--- /dev/null
+# Find the newest file of each of the given directories
+;; Return pair (time file) for given file
+(define (modtime F)
+ (if (null? F) '(0 F) (list? F) F (list (file-info F 6) F)))
+(define (files-in D)
+ (clean (fn (x) (or (= x ".") (= x ".."))) (directory D "")))
+;; Return the list of full pathnames for all files in the given
+;; directory, excluding "." and "..".
+(define (dir-list D)
+ (if (= D ".") (files-in D)
+ (map (fn (F) (format "%s/%s" D F)) (files-in D))))
+;; Return pair of (time file)
+(define (newest FILES)
+ ;;(println (list 'newest FILES))
+ (if (null? FILES) '()
+ (last
+ (sort
+ (map modtime
+ (map (fn (F) (if (directory? F) (newest (dir-list F)) F))
+ FILES))))))
+(define (report x) (format "%s %s" (date (x 0)) (x 1)))
+(map println (map report (sort (map newest (map list (2 (main-args)))))))
+(exit 0)