--- /dev/null
+= main-args.lsp(8)
+:doctype: manpage
+:revdate: {sys:date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"}
+== NAME
+main-args.lsp - a newlisp module for simple main-args processing
+(*constant* '*OPTIONS* ( _MATCH_* ) ) +
+(*load* "main-arg.lsp")
+This newlisp module implements simple command line processing to
+extract options with arguments. When loaded it processes a
+pre-assigned _OPTIONS_ vaiable to replace its list of possible options
+with the list of actual matches.
+Each _MATCH_ is a _match_ pattern consisting of "option string" to
+match and question mark symbols to mark any argument for that option.
+For example, a _MATCH_ like _("-a" ?)_ will match against a "-a"
+option and a subsequent option value.
+The _OPTIONS_ constant is reassigned with the actual command line
+options and values.
+=== main-args.lsp API
+This variable holds any remaining command line arguments when options
+have been matched.
+This variable should be set up before loading *main-args.lsp* to
+declare which the command line options are, and it becomes replaced
+with an association list of the actual command line options.
+.The following example is from _packnl_
+(constant 'OPTIONS
+ '(("-w" ?) ; write new file
+ ("-u" ? ?) ; unpack members to given directory
+ ("-t" ?) ; merely list packed members of
+ ))
+(load "main-args.lsp")
+Ralph.Ronnquist <ralph.ronnquist@gmail.com>