[ "$REPLY" = 1 ] && DEBSTRAP=false
+stupid_links() {
+ mkdir -p $1/usr
+ for d in bin sbin lib ; do mkdir $1/usr/$d ; ln -s usr/$d $1/$d ; done
if $DEBSTRAP ; then
## Optionally add the stupid-links
read -n 1 -p "prime $FS with stupid-links? [Yn]" x
rm -rf "$FS" # remove if existin
- if $USRMERGE ; then
- mkdir -p "$FS"/usr
- for d in bin sbin lib ; do
- mkdir "$FS"/usr/$d
- ln -s usr/$d "$FS"/$d
- done
- fi
+ $USRMERGE && stupid_links "$FS"
## bootstrap a filesystem, with exclusions
echo "http_proxy=$http_proxy debootstrap ..."
fi # End of $DEBSTRAP actions
-## (re)install /init
-echo "** Please select /init template"
-select INIT in none $(echo init*.template) ; do [ -n "$INIT" ] && break ; done
-if [ "$INIT" != none ] ; then
- cp $INIT "$FS"/init
- cp message.txt "$FS"/
- chmod a+x "$FS"/init
## Pick boot kernel, if there are many
LINUXES=( $(cd "$FS"/boot ; ls vmlinuz* 2>/dev/null) )
if [ ${#LINUXES[@]} -gt 1 ] ; then
TMP=$(mktemp -d XXXX)
trap "rm -r $TMP" 0 2 15
-( cd "$FS" && find -printf '%P\n' | cpio -o -H newc ) | \
+mkdir -p $TMP/prep/{proc,dev,tmp,sys,mnt,usr}
+stupid_links $TMP/prep
+# copy FS tree(s) in full into the TMP/prep tree
+copyFStree() {
+ local D
+ for D in $* ; do
+ tar cf - -C "$FS" $D \
+ | tar -xf - --skip-old-files --keep-directory-symlink -C $TMP/prep
+ done
+# Copy FS binary(s) with all its libraries into the TMP/prep tree
+copyFSbin() {
+ local B BIN
+ for B in $* ; do
+ BIN="$(chroot "$FS" which "$B")"
+ tar cf - --dereference -C "$FS" ${BIN#/} \
+ $(chroot "$FS" ldd "$BIN" | grep -oE '/[^ ]*'|sed 's|/||')\
+ | tar -xf - --keep-directory-symlink -C $TMP/prep
+ done
+if [ -r "$INITRD" ] ; then
+ #select X in my FS ; do [ -n "$X" ] && break ; done
+ X=FS
+ X=my
+case "$X" in
+ FS)
+ copyFStree lib/modules
+ zstdcat $INITRD | ( cd $TMP/prep && cpio -i )
+ ;;
+ my)
+ copyFStree lib/modules lib/udev
+ copyFSbin busybox sh cttyhack setsid mount mkdir
+ copyFSbin udevd udevadm modprobe modinfo kmod blkid
+ ;;
+## (re)install /init
+echo "** Please select /init template"
+select INIT in none $(echo init*.template) ; do [ -n "$INIT" ] && break ; done
+if [ "$INIT" != none ] ; then
+ mv $TMP/prep/init{,.FS}
+ cp $INIT $TMP/prep/init
+ chmod a+x $TMP/prep/init
+ cp message.txt $TMP/prep/message.txt
+( cd "$TMP/prep" && find -printf '%P\n' | cpio -o -H newc ) | \
gzip > $TMP/initrd.gz
cp $LINUX $TMP/vmlinuz
+rm -rf $TMP/prep
# Add syslinux boot equipment for bios boot under $TMP/syslinux
label linux
kernel /vmlinuz
append initrd=/initrd.gz init=/init console=ttyS0,115200
+label rescue
+ kernel /vmlinuz
+ append initrd=/initrd.gz init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 rescue
[ -e "$IMG" ] && read -p "** Will overwrite $IMG (or ^C here and now)" x
rm -f "$IMG"
+# First partition sectors (round up to a Mb number
+DUM1=$(( ( $(du -sB1 $TMP | sed 's/\s.*//') / 1048576 + 2 ) ))
+DUM2=$(( $(stat -c %s FS.sqfs) / 1048576 + 2 ))
# Estimate the required disk image size in Mib
-DUM=$(( $(du -sB1 $TMP | sed 's/\s.*//') / 1048576 + 3 ))
+DUM=$(( DUM1 + DUM2 + 1 ))
# Create the image, with the partition marked as EFI parition and
# bootable; acutal format is FAT{12,16,32}
dd if=/dev/zero of="$IMG" bs=${DUM}M count=0 seek=1 status=none
-cat <<EOF | sfdisk -q "$IMG"
+cat <<EOF | tee -a /proc/self/fd/2 | sfdisk -q "$IMG"
label: dos
-- - 0xef *
+2048 $(( DUM1 * 2048 )) 0xef *
+- - 0x83
+PART=( $(fdisk -l -ostart,sectors $IMG | tail -n 2) )
+echo "${PART[*]}"
# First sector is 2048 by default, which is byte address 1048576
-mkfs.fat --offset 2048 "$IMG" >/dev/null
+TMPIMG=$(mktemp XXXX)
+fusefile $TMPIMG $IMG/0+$(( ( ${PART[0]} + ${PART[1]} ) * 512 ))
+mkfs.fat --offset ${PART[0]} "$TMPIMG" >/dev/null
+umount $TMPIMG
mcopy -i "$IMG@@1048576" -s $TMP/* ::/
[ -z "$SUDO_USER" ] || chown $SUDO_USER: "$IMG"
+dd if=FS.sqfs of=$IMG seek=${PART[3]} conv=notrunc status=none
# Final syslinux bios boot image mastering