--- /dev/null
+# This script is intended to be interpreted by busybox sh.
+echo "Starting..."
+mkdir /cdrom
+mkdir /target
+for M in proc:/proc devtmpfs:/dev devpts:/dev/pts sysfs:/sys ; do
+ mkdir -p ${M##*:}
+ mount -t ${M%%:*} ${M%%:*} ${M##*:}
+for M in ata_piix sd_mod sr_mod isofs vfat xhci-pci usb_storage ; do
+ modprobe $M
+ sleep 1
+#--- Automatic:
+# cdrom t10_pi crc64_rocksoft crc64 crc_t10dif crct10dif_common libata
+# scsi_mod scsi_common
+#--- Other, not used:
+# ata_generic nls_cp437 nls_ascii sg
+# ext4 jbd2 mbcache crc16
+#-- input
+# psmouse evdev
+#-- network
+# e1000
+echo "Continuing..."
+# Determine root fs from FSUUID provided by syslinux SYSAPPEND
+for I in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
+ sleep $I
+ mount UUID=${FSUUID} /boot && break
+ if [ $I -eq 5 ] ; then
+ echo "Starting emergency shell ..."
+ exec /bin/sh
+ fi
+DEV2="$(grep /boot /proc/mounts | sed 's/ .*//')"
+umount /boot
+mount $DEV /cdrom
+mount -t ramfs -o size=1G initrd /target
+gunzip < $(find /cdrom -name initrd.gz ) | ( cd /target && cpio -i )
+#exec /bin/sh
+exec switch_root -c /dev/console /target /init