--- /dev/null
+Backup Control Scripting
+The script +dupltool+ is a wrapper for duplicity that usually just
+invokes duplicity with all arguents passed on, but every month it
+first makes a stash of the most recent succession of daily snapshots,
+so that the duplicity run at this time is a monthly snapshot.
+The script +duplicity-daily+ is a simple control script for daily
+backup that uses configuration from +/etc/duplicity-daily.conf+ that
+defines which backups to make, and from +~/.ssh/config+ as to how to
+connect to the target host (or hosts).
+Administration Example
+.This is a +/etc/duplicity-daily+ sample
+The above sample declares backup (without encryption) of directory
+trees +/root+, +/etc+, +/home+ to host +backup+ (as declared in
++~/.ssh/config+) into directories under the user's directory +backup+.
+.This is a +~/.ssh/config+ sample
+host backup
+ hostname backup.lan
+ user thishost
+ identityfile ~/.ssh/thishost-backup
+ ServerAliveInterval 15
+ ServerAliveCountMax 4
+ TCPKeepAlive yes
+ RekeyLimit 100M
+ IPQoS reliability
+Note that for the above sample, the backup client +root@thishost+ has
+prepared a password-less ssh key to +thishost@backup.lan+ so that
+daily backup can happen without operator intervention.
+Debian Package
+A debian package is built with
+$ make deb
+provided that the build environment is set up, i.e. an ordinary debian
+package building environment.
+The package is then installed with
+# dpkg -i ../buckap_<TAB>
+Doing so will install +/usr/bin/dupltool+ and
++/etc/cron.daily/duplicity-daily+, as well as providing an example
++/etc/duplicity-daily.conf+ (incuding rudimentary instructions).