--- /dev/null
+= Project "tiniest"
+This project is an experiment of building a tiny linux boot system
+with a single, common syslinux boot configuration used for both legacy
+bios and UEFI bios.
+The script +mkit.sh+ prepares such a +bootimage.raw+ and the script
++vm.sh+ runs a Qemu VM for testing it.
+.Program used by mkit.sh and vm.sh
+ar awk bash cat chmod cp dd depmod dpkg fakechroot fakeroot find ln
+mcopy mkdir mke2fs mkfs.fat mmd rm sed sfdisk syslinux tar wget xzcat
+* Kernel version +$VERSION+ is obtained from the linux-image-amd64
+ dependency.
+.Downloaded packages
+busybox-static linux-image-$VERION
+syslinux syslinux-common syslinux-efi syslinux-utils
+.How to build
+$ ./mkit.sh
+.How to test legacy bios boot
+$ ./vm.sh
+.How to test UEFI bios boot
+$ EFI=yes ./vm.sh