;; vim: syntax=fasm format pe64 dll efi entry main ;; [TODO] We need to provide the following: ;; - [X] Print a string of a given length ;; - [ ] Print a single character ;; - [ ] Terminate the program (? - What should this do?) ;; - [ ] Read a single character ;; - This should allow the user to type in a string, and then feed the ;; buffer to us one character at a time. ;; #region Structs ;; Based on https://wiki.osdev.org/Uefi.inc macro struct name { virtual at 0 name name end virtual } struc EFI_TABLE_HEADER { dq ? dd ? dd ? dd ? dd ? } struc EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE { .Hdr EFI_TABLE_HEADER .FirmwareVendor dq ? ; CHAR16* .FirmwareRevision dd ? ; UINT32 align 8 .ConsoleInHandle dq ? ; EFI_HANDLE .ConIn dq ? ; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL* .ConsoleOutHandle dq ? ; EFI_HANDLE .ConOut dq ? ; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL* ; ... } struct EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE struc EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL { .Reset dq ? ; EFI_TEXT_RESET .OutputString dq ? ; EFI_TEXT_STRING ; ... } struct EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL ;; #endregion section '.text' code executable readable main: ; At program startup, RDX contains an EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE*. mov [system_table], rdx mov rcx, hello_string mov rdx, hello_string.len call print_string mov rcx, hello_string mov rdx, hello_string.len call print_string mov rcx, hello_string mov rdx, hello_string.len call print_string ret ;; Print a string of the given length. ;; ;; Inputs: ;; - RCX = String buffer ;; - RDX = String length print_string: mov r8, rcx mov r9, rdx mov r10, r9 add r10, r10 ; We take an input string of bytes without any terminator. We need to turn ; this string into a string of words, terminated by a null character. mov rcx, 0 mov rsi, 0 .copy_byte: cmp rcx, r10 je .done mov al, byte [r8 + rsi] lea rdx, [.output_buffer + rcx] mov byte [rdx], al inc rcx inc rsi lea rdx, [.output_buffer + rcx] mov byte [rdx], 0 inc rcx jmp .copy_byte .done: lea rdx, [.output_buffer + r10] mov byte [rdx], 0 ; At this point we have our null-terminated word-string at .output_buffer. Now ; we just need to print it. mov rcx, [system_table] ; EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* rcx mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut] ; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL* rcx mov rdx, .output_buffer mov rbx, [rcx + EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.OutputString] ; EFI_TEXT_STRING rbx sub rsp, 32 call rbx add rsp, 32 ret section '.data' readable writable system_table dq ? ; EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* hello_string db 'Hello, world!', 0xD, 0xA, 'Here is some more text.', 0xD, 0xA .len = $ - hello_string print_string.output_buffer rq 0x400