#if 0 ; volume.S is Copyright 2003-2004 John Coffman. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms contained in the file 'COPYING' in the source directory. #endif #ifdef BSS_DATA #if 0 vtab: .blkw MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm*2 ; volume IDs indexed by ; REAL bios device code rtab: .blkw MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm*2 ; raid offsets indexed the same devmap: .blkw MAX_BIOS_DEVICES+2 ; device code map ; logical -> physical ; (lo-byte::hi-byte) #endif vtab = * .org *+MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm*4 ; volume IDs indexed by ; REAL bios device code rtab = * .org *+MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm*4 ; raid offsets indexed the same devmap = * .org *+MAX_BIOS_DEVICES*2+4 ; device code map ; logical -> physical ; (lo-byte::hi-byte) #else rmask: .word 0 ; physical raid mask ; build_vol_tab -- Build the table of volume IDs ; and fill in the device translate table ; ; Enter with: ; DS=ES=CS ; ; Exit with: ; Nothing ; ; Side effects: The volume ID table is built ; The from:to device translate table is filled in ; ; build_vol_tab: pusha xor cx,cx ; depend on this being preserved xor dx,dx xchg [devmap],dx ; clear our First Stage mapping call is_prev_mapper ; is there a previous mapper jz bvt0 ; have previous mapper active ; ****** 22.5.7 push di or dx,dx ; any translation? jz bvt003 bvt001: seg es mov ax,(di) ; get previous translation inc di inc di or ax,ax jz bvt003 cmp al,dh ; does it affect us? jne bvt001 mov [init_dx],ah ; update physical device bvt003: pop di ; ****** 22.5.7 seg es mov (di),cx ; sterilize it bvt0: push cs pop es ; restore ES ; ****** 22.5.8 mov di,#KEYTABLE+256+mt_serial_no mov cx,#MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm xor eax,eax repe scasd ; scan for any serial nos in table je bvt90 ; if none, skip reading vol_ids ; as there will be no translations ; ****** 22.5.8 xor cx,cx ; start at hard drive 0 (0x80) mov di,#vtab ; place to put IDs bvt1: call read_vol_id ; get VolumeID in EAX stosd ; store in table or eax,eax ; test for zero jz bvt9 ; end, or no volume ID ; now see if there will be a translation push di push cx ; ****** 22.5.9 mov cx,di ; 4*table count to CX mov di,#vtab sub cx,di ; 4*count shr cx,#2 ; table count dec cx jz bvt1.5 ; table empty repne ; repeat while no match scasd jne bvt1.5 mov bx,#msg_dupl ; duplicate message call say #if !DEBUG_NEW call pause #endif pop cx pop di mov dword (di-4),#0 ; zero the duplicated volumeID jmp bvt9 ; skip to next on duplication bvt1.5: ; ****** 22.5.9 mov si,#KEYTABLE+256+mt_serial_no mov cx,#MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm mov di,si bvt2: jcxz bvt7 repne ; repeat while not matching scasd jne bvt7 ; jump if no match #if 0 ; print the raw serial_no match pushad push eax call dout call crlf popad #endif lea dx,(di-4) ; DX is address of match sub dx,si ; DX is 4*index shr dx,#2 ; DX is input device # pop bx ; BX is real device # push bx cmp bx,dx ; ****** 22.5.9 ;;; je bvt2 ; equal means no translation je bvt7 ; equal means no translation ; ****** 22.5.9 mov dh,bl ; or dx,#0x8080 ; make into HD bios codes #if 0 ; print the raw TT entry pusha mov ax,dx call wout call crlf popa #endif push si mov bx,#devmap ; scan the device translation table bvt4: mov si,(bx) ; get from(low):to(high) pair inc bx inc bx ; bump pointer by 2 cmp si,dx ; duplicate? je bvt5 or si,si ; not duplicate; at end? jnz bvt4 mov (bx-2),dx ; put at end of table mov (bx),si ; and mark new end bvt5: pop si ; ****** 22.5.9 ;;; jmp bvt2 ; ****** 22.5.9 bvt7: pop cx pop di bvt9: inc cx cmp cx,#MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm jb bvt1 bvt90: ; now build the RAID offset table mov si,#KEYTABLE+256+mt_raid_offset mov dx,[KEYTABLE+256+mt_raid_dev_mask] xor bx,bx ; count thru devices bvt91: xor eax,eax ; may store 0 shr dx,#1 ; is it raid? jnc bvt92 ; not a raid device lodsd ; get raid offset push eax ; save value in stack mov eax,[KEYTABLE+256+mt_serial_no](bx) mov di,#vtab ; physical table address mov cx,#MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm repne scasd ; scan for a match jne bvt_not_found ; the logical volume is not there lea di,(di-4-vtab) ; DI is 4*index into table mov cx,di shr cx,#2 ; make 0..15 mov ax,#1 shl ax,cl ; mask bit in right position or [rmask],ax pop dword ptr rtab(di) ; store RAID offset jmp bvt92 bvt_not_found: pop eax ; clean up the stack bvt92: add bx,#4 ; cmp bx,#MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm*4 jb bvt91 #if DEBUG_NEW mov bx,#msg_voltab call say mov si,#vtab mov di,#rtab mov cx,#MAX_BIOS_DEVICES_asm ;;; mov dx,[KEYTABLE+256+mt_raid_dev_mask] ; was logical mask mov dx,[rmask] ; get physical mask value ; truncate all the empty entries from the end of the list ; bvtA: mov bx,cx dec bx shl bx,#2 cmp dword ptr (bx+si),#0 jne bvtA2 loop bvtA ; 22.6.1 bvtA2: inc cx bvtX: lodsd ; get volume serial number push eax call dout ; print it shr dx,#1 mov bx,#msg_star jc bvtX1 mov bx,#msg_nostar bvtX1: call say push dword (di) call dout add di,#4 call crlf loop bvtX ; loop back call crlf ; now the device translate table: mov bx,#msg_tt call say mov si,#devmap bvtB: lodsw ; get from,to pair push ax call bout mov bx,#msg_arr call say pop ax xchg al,ah push ax call bout call crlf pop ax or ax,ax jnz bvtB call pause #endif popa ; restore all the regs ret msg_dupl: .ascii "O\nError: Duplicated Volume ID\n" .byte 0 #if DEBUG_NEW msg_voltab: .ascii "The physical VolumeID / Raid1-reloc table\n" .byte 0 msg_star: .ascii " * " .byte 0 msg_nostar: .ascii " " .byte 0 msg_space = msg_nostar msg_tt: .ascii "The device translate table:\n" .byte 0 msg_arr: .ascii " -> " .byte 0 msg_plus: .ascii " + " .byte 0 msg_rw: .ascii "RAID physical write: " .byte 0 #endif #ifdef LCF_READAHEAD ; ****** 22.6.1 begin ; ; enable_readahead -- Enable readahead on an EDD drive ; ; Enter with: ; DL = hard disk BIOS code ; ES=DS=CS ; ; Return: ; Nothing -- enable read-ahead, if possible ; enable_readahead: pusha #if DEBUG_NEW push dx ; save device code xchg ax,dx call bout pop dx ; restore device code #endif mov bx,#0x55AA ;magic number mov ah,#0x41 ;function call int 0x13 jc enrd9 cmp bx,#0xAA55 ;magic return jne enrd9 test cl,#EDD_SUBSET|EDD_PACKET ; some EDD support? jz enrd9 #if 0 cmp ah,#0x21 ; EDD version 1.1 or later? jb enrd9 #endif mov ax,#0x4E00 ; enable prefetch int 0x13 #if DEBUG_NEW mov al,#'- ; ' jc enrd8_d test ah,ah ; check return code in AH jnz enrd8_d mov al,#'+ ; ' enrd8_d: call display #endif enrd9: #if DEBUG_NEW call crlf #endif popa ret ; ****** 22.6.1 end #endif ; read_vol_id -- Read the volume ID off of a drive ; ; Enter with: ; CX = drive number to read (hard disk 0..15) ; ES=DS=CS ; ; Return: ; Carry Clear on success ; EAX = volume ID (0 means no ID) ; ; Carry set on error ; EAX = 0 ; ; read_vol_id: push bx push dx push cx push di push cx push es ; paranoia (floppies touch it) mov ah,#8 ; get number of drives in DL mov dl,#0x80 call dsk_do_int13 ; retry 5 times pop es pop cx ; restore device code jc rvi_9 cmp cl,dl jae rvi_9 mov dl,cl mov cx,#1 mov bx,#Map or dl,#0x80 mov dh,ch ; ****** 22.6.1 #ifdef LCF_READAHEAD call enable_readahead #endif ; ****** 22.6.1 mov ax,#0x201 ; read call dsk_do_int13 jc rvi_9 seg es mov eax,(bx+PART_TABLE_OFFSET-6) ; fetch return jmp rvi_exit rvi_9: xor eax,eax stc rvi_exit: pop di pop cx pop dx pop bx ret ; map_device -- Take the logical device code in DL and map it ; into the physical device code preserving all flags ; 22.5.6 Any RAID relocated device code maps to the boot device code ; ; Enter with: ; DL containing logical device code & flags ; DS register not guaranteed ; ; Exit with: ; DL containing physical device code & same flags ; ; map_device: push si ; save working registers push ax push bx mov si,#devmap ; point at translation table mov bl,dl and bl,#DEV_MASK_asm ; from device code in BL #if 1 ; ****** 22.5.6 seg cs mov ah,[init_dx] ; get boot device code test dl,#RAID_REL_FLAG jnz bios_tt_match ; it is RAID, go use the boot device code ; ***** 22.5.6 #endif bios_tt_next: seg cs ; DS may be bad lodsw ; get from/to pair or ax,ax ; end of list? jz bios_tt_done cmp al,bl jne bios_tt_next ; got a match bios_tt_match: and dl,#0xFF-DEV_MASK_asm ; save flags or dl,ah ; put on the TO device code bios_tt_done: pop bx pop ax pop si ret #if 0 ; rev_map_device -- Take the physical device code in DL and map it ; into the logical device code preserving all flags ; ; Enter with: ; DL containing physical device code & flags ; ; Exit with: ; DL containing logical device code & same flags ; ; rev_map_device: push si ; save working registers push ax push bx mov si,#devmap ; point at translation table mov bl,dl and bl,#DEV_MASK_asm ; TO device code in BL bios_tt_next: lodsw ; get from/to pair or ax,ax ; end of list? jz bios_tt_done cmp ah,bl jne bios_tt_next ; got a match and dl,#0xFF-DEV_MASK_asm ; save flags or dl,al ; put on the FROM device code bios_tt_done: pop bx pop ax pop si ret #endif ; translate -- test for a raid device, and do the offsetting ; ; Enter with: ; DI:CX LBA32 or LINEAR address ; DL physical device code & flags (RAID_REL_FLAG is set) ; AL sector count ; ES:BX buffer pointer for R/W ; ; Exit with: ; DI:CX updated if RAID translation takes place ; All other registers are unchanged ; ; translate: push bp mov bp,sp cmp word [rmask],#0 ; any translate bits set? jnz trans_1 ; this special cases the initial Keytable read, when no setup has been done BEG_FS SEG_FS add cx,par1_raid_offset+SSDIFF ; ***** RAID ****** SEG_FS adc di,par1_raid_offset+2+SSDIFF ; ***** RAID ****** END_FS jmp trans_ret trans_1: push di push cx ; form dword (bp-4) mov di,dx ; DI gets full device code and di,#DEV_MASK_asm & 0x7F #if DEBUG_NEW pusha cmp byte ptr [dsk_wrflag],#0 jz trans_01 mov bx,#msg_rw call say mov ax,di or ax,#0x80 call bout mov bx,#msg_space call say push (bp-4+2) push (bp-4) call dout trans_01: popa #endif shl di,#2 ; index into array mov cx,[rtab](di) ; get low relocation value mov di,[rtab+2](di) ; get high relocation value #if DEBUG_NEW pusha cmp byte ptr [dsk_wrflag],#0 jz trans_02 mov bx,#msg_plus call say push di push cx call dout mov bx,#msg_arr call say trans_02: popa #endif add (bp-4),cx ; relocate adc (bp-4+2),di ; ** pop cx pop di #if DEBUG_NEW pusha cmp byte ptr [dsk_wrflag],#0 jz trans_03 push di push cx call dout call crlf trans_03: popa #endif trans_ret: pop bp ret #endif /* BSS_DATA */ /* end volume.S */