-The named subhost must then be set up in the directory
-+/opt/sub/mysubhost+ with firstly a +config+ file and secondly a
-+live+ subdirectory that will be used as root filesystem mount point.
- 1. +config+ configuration that defines +DISKS+ and +BRIDGES+
- 2. +live+ empty directory for the root filesystem mount
-The +config+ file is a textfile, or in fact a +bash+ source file, that
-should set the variables +DISKS+ and +BRIDGES+ for the subhost.
++pretend-boot+ sets up the +/opt/sub/mysubhost/live+ directory that it
+uses as root filesystem mount point. It requires the variables DISKS
+and BRIDGES to be set, either as environment variables, or via a
+configuration file that it by default expects to find at
++/opt/sub/mysubhost/config+ That +config+ would be a textfile, or in
+fact a +bash+ source file, that should set the variables +DISKS+ and
++BRIDGES+ for running the subhost.