Source: fusefile
Section: admin
Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Ralph Ronnquist <>
+Maintainer: Ralph Ronnquist <>
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), libfuse-dev
Standards-Version: 4.6.0
Package: fusefile
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fuse
-Description: This package provides "fusefile"; a FUSE file mount that
- combines a series of fragments of (other) files as a single file in a
- contiguous concatenation. The fusefile mount driver accepts
- over-writing the fused file and distributes that according to the
- writable fragments, but the fused file cannot change size.
- Alternatively an optional overlay file is set up for capturing writes
- to the fused file. The overlay file will then contain the written
- fused file regions, followed by meta data to distinguish between
- those written regions and the original content from the fused
- fragments.
+Description: Using FUSE to combine file fragments into a single file.
+ fusefile is a FUSE "file mount" that presents a series of fragments
+ of other files as a contiguous concatenation. Technically it bind
+ mounts a driver on top of the filename mountpoint to provide access
+ to the given file fragments as if in a single, contiguous file. The
+ fusefile mount driver offers read/write access to the fused file,
+ distributing written data accross the given fragments or to an
+ overlay file.