segment readable executable
+macro printlen msg, len {
+ push rsi
+ add rsp, 8
+ mov rsi, msg
+ mov rdx, len
+ mov rax, 1
+ mov rdi, 1
+ syscall
+ sub rsp, 8
+ pop rsi
+macro newline {
+ push $A
+ printlen rsp, 1
+macro print msg {
+ printlen msg, msg#.len
+macro exit code {
+ mov rax, $3C
+ mov rdi, code
+ syscall
+struc string bytes {
+ . db bytes
+ .len = $ - .
;; Find the given word in the dictionary of words. If no such word exists,
;; return 0.
;; Now, rax = 10^(rcx - 1).
;; We need to calulate the value of the character at rdi[length - rcx].
- mov rbx, rdi
+ mov rbx, rdi
add rbx, [.length]
sub rbx, rcx
movzx rbx, byte [rbx]
sub rbx, '0'
+ cmp rbx, 10
+ jae .error
;; Multiply this value by rax to get (10^(rcx-1) * parse_char(rdi[length - rcx])),
;; then add this to the result.
mul rbx
mov rax, r8
+ push rdi
+ print parse_number.error_msg
+ pop rdi
+ printlen rdi, [.length]
+ newline
+ exit 100
segment readable writable
read_word.char_buffer db ?
parse_number.length dq ?
+parse_number.error_msg string "Invalid number: "