local sl = require "syslinux"
local vesa = require "vesa"
+local dmi = require "dmi"
+local pci = require "pci"
-vesa.load_background "sample2.jpg"
+--vesa.load_background "sample2.jpg"
for c in string.gmatch ("Hello World! - VESA mode", ".") do
io.write (c)
- sl.msleep(200)
+ sl.msleep(10)
--- vesa.load_background "PXE-RRZE_small.jpg"
+-- cmdline(ix) = concatenates the command line arguments from
+-- the index ix and up, with space separation
+function cmdline(ix)
+ local line = ""
+ while arg[ix] do
+ line = line .. " " .. arg[ix]
+ ix = ix + 1
+ end
+ return string.sub(line,2) -- drop the initial space
+-- dumptable(tbl) = print table entries
+function dumptable(name, tbl,vtype)
+ print("== begin "..name)
+ if tbl then
+ for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
+ if vtype == nill or type(v) == vtype then
+ print(k,v)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ print(nil)
+ end
+ print( "== end " .. name )
+ return nil
+-- dump_G(k) = print the value of _G[k]
+function dump_G(k)
+ dumptable(k,_G[k],nil)
+ return nil
+dumptable("package.loaded",_G["package"]["loaded"], nil)
+dumptable("pci.getidlist",pci.getidlist("/pci.ids"), nil)
+-- [[
+dmitable = dmi.gettable()
+-- [[
+-- dumptable("dmitable.system",dmitable.system,nil)
+-- dumptable("dmitable.bios",dmitable.bios,nil)
+print(arg[1].." "..cmdline(2))
+x = sl.get_key(600000)
-- Return to vesamenu