;; The heap
dq heap_start
- ;; CREATE ( "[ \t\0]*([^ \t\0]+)" -- tfa )
- ;; Skip leading whitespace and scan following non-whitespace
- ;; as being a "word" to add into the current vocabulary. Add
- ;; that word header, which consisits of:
WORD p_create,'CREATE',fasm
+ ;; CREATE ( chars* n -- tfa )
+ ;; Add the pstring as a new word in the current wordlist.
pushr rsi
- push p_stdin_DFA ; ( -- stream )
- DOFORTH p_read_word ; ( -- chars* n ) read next word
mov rax,qword [p_wordlist_DFA] ; Current word list
mov rax,[rax] ; last word of current wordlist
mov rbx,qword [p_here_DFA]
mov qword [p_here_DFA],rax
- ;; DOES> ( -- )
- ;; Change DOES offset of latest compilation word to current
- ;; compilation address.
- WORD p_does,'DOES>',fasm
+ WORD p_comma,',',fasm
+ ;; ( v -- )
+ ;; Put cell value onto the heap and advance "HERE"
+ mov rax,qword [p_here_DFA]
+ pop rbx
+ mov qword [rax],rbx
+ add rax,8
+ mov qword [p_here_DFA],rax
+ next
+ WORD p_Ccomma,'C,',fasm
+ ;; ( c -- )
+ ;; Put byte value onto the heap and advance "HERE"
+ mov rax,qword [p_here_DFA]
+ pop rbx
+ mov byte [rax],bl
+ inc rax
+ mov qword [p_here_DFA],rax
+ next
+ WORD p_does,'DOES>',fasm,IMMEDIATE
+ ;; ( -- )
+ ;; Change the "DOES offset" of latest compilation and assign
+ ;; it the "dodoes" execution semantics,
mov rax,qword [p_wordlist_DFA]
mov rax,[rax] ; last word of current wordlist
- add rax,8
- ;add rax,byte [rax]
- add rax,1
- mov rbx,[p_here_DFA]
+ tfa2does rax ; *rax is the DOES offset field
+ ;; offset = qword [p_here_DFA]) - (rax+2*8)
+ mov rbx,qword [p_here_DFA]
+ sub rbx,rax
+ sub rbx,16
mov qword [rax],rbx
mov qword [rax+8],dodoes
+ WORD p_literal,'LIT',fasm
+ ;; ( -- v )
+ ;; Push the value of successor cell onto stack, and skip it
+ push qword [rsi]
+ add rsi,8
+ next
+ WORD p_literal_string,'S"',fasm
+ ;; " (fool emacs)
+ ;; ( -- chars* n )
+ ;; Push the value of successor cell onto stack, and skip it
+ mov rax,qword [rsi]
+ add rsi,8
+ push rsi
+ push rax
+ add rsi,rax
+ next
+;;; ========================================
+;;; The text interpreter
+ WORD p_state,'STATE',dovariable
+ ;; Interpretation state (0=interpreting, 1=compiling)
+ dq 0
+ WORD p_left_bracket,'[',fasm,IMMEDIATE
+ ;; ( -- )
+ ;; Change state to interpretation state.
+ mov qword[p_state_DFA],0
+ next
+ WORD p_right_bracket,']',fasm
+ ;; ( -- )
+ ;; Change state to compilation state.
+ mov qword[p_state_DFA],1
+ next
+ WORD p_number,'NUMBER'
+ ;; ( chars* n -- [ 0 ]/[ v 1 ] )
+ WORD p_this_word,'THIS-WORD',dovariable
+ dq 0,0 ; ( n chars* )
+ WORD p_evaluate_stream,'EVALUATE-STREAM'
+ ;; ( stream -- *?* flag )
+ ;; Execute the words from the given stream
+ ;; returns 1 if stream ends and 0 if an unknown word is found
+ dq p_read_word ; ( -- chars* n )
+ dq p_zero_branch
+ dq p_evaluate_stream_END - $ - 8
- WORD p_literal,'LIT',IMMEDIATE
- dq p_create
- dq p_does
- dq p_get
+ dq p_2dup
+ dq p_this_word
+ dq p_2put
+ dq p_find
+ dq p_dup
+ dq p_zero_branch
+ dq p_evaluate_stream_NOTWORD - $ - 8
+ dq p_execute
+ dq p_branch
+ dq p_evaluate_stream_LOOP - $ - 8
+ dq p_this_word
+ dq p_2get
+ dq p_number
+ dq p_not
+ dq p_zero_branch
+ dq p_evaluate_stream_LOOP - $ - 8
+ dq 0
dq p_exit
- WORD p_execute,'EXECUTE'
+ dq 1
+ dq p_exit
--- /dev/null
+;;; Logic words
+ WORD p_and, 'AND',fasm
+ ;; ( x1 x2 -- x3 )
+ ;; x3 is the bit-by-bit logical "and" of x1 with x2.
+ pop rax
+ and qword [rsp], rax
+ next
+ WORD p_or, 'OR',fasm
+ ;; ( x1 x2 -- x3 )
+ ;; x3 is the bit-by-bit inclusive-or of x1 with x2.
+ pop rax
+ or qword [rsp],rax
+ next
+ WORD p_xor, 'XOR',fasm
+ ;; ( x1 x2 -- x3 )
+ ;; x3 is the bit-by-bit exclusive-or of x1 with x2.
+ pop rax
+ xor qword [rsp],rax
+ next
+ WORD p_not, 'NOT',fasm
+ ;; ( x -- v )
+ ;; v = 0 if x is non-zero and -1 otherwise
+ not qword [rsp]
+ next
+ WORD p_false, 'FALSE',fasm
+ ;; ( -- 0 )
+ ;; Push a false flag, 0.
+ push qword 0
+ next
+ WORD p_true, 'TRUE',fasm
+ ;; ( -- true )
+ ;; Return a true flag, -1. (non-zero)
+ push qword -1
+ next
+ WORD p_within, 'WITHIN',fasm
+ ;; ( n1 n2 n3 -- flag )
+ ;; Push true if n2 <= n1 and n1 < n3 and false otherwise.
+ xor rcx,rcx
+ pop rax
+ pop rbx
+ cmp qword [rsp],rbx
+ jl p_within_not
+ cmp qword [rsp],rax
+ jge p_within_not
+ not rcx
+ next
+ WORD p_0less, '0<',fasm
+ ;; ( n -- flag )
+ ;; flag is true (non-zero) if and only if n is less than zero.
+ xor rax,rax
+ cmp qword [rsp],0
+ jge p_0less.lt
+ not rax
+ next
+ WORD p_0equal, '0=',fasm
+ ;; ( x -- flag )
+ ;; flag is true if x is equal to zero otherwise false.
+ xor rax,rax
+ cmp qword [rsp],0
+ jne p_0equal.ne
+ not rax
+ next
+ WORD p_lessthan, '<',fasm
+ ;; ( n1 n2 -- flag )
+ ;; flag is true if and only if n1 is less than n2.
+ xor rax,rax
+ pop rbx
+ cmp qword [rsp], rbx
+ jge p_lessthan.ge
+ not rax
+ mov qword [rsp], rax
+ next
+ WORD p_equal, '=',fasm
+ ;; ( x1 x2 -- flag )
+ ;; flag is true if and only if x1 is bit-for-bit the same as
+ ;; x2.
+ xor rax,rax
+ pop rbx
+ cmp qword [rsp], rbx
+ jne p_equal.ne
+ not rax
+ mov qword [rsp], rax
+ next
+ WORD p_greaterthan, '>',fasm
+ ;; ( n1 n2 -- flag )
+ ;; flag is true if and only if n1 is greater than n2.
+ xor rax,rax
+ pop rbx
+ cmp qword [rsp], rbx
+ jle p_greaterthan.le
+ not rax
+ mov qword [rsp], rax
+ next
;; exit to the calling definition via "jmp exit".
jmp qword rsi
+ WORD p_execute,'EXECUTE',fasm
+ ;; ( tfa -- )
+ ;; Execute the word
+ pop rax
+ tfa2cfa rax
+ jmp qword [rax] ; goto code of that FORTH word (64 bit jump)
WORD p_exit, 'EXIT',fasm
;; ( -- ) ( R: addr -- )
;; Returns execution to the calling definition as per the
mov eax,60
+ WORD p_branch,'BRANCH',fasm
+ ;; ( -- )
+ ;; Using subsequent inline cell as branch offset, branch
+ ;; accordingly
+ add rsi,qword [rsi]
+ add rsi,8
+ next
+ WORD p_zero_branch,'0BRANCH',fasm
+ ;; ( v -- )
+ ;; Using subsequent inline cell as branch offset, branch
+ ;; accordingly if the stacked value is zero, otherwise just
+ ;; skip over the branch offset
+ pop rax
+ cmp rax,0
+ jne p_zero_branch_SKIP
+ add rsi,qword [rsi]
+ add rsi,8
+ next
;;; Execution semantics for FORTH defition word
;;; At entry, rsi points into the calling definition, at the cell
;;; following the cell indicating this word, rax points to the CFA of
include 'memory.asm'
include 'stack.asm'
include 'math.asm'
+include 'logic.asm'
include 'stdio.asm'
include 'compile.asm'