+fusefile (0.5.3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Updated package description.
+ -- Ralph Ronnquist <ralph.ronnquist@gmail.com> Mon, 03 Oct 2022 13:01:26 +1100
fusefile (0.5.2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Reworked overlay with new region representaiton.
Package: fusefile
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fuse
-Description: FUSE file mount to present a series of fragments of files
- as if a real, read-only file. It simply bind mounts a driver on top
- of the file mountpoint to present the nominated file fragments as a
- single, contiguous file.
+Description: This package provides "fusefile"; a FUSE file mount that
+ combines a series of fragments of (other) files as a single file in a
+ contiguous concatenation. The fusefile mount driver accepts
+ over-writing the fused file and distributes that according to the
+ writable fragments, but the fused file cannot change size.
+ Alternatively an optional overlay file is set up for capturing writes
+ to the fused file. The overlay file will then contain the written
+ fused file regions, followed by meta data to distinguish between
+ those written regions and the original content from the fused
+ fragments.