# First partition sectors (round up to a Mb number
DUM1=$(( ( $(du -sB1 $TMP | sed 's/\s.*//') / 1048576 + 2 ) ))
+# Second partition is a squashfs packing of $FS
+[ -r FS.sqfs ] || ( cd $FS && mksquashfs * ../FS.sqfs )
DUM2=$(( $(stat -c %s FS.sqfs) / 1048576 + 2 ))
# Estimate the required disk image size in Mib
- - 0x83
PART=( $(fdisk -l -ostart,sectors $IMG | tail -n 2) )
-echo "${PART[*]}"
# First sector is 2048 by default, which is byte address 1048576
TMPIMG=$(mktemp XXXX)