;; This file provides a small collection of fundamental subroutines that ;; are used by the core forth words. section '.text' code readable executable macro printlen msg, len { push rsi add rsp, 8 mov rcx, msg mov rdx, len call os_print_string sub rsp, 8 pop rsi } macro newline { push $A printlen rsp, 1 } macro print msg { printlen msg, msg#.len } struc string bytes { . db bytes .len = $ - . } ;; Find the given word in the dictionary of words. If no such word exists, ;; return 0. ;; ;; Parameters: ;; * [find.search_length] = Length of the word in bytes. ;; * [find.search_buffer] = Pointer to the string containing the word. ;; * rsi = Pointer to the last entry in the dictionary. ;; ;; Results: ;; * rsi = Pointer to the found entry in the dictionary or 0. ;; ;; Clobbers rcx, rdx, rdi, rax. find: ;; RSI contains the entry we are currently looking at .loop: movzx rcx, byte [rsi + 8 + 1] ; Length of word being looked at cmp rcx, [.search_length] jne .next ; If the words don't have the same length, we have the ; wrong word ;; Otherwise, we need to compare strings lea rdx, [rsi + 8 + 1 + 1] ; Location of character being compared in entry mov rdi, [.search_buffer] ; Location of character being compared in ; search buffer .compare_char: mov al, [rdx] mov ah, [rdi] cmp al, ah jne .next ; They don't match; try again inc rdx ; These characters match; look at the ; next ones inc rdi loop .compare_char jmp .found ; They match! We are done. .next: mov rsi, [rsi] ; Look at the previous entry cmp rsi, 0 jnz .loop ; If there is no previous word, exit and return 0 .found: ret ;; Read a word from a buffer. Returns the buffer without the word, as ;; well as the word that was read (including lengths). Treats space, ;; tab and newline as whitespace. ;; ;; Inputs: ;; * rsi = Input buffer ;; * rcx = Length of buffer ;; ;; Outputs: ;; * rsi = Updated buffer ;; * rcx = Length of remaining buffer ;; * rdi = Word start in buffer ;; * rdx = Length of word buffer pop_word: mov rdx, 0 jmp .skip_whitespace .got_whitespace: ;; The buffer starts with whitespace: consume that and try again. ;; Note: indefinite inc rsi dec rcx je .no_more .skip_whitespace: mov al, [rsi] cmp al, ' ' je .got_whitespace cmp al, 9 je .got_whitespace cmp al, $A je .got_whitespace ;; We got a character that wasn't whitespace. Now read the actual word. mov rdi, rsi ; This is where the word starts .read_alpha: inc rdx ; Length of word ;; Extract character from original buffer: inc rsi dec rcx je .no_more ;; When we hit whitespace, we are done with this word mov al, [rsi] cmp al, ' ' je .end cmp al, 9 je .end cmp al, $A je .end ;; It wasn't whitespace; include it in word jmp .read_alpha .end: ;; Finally, we want to skip one whitespace character after the word. inc rsi dec rcx .no_more: ;; Buffer ended ret ;; Parses a string of decimal digits ;; ;; Parameters: ;; * rcx = Length of string ;; * rdi = Pointer to string buffer ;; ;; Results: ;; * rax = Value ;; ;; Clobbers parse_number: mov r8, 0 ; Result ;; Add (10^(rcx-1) * parse_char(rdi[length - rcx])) to the ;; accumulated value for each rcx. mov [.length], rcx .loop: ;; First, calcuate 10^(rcx - 1) mov rax, 1 mov r9, rcx .exp_loop: dec r9 jz .break mov rbx, 10 mul rbx jmp .exp_loop .break: ;; Now, rax = 10^(rcx - 1). ;; We need to calulate the value of the character at rdi[length - rcx]. mov rbx, rdi add rbx, [.length] sub rbx, rcx movzx rbx, byte [rbx] sub rbx, '0' cmp rbx, 10 jae .error ;; Multiply this value by rax to get ;; (10^(rcx-1) * parse_char(rdi[length - rcx])) ;; then add this to the result. mul rbx ;; Add that value to r8 add r8, rax dec rcx jnz .loop mov rax, r8 ret .error: push rdi print parse_number.error_msg pop rdi printlen rdi, [.length] newline mov rax, 100 call os_terminate section '.data' readable writable find.search_length dq ? find.search_buffer dq ? parse_number.length dq ? parse_number.error_msg string "Invalid number: "