.dat}
+setting {control.net} {}
+setting {control.extra.dat} {control-extra.dat}
+setting {control.usage.dat} {usage.dat}
+setting {control.usage.tmp} {.usage.dat}
+setting {control.activity.gap} {10}
+setting {control.activity.clip} {1000}
+setting {ipset.bin} {/usr/sbin/ipset}
+setting {ipset.table} {TIMO}
+setting {wui.port} {1070}
+setting {wui.passwd} {htpasswd}
+button .fr.exit -text "exit" -command {exit}
+pack .fr.settings
+pack .fr.exit -pady 4
+grid .fr -column 0 -row 0 -sticky w -padx {10 4} -pady {12 0}
--- /dev/null
+listener.net is the first three quads of the IP address to use for the
+"listener network", with a final component being +1+ for the host and
++2+ for the listener daemon. The listener daemon acts as a virtual
+host and is set up vie +setup.sh+ to receive copies of some network
+packets for the purpose of measuring activity.
+listener.ports are the port numbers of concern, separated by
+whitespace or comma, towards activity detection. Only packets to these
+ports will be considered.
+listener.activity.dir is the directory in which the activity files are
+stored. The Hourglass listener daemon operates continuously and
+populates one measure per day with a full sequence of (roughly)
+per-minute packet count measures.
+listener.tap is the name to use for the network tap that is set up to
+be the interface for the virtual listener host.
+control.action is the name of the control action script to use.
+Currently only +ipset-control.lsp+ is available.
+control.dat is the pathname for the policy file. The content is a
+newlisp format expression; a list with sublists to represent the
+desired control policy. It is typically generated by the Hourglass web
+service and then used by the Hourglass control bot.
+control.net is the IP/bits code of the network to be controlled.
+control.extra.dat is the pathname for the ad-hoc time override. This
+is a pair of numbers that define an overriding "network open" time
+period of that many hours and minutes starting at the modification
+time of the file itself
+control.usage.dat the filename to use for the usage state. This is a
+newlisp expression of the current hours and minutes of usage. The file
+is generated by the Hourglass policy bot to be used and displayed via
+the Hourglass web service.
+control.usage.tmp is the temporary filename to use for the usage state
+update. The state update is written to this file which then is renamed
+as per +control.usage.dat+; this process avoids the risk of the
+Hourglass web service accessing an incompletely written file.
+control.activity.gap is how many minutes of low activity is needed for
+identifying an idle period.
+control.activity.clip is the count measure limit for low activity.
+ipset.bin is the pathname for the +ipset+ binary.
+ipset.table is the name of the ipset set.
+wui.port is the port for the HTTP service.
+wui.passwd is the pathname for the file of authorizable users. Each
+line consists of the base64 encoding of a "user:password" pair as is
+used in the HTTP Basic Authorization scheme.
+libc is the pathname for the libc6 dynamic library.
+tundev is the pathname for the tuntap device generator.