add rsi,8
- WORD p_literal_string,'S"',fasm,IMMEDIATE ;; " (fool emacs)
+ WORD p_literal_string,'LIT-STRING',fasm
;; ( -- char* n )
- ;; Save string on heap to make available at interpretation
- ;; not for interactive use!!
- cmp qword [p_state_DFA],0
- je p_literal_string_executing
+ ;; Save NUL string length and pointer on heap to make
+ ;; available at interpretation. Not for interactive use!!
+ mov rax,qword [rsi]
+ add rsi,8
+ push rsi
+ add rsi,rax
+ dec rax
+ push rax
+ next
+ WORD p_literal_string_compile,'S"',fasm,IMMEDIATE ;; " (fool emacs)
+ ;; ( "..." -- )
+ ;; Lay out a LIT-STRING and a NUL string with length
pushr rsi
mov rdi,qword [p_here_DFA]
mov qword [rdi],p_literal_string
DOFORTH p_double_quote
pop rcx
pop rsi
+ inc rcx ; include the terminating NUL in count
mov rdi,qword [p_here_DFA]
mov qword [rdi],rcx
add rdi,8
+ cld
dec rcx
jl p_literal_string_copied
popr rsi
- mov rax,qword [rsi]
- add rsi,8
- push rsi
- push rax
- add rsi,rax
- next
WORD p_state,'STATE',dovariable
;; Interpretation state (0=interpreting, 1=compiling)
dq 0