; shs3.S /* Copyright 2000-2004 John Coffman. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms contained in the file 'COPYING' in the source directory. */ ; ;;; group dgroup _data ;;; segment _data public align=16 class=data ; global _shsInfo #ifdef BSS_DATA #if 0 .align 4 _shsInfo: shs_digest: .blkb 5*4 shs_count: .blkb 2*4 Wshs: .blkb 16*4 #else _shsInfo = * shs_digest = * .org *+5*4 shs_count = * .org *+2*4 Wshs = * .org *+16*4 #endif #else ;;; segment _text public align=16 class=code #define Ashs eax #define Bshs esi #define Cshs ecx #define Dshs edx #define Eshs edi #define temp_shs ebp shsTransform: push bp push di push si mov di,#shs_digest ;## mov Ashs,dword (di) mov Bshs,dword (di+4) mov Cshs,dword (di+8) mov Dshs,dword (di+12) mov Eshs,dword (di+16) sub bx,bx ; count = 0 ; align 4 ;align shs_F356: mov temp_shs,Bshs and temp_shs,Cshs push Bshs not Bshs and Bshs,Dshs or temp_shs,Bshs pop Bshs add temp_shs,#0x5a827999 ;## call shsTransCommon cmp bx,#20*4 ;## jb shs_F356 ; align 4 ;align shs_F359: mov temp_shs,Dshs xor temp_shs,Cshs xor temp_shs,Bshs add temp_shs,#0x6ed9eba1 call shsTransCommon cmp bx,#40*4 jb shs_F359 ; align 4 ;align shs_F362: mov temp_shs,Cshs and temp_shs,Bshs push Cshs or Cshs,Bshs and Cshs,Dshs or temp_shs,Cshs pop Cshs sub temp_shs,#0x70e44324 call shsTransCommon cmp bx,#60*4 jb shs_F362 ; align 4 ;align shs_F365: mov temp_shs,Dshs xor temp_shs,Cshs xor temp_shs,Bshs sub temp_shs,#0x359d3e2a call shsTransCommon cmp bx,#80*4 jb shs_F365 mov bx,#shs_digest ;## add dword (bx),Ashs add dword (bx+4),Bshs add dword (bx+8),Cshs add dword (bx+12),Dshs add dword (bx+16),Eshs pop si pop di pop bp ret ; align 4 shsTransCommon: add temp_shs,Eshs mov Eshs,Dshs mov Dshs,Cshs ror Bshs,2 mov Cshs,Bshs mov Bshs,Ashs rol Ashs,5 add temp_shs,Ashs cmp bx,#16*4 jae shsJ1 mov Ashs,dword Wshs(bx) jmp shsJ2 shsJ1: push bx add bx,#13*4 and bx,#15*4 mov Ashs,dword Wshs(bx) sub bx,#5*4 and bx,#15*4 xor Ashs,dword Wshs(bx) sub bx,#6*4 and bx,#15*4 xor Ashs,dword Wshs(bx) sub bx,#2*4 and bx,#15*4 xor Ashs,dword Wshs(bx) rol Ashs,1 mov dword Wshs(bx),Ashs pop bx shsJ2: add Ashs,temp_shs add bx,#4 ret ; align 4 byteReverse: push di mov cx,#16 ;## mov di,#Wshs ;## ; align 4 ;align shs_F376: mov eax,dword (di) ;;; bswap eax xchg ah,al rol eax,16 xchg ah,al stosd loop shs_F376 pop di ret ; align 4 ; global _shsInit, _shsUpdate, _shsFinal _shsInit: push bp mov bp,sp ; push ds push di mov di,#shs_digest ;## mov dword (di),#0x67452301 ;## mov dword (di+4),#0xefcdab89 mov dword (di+8),#0x98badcfe mov dword (di+12),#0x10325476 mov dword (di+16),#0xc3d2e1f0 ;## sub eax,eax mov dword (di+20),eax mov dword (di+24),eax pop di ; pop ds leave ret ; align 4 _shsUpdate: push bp mov bp,sp ; buffer [bp+4] ; count [bp+6] push si push di ; push ds push ds pop es ; remain = shsInfo.countLo & (SHS_BLOCKSIZE-1); mov di,[shs_count] and di,#63 ;## movzx eax,word (bp+6) ;count add [shs_count],eax adc dword [shs_count+4],#0 ;## mov si,(bp+4) ;buffer shs_J4: mov cx,#64 ;## sub cx,di ;CX = SHS_BLOCKSIZE-remain cmp ax,cx ; count >= SHS_BLOCKSIZE-remain jb shs_J6 add di,#Wshs ;## sub ax,cx ; count -= SHS_BLOCKSIZE-remain push ax rep #ifdef SHS_PASSWORDS seg ss #endif movsb ;memcpy call byteReverse call shsTransform pop ax sub di,di ;remain jmp shs_J4 shs_J6: add di,#Wshs ;## mov cx,ax rep #ifdef SHS_PASSWORDS seg ss #endif movsb ; pop ds pop di pop si leave ret ; align 4 _shsFinal: push bp mov bp,sp push si push di ; push ds push ds pop es mov di,[shs_count] and di,#63 ;## mov byte Wshs(di),#0x80 ;## inc di sub ax,ax cmp di,#56 ;## jbe shs_J10 ; count > 56 mov cx,#64 sub cx,di ;SHS_BLOCKSIZE - count add di,#Wshs ;## rep stosb call byteReverse call shsTransform mov cx,#56 ;## mov di,#Wshs ;## sub ax,ax jmp shs_J11 shs_J10: mov cx,#56 ;## sub cx,di add di,#Wshs ;## shs_J11: rep stosb call byteReverse mov eax,[shs_count] mov ebx,[shs_count+4] shld ebx,eax,3 shl eax,3 mov [Wshs+14*4],ebx mov [Wshs+15*4],eax call shsTransform ; pop ds pop di pop si leave ret #undef Ashs #undef Bshs #undef Cshs #undef Dshs #undef Eshs #undef temp_shs #endif /* BSS_DATA */ ; end shs3.S