mov rbx,qword [rax+16] ; copy fill
mov qword [rax+24],rbx ; into current
+ WORD p_stream_nchars,'STREAM-NCHARS',fasm
+ ;; ( stream -- n )
+ ;; Scan over whitespace in the stream buffer (without actually
+ ;; consuming) and tell how much then remains.
+ pushr rsi
+ mov rcx,qword [rsp]
+ mov rbx,qword [rcx+16] ; fill
+ sub rbx,qword [rcx+24] ; current
+ cmp qword [rcx+8],-1
+ je p_stream_nchars_memblock
+ mov rsi,rcx
+ add rsi,32
+ jmp p_stream_nchars_skipblanks
+ mov rsi,qword [rcx]
+ add rsi,qword [rcx+24] ;
+ cmp rbx,0
+ je p_stream_nchars_done
+ lodsb
+ cmp al,32
+ jg p_stream_nchars_done
+ dec rbx
+ jg p_stream_nchars_loop
+ mov qword [rsp],rbx
+ popr rsi
+ next
;;; ========================================
;;; Stream reading
;;; READ-STREAM-CHAR ( stream -- ch )
;; ( stream -- ch )
pushr rsi
mov rax,qword [rsp]
- mov rbx,[rax+16] ; fill
+ mov rbx,qword [rax+16] ; fill
- mov rcx,[rax+24] ; current
+ mov rcx,qword [rax+24] ; current
cmp rbx,rcx
jg p_read_stream_char.CHAR
popr rsi
+ WORD p_double_quote,'"',fasm ;; " (fool emacs)
+ ;; ( -- char* n )
+ ;; Scan to double quote in stream buffer, putting thr string on PAD
+ pushr rsi
+ push p_pad_DFA
+ push 0
+ DOFORTH p_stdin, p_read_stream_char
+ pop rax
+ cmp rax,0
+ jl p_double_quote_endstream
+ cmp rax,'"' ; " (fool emacs)
+ je p_double_quote_endquote
+ lea rdi,[p_pad_DFA]
+ add rdi,qword [rsp]
+ stosb
+ inc qword [rsp]
+ jmp p_double_quote_loop
+ popr rsi
+ next
WORD p_tell,'TELL',fasm
;; ( chars* n -- )
;; Write n bytes from chars* to stdout