-;; Read a word from standard input. Returns pointer to string containing word as
-;; well as length.
-;; Results:
-;; * rdx = Length of string
-;; * rdi = Pointer to string buffer
-;; Clobbers pretty much everything.
- ;; Read characters into .char_buffer until one of them is not whitespace.
- mov rsi, .char_buffer
- sys_read_char
- ;; We consider newlines and spaces to be whitespace.
- cmp [.char_buffer], ' '
- je .skip_whitespace
- cmp [.char_buffer], $A
- je .skip_whitespace
- ;; We got a character that wasn't whitespace. Now read the actual word.
- mov [.length], 0
- mov al, [.char_buffer]
- movzx rbx, [.length]
- mov rsi, .buffer
- add rsi, rbx
- mov [rsi], al
- inc [.length]
- mov rsi, .char_buffer
- sys_read_char
- cmp [.char_buffer], ' '
- je .end
- cmp [.char_buffer], $A
- jne .read_alpha
- mov rdi, .buffer
- movzx rdx, [.length]
- ret
;; Read a word from a buffer. Returns the buffer without the word, as well as
;; the word that was read (including lengths).
find.search_length dq ?
find.search_buffer dq ?
-read_word.max_size = $FF
-read_word.buffer rb read_word.max_size
-read_word.length db ?
-read_word.char_buffer db ?
parse_number.length dq ?
parse_number.error_msg string "Invalid number: "
popr rsi
-;; Read a word and push it onto the stack as a pointer and a size. The pointer
-;; is valid until the next call to READ_WORD.
-forth_asm READ_WORD, 'READ-WORD'
+;; Read a single character from the current input stream. Usually, this will wait
+;; for the user to press a key, and then return the corresponding character. When
+;; reading from a special buffer, it will instead return the next characater from
+;; that buffer.
+;; The ASCII character code is placed on the stack.
+forth_asm KEY, 'KEY'
+ call .impl
+ push rax
+ next
+;; Result in RAX
;; Are we reading from user input or from the input buffer?
cmp [input_buffer], 0
jne .from_buffer
;; Reading user input
- mov [.rsi], rsi
- call read_word
- push rdi ; Buffer
- push rdx ; Length
+ push rsi
+ mov rsi, .buffer
+ sys_read_char
+ pop rsi
- mov rsi, [.rsi]
- next
+ movzx rax, byte [.buffer]
+ ret
;; Reading from buffer
- mov [.rsi], rsi
+ mov rax, [input_buffer]
+ movzx rax, byte [rax]
- mov rsi, [input_buffer]
- mov rcx, [input_buffer_length]
+ inc [input_buffer]
+ dec [input_buffer_length]
+ ret
- call pop_word
+;; Read a word and push it onto the stack as a pointer and a size. The pointer
+;; is valid until the next call to READ_WORD.
+forth_asm READ_WORD, 'READ-WORD'
+ push rsi
+ ;; Read characters until one of them is not whitespace.
+ call KEY.impl
+ ;; We consider newlines and spaces to be whitespace.
+ cmp al, ' '
+ je .skip_whitespace
+ cmp al, $A
+ je .skip_whitespace
+ ;; We got a character that wasn't whitespace. Now read the actual word.
+ mov [.length], 0
- mov [input_buffer], rsi ; Updated buffer
- mov [input_buffer_length], rcx ; Length of updated buffer
- push rdi ; Word buffer
- push rdx ; Length of word buffer
+ movzx rbx, [.length]
+ mov rsi, .buffer
+ add rsi, rbx
+ mov [rsi], al
+ inc [.length]
+ call KEY.impl
+ cmp al, ' '
+ je .end
+ cmp al, $A
+ jne .read_alpha
+ pop rsi
+ push .buffer
+ movzx rax, [.length]
+ push rax
- mov rsi, [.rsi]
;; Takes a string on the stack and replaces it with the decimal number that the
DOTU.length dq ?
DOTU.printed_length dq ?
+KEY.buffer dq ?
+READ_WORD.buffer rb $FF
+READ_WORD.length db ?
;; Reserve space for compiled words, accessed through HERE.
here dq here_top
here_top rq $4000