#if 0 ; menu.S is Copyright 2000-2004 John Coffman. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms contained in the file 'COPYING' in the source directory. #endif #define PAGE0 ; ; mn_init: ; enter with nothing ; ; return with: ; AH = #columns ; AL = video mode ; BH = active page ; CH = rows-1 ; CL = cols-1 ; ; side effects: ; If video mode 7 (MDA) is detected, the default attributes ; are modified to those suitable for monochrome ; mn_init: mov ah,#0x0f int 0x10 ; AH=cols, AL=mode, BH=page mov ch,#0x18 cmp al,#7 je mn_imono ; MDA does not use 40:84 push ds push #0x40 pop ds mov ch,[0x84] ; get rows-1 pop ds mn_imono: mov cl,ah dec cl ; CL=cols-1 #ifndef PAGE0 mov [mn_page],bh ; save page #endif mov [mn_max_row_col],cx ; save max screen coord. cmp al,#7 ; test for monochrome jne mn_init9 push dword [mn_at_mono] ; move 4 bytes pop dword [mn_attrib] mn_init9: ret ; mn_getcursor: ; exit with: ; DX = current cursor position ; mn_getcursor: push ax push bx push cx mov ah,#3 #ifndef PAGE0 mov bh,[mn_page] #else xor bh,bh #endif int 0x10 pop cx pop bx pop ax ret ; mn_setcursor: ; ; enter with: ; DX = row/col for cursor ; mn_setcursor: push ax push bx mov ah,#2 #ifndef PAGE0 mov bh,[mn_page] #else xor bh,bh #endif int 0x10 pop bx pop ax ret ; mn_cursoroff: ; mn_cursoroff: push dx mov dx,[mn_max_row_col] inc dh xor dl,dl call mn_setcursor pop dx ret ; mn_rdcha: read character and attribute ; enter with: ; DX = row/col ; ; exit with: ; AH = attribute ; AL = character ; mn_rdcha: push bx mov ah,#2 ;set cursor position #ifndef PAGE0 mov bh,[mn_page] #else xor bh,bh #endif int 0x10 mov ah,#8 ; read char and attr int 0x10 pop bx ret ; mn_wrcha: write character and attribute ; enter with: ; AH = attribute ; AL = character ; DX = row/col ; mn_wrcha: push cx push bx push ax mov ah,#2 #ifndef PAGE0 mov bh,[mn_page] #else xor bh,bh #endif int 0x10 ; set cursor position pop ax push ax mov bl,ah mov cx,#1 mov ah,#9 int 0x10 pop ax pop bx pop cx ret ; mn_wrstra: write string with attribute ; enter with: ; AL = attribute ; DS:BX points at string ; DX = row/col of start ; mn_wrstra: push ax push bx push dx mov ah,al mn_wrs1: mov al,(bx) inc bx or al,al jz mn_wrs9 call mn_wrcha inc dl jmp mn_wrs1 mn_wrs9: pop dx pop bx pop ax ret ; mn_drawbox: ; enter with: ; AL = 0 no border ; 1 single border ; 2 double border ; 3 single top/bot, double sides ; 4 double top/bot, single sides ; (if hi-bit of AL is set, expand box by 1 in horizontal) ; BH = attribute for area ; CX = row/col of upper left ; DX = delta row/delta col ; mn_drawbox: push dx push cx push ax or al,al jns mn_dr01 dec cl inc dl inc dl mn_dr01: mov ax,#0x0600 add dx,cx int 0x10 pop ax pop cx pop dx test al,#0x7F jz mn_dr9 push ax push si and ax,#0x7F mov si,ax shl si,#3 lea si,[mn_box-8](si) mov ah,[mn_at_border] xchg dx,cx push cx lodsb mn_dr1: call mn_wrcha inc dl dec cl mov al,(si) jnz mn_dr1 inc si lodsb mn_dr2: call mn_wrcha inc dh dec ch mov al,(si) jnz mn_dr2 pop cx push cx inc si lodsb mn_dr3: call mn_wrcha dec dl dec cl mov al,(si) jnz mn_dr3 inc si lodsb mn_dr4: call mn_wrcha dec dh dec ch mov al,(si) jnz mn_dr4 pop cx xchg cx,dx pop si pop ax mn_dr9: ret ; mn_vline: vertical line ; ; enter with: ; AL = 1 (single line), 2 (double line) ; CX = row/col to start ; DH = delta Y ; mn_vline: pusha cbw mov si,ax mov bl,[mn_ver-1](si) shl si,#3 lea si,[mn_vint-8](si) mov di,#0x100 xchg cx,dx mov cl,ch jmp mn_line00 ; join common code ; mn_hline: horizontal line ; ; enter with: ; AL = 1 (single line), 2 (double line) ; CX = row/col to start ; DL = delta X ; mn_hline: pusha cbw mov si,ax mov bl,[mn_hor-1](si) ; BL is char to write shl si,#3 lea si,[mn_hint-8](si) ; SI is intersect table mov di,#1 xchg cx,dx ; do the beginning of the line mn_line00: call mn_rdcha mov ah,bl ; AH is char to write cmp al,(si) ; know intersect? jne mn_line01 mov ah,[1](si) mn_line01: cmp al,[4](si) jne mn_line02 mov ah,[5](si) mn_line02: mov al,ah mov ah,[mn_at_border] call mn_wrcha add dx,di dec cl jz mn_line20 mn_line10: ;do the central part of the line call mn_rdcha mov ah,bl cmp al,(si) jne mn_line11 mov ah,[2](si) mn_line11: cmp al,[4](si) jne mn_line12 mov ah,[6](si) mn_line12: mov al,ah mov ah,[mn_at_border] call mn_wrcha add dx,di dec cl jnz mn_line10 mn_line20: ;do the end of the line call mn_rdcha mov ah,bl cmp al,(si) jne mn_line21 mov ah,[3](si) mn_line21: cmp al,[4](si) jne mn_line22 mov ah,[7](si) mn_line22: mov al,ah mov ah,[mn_at_border] call mn_wrcha popa ret mn_box: db SE,EW,SW,NS,NW,EW,NE,NS db SSEE,EEWW,SSWW,NNSS,NNWW,EEWW,NNEE,NNSS db SSE,EW,SSW,NNSS,NNW,EW,NNE,NNSS db SEE,EEWW,SWW,NS,NWW,EEWW,NEE,NS mn_hor: db EW,EEWW mn_hint: db NS,NSE,NSEW,NSW db NNSS,NNSSE,NNSSEW,NNSSW db NS,NSEE,NSEEWW,NSWW db NNSS,NNSSEE,NNSSEEWW,NNSSWW mn_ver: db NS,NNSS mn_vint: db EW,SEW,NSEW,NEW db EEWW,SEEWW,NSEEWW,NEEWW db EW,SSEW,NNSSEW,NNEW db EEWW,SSEEWW,NNSSEEWW,NNEEWW mn_attrib: mn_at_text: db 0x47 mn_at_hilite: db 0x71 mn_at_border: db 0x47 mn_at_title: db 0x4E mn_at_mono: db 0x07,0x70,0x07,0x0F #ifndef PAGE0 mn_page: db 0 #endif mn_max_row_col: dw 0 ; end of menu.S