/* display4.S is Copyright 2001-2005 John Coffman. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms contained in the file 'COPYING' in the source directory. */ ; ; Static Name Aliases ; ;; segment _TEXT PARA class=CODE .text /* the following is set to 1 to test the fallback to TEXT mode */ #define FAIL 0 .even ; 8 _bmp: dd 0 _tp: dd 0 _state: dw -1 _Mode: dw 0 _ypitch: dw 0 _shift: dw 0 _mask: dd 0 _himask: dd 0 _VesaWindow: dw -1 _seg: dw 0 ; ; get a single byte in AX (zero extended) ; and increment the HUGE pointer _tp ; ; c = *tp++; ; ; .even ; 8 getbyte: lodsb push ax cmp si,#1 sbb ax,ax and ax,#0x1000 add bp,ax mov ds,bp pop ax sub ah,ah ret .even ; 4 d4_getrow4: pusha push ds ; rpt = -8 ; bh ; repeat = -10 ; bl ; skip = -12 ; dh ; lp = -4 ; es:di ; c = -6 ; npix = DX ; cx ; compr = AX ; tp was _tp ; ds:si -- HUGE ptr [bp:si] mov di,#_line ;lp push cs pop es seg cs lds si,[_tp] ; mov cx,dx ;npix cmp ax,#1 ;compr mov bp,ds ; ja d4_I600 je d4_I601 d4_FC581: call getbyte push ax sar ax,#4 stosb ;*lp++ pop ax dec cx ;npix and al,#15 ;000fH stosb ;*lp++ loop d4_FC581 jmp d4_I601 ; ; compr == 2 ; d4_FC590: cmp cx,#0 ;npix jle d4_FB591 call getbyte mov bh,al ;rpt mov bl,al ;repeat or ax,ax je d4_L676 sub cx,ax ;npix call getbyte jmp d4_L675 d4_FC594: push ax sar ax,#4 stosb ;*lp++ pop ax dec bh ; 2001/06/23 jz d4_L676 ; 2001/06/23 push ax and al,#15 ;000fH stosb ;*lp++ pop ax dec bh ;rpt 2001/06/23 d4_L675: or bh,bh ;rpt jne d4_FC594 d4_L676: or bl,bl ;repeat jne d4_FC590 d4_FB591: jcxz d4_I600 ;npix call getbyte mov bh,al ;rpt sub cx,ax ;npix mov dh,al inc dh ; 2001/06/23 and dh,#2 ;skip jmp d4_L677 d4_FC598: call getbyte push ax sar ax,#4 stosb ;*lp++ pop ax dec bh ;rpt 2001/06/23 jz d4_L678 ; 2001/06/23 and al,#15 ;000fH stosb ;*lp++ dec bh ;rpt 2001/06/23 d4_L677: cmp bh,#0 ;rpt jne d4_FC598 d4_L678: or dh,dh ;skip je d4_I600 call getbyte d4_I600: mov bl,#1 ;repeat cmp cx,#0 ;npix jg d4_L676 call getbyte call getbyte ;;; jmp d4_I601 d4_I601: seg cs mov [_tp],si ; seg cs mov [_tp+2],ds ; pop ds popa ret .even ; 4 d4_char10: enter #6,#0 pusha push ds ; buf = 0xA000:DI ; cgen = ES:SI ; bits = ax on top of stack ; points (bp-2) ; shadow (bp-4) ; mask (bp-6) ; sch (bp+4) (arg); DS:BX ; y = BX (arg) ; x = DX (arg) ; c = AX (arg) push WORD #0 pop ds mov cx,WORD [0x485] ;points xor ah,ah ;AL is char to put out mov WORD (bp-2),cx ;points imul ax,cx ;leave DX alone; 386 form of instruction mov si,#268 ;010cH ; int 0x43 -> character bitmaps add ax,WORD (si) mov es,WORD (si+2) ;cgen xchg si,ax ;cgen ; call pixadr ----------------------------------- mov cx,dx ;x and cx,#7 ;mask for shift sar dx,#3 ;x mov ax,#0x00FF ;mask imul di,bx,#640/8 ; DI = y * _ypitch ror ax,cl ;AL is mask, AH is hi-mask add di,dx ; + x mov WORD (bp-6),ax ;save mask ;------------------------------------------------- mov WORD (bp-4),#0 ;shadow mov dx,#0x03CE ; lds bx,(bp+4) ;sch d4_FC527: seg es lodsb ;cgen -> bits push es sub ah,ah push WORD #0xA000 ror ax,cl ;rotated bits in AX pop es push ax ;save AX rotated bits not ax and ax,WORD (bp-6) ;mask complement push ax mov ah,BYTE (bx+2) ;sch->bg cmp BYTE (bx),ah ;sch->fg pop ax ; inserted **** je d4_I529 push ax ;AH = bits high; AL = bits low mov ah,al ;AH = bits low mov al,#08 out dx,ax mov ah,BYTE (bx+2) ;sch->bg seg es and BYTE (di),ah ;buf pop ax ; get complemented bits back jcxz d4_I529 mov al,#08 ;AH = ~bits hi, AL = 8 out dx,ax mov al,BYTE (bx+2) ;sch->bg seg es and BYTE (di+1),al ;buf d4_I529: ; rotated bits in the stack mov al,BYTE (bx+4) ;sch->sh cmp BYTE (bx),al ;sch->fg je d4_I530 mov ax,WORD (bp-4) ;get shadow rol ax,#7 ; push ax mov al,#8 out dx,ax mov ah,BYTE (bx+4) ;sch->sh seg es and BYTE (di),ah pop ax jcxz d4_I530 xchg ah,al mov al,#8 out dx,ax mov ah,BYTE (bx+4) ;sch->sh seg es and BYTE (di+1),ah d4_I530: pop ax ;rotated bits mov WORD (bp-4),ax ; save shadow push ax mov ah,al mov al,#8 out dx,ax mov al,BYTE (bx) ;sch->fg seg es and BYTE (di),al pop ax jcxz d4_I531 mov al,#8 out dx,ax mov al,BYTE (bx) ;sch->fg seg es and BYTE (di+1),al d4_I531: add di,#640/8 ;buf pop es dec WORD (bp-2) jne d4_FC527 d4_EX519: pop ds popa leave ret .even ; 4 _text: push bp mov bp,sp push ds ; sch = 14 ; len = 12 ; cp = 8 ; ypos = 6 ; xpos = 4 mov ax,#2 call d4_setstate mov cx,WORD (bp+12) ;len mov bx,WORD (bp+6) ;ypos mov dx,WORD (bp+4) ;xpos #ifndef PIXADDRESS shl bx,#4 ;ypos shl dx,#3 ;xpos #endif lds si,(bp+8) ;cp jcxz d4_L672 push WORD (bp+16) push WORD (bp+14) ;sch d4_FC544: lodsb ;*cp seg cs cmp WORD [_Mode],#0x12 jbe d4_tVga call d4_char256 jmp d4_tCont d4_tVga: call d4_char10 d4_tCont: add dx,#8 ;xpos loop d4_FC544 add sp,#4 d4_L672: xor ax,ax call d4_setstate pop ds leave ret #if 0 .even ; 4 _setpalette: push bp mov bp,sp ; blue = 10 ; green = 8 ; red = 6 ; color = 4 push bx mov bh,bl mov ax,#0x1000 int 0x10 mov bx,#0x3fff ;00ffH mov al,dh mul bh div bl mov dh,al xor dl,dl mov al,ch mul bh div bl mov ch,al mov al,cl mul bh div bl mov cl,al pop bx ;color mov ax,#0x1010 int 0x10 leave ret #endif .even ; 4 d4_putrow4: pusha push ds ; mask = -2 ; lp = -6 ; tp = -10 ; vp = -14 ; vvp = -18 ; i = -20 ; nn = -22 ; x2 = 8 ; x1 = 6 ; DX ; y = 4 ; AX push ax ;y push dx ;x2-x1+1 ;begin pack4 push ds pop es mov si,#_line mov di,si ;op = lp mov ah,#640/8 ; npix/8 d4_FC185: mov cx,#8 d4_F187: seg es lodsb shr al,#1 rcl bl,#1 ;a shr al,#1 rcl bh,#1 ;b shr al,#1 rcl dl,#1 ;c shr al,#1 rcl dh,#1 ;d loop d4_F187 mov al,bl ;a stosb mov al,bh ;b stosb mov al,dl ;c stosb mov al,dh ;d stosb dec ah jne d4_FC185 d4_EX175: ; end pack4 pop bx sar bx,#3 ;nn pop di ;y ;; imul WORD [_ypitch] imul di,#640/8 push WORD #0xA000 pop es mov si,#_line ;lp mov ax,#0x0102 ;mask d4_FC563: mov dx,#964 ;03c4H out dx,ax push di push si mov cx,bx ;nn push ax ;mask d4_FC566: lodsb seg es and BYTE (di),al add si,#3 ;tp inc di ;vp loop d4_FC566 pop ax ;mask pop si pop di shl ah,#1 inc si ;lp test ah,#15 ;000fH jne d4_FC563 pop ds popa ret .even ; 4 d4_setstate: push ds push cs pop ds #if 0 pusha call wout call ss1 .ascii " = AX; setstate entered" .byte 10,0 ss1: pop bx call say ;; call pause popa #endif cmp WORD [_Mode],#0x12 ja d4_SB497 ;setstate is a NOP if VESA ; new = 4 mov dx,#974 ;03ceH cmp ax,WORD [_state] je d4_SB497 mov WORD [_state],ax dec ax je d4_SC502 dec ax je d4_SC503 ; state 0 push dx mov ax,#3842 ;0f02H mov dx,#964 ;03c4H out dx,ax pop dx mov ax,#5 ;0005H out dx,ax mov ax,#3847 ;0f07H jmp d4_L669 ; state 1 d4_SC502: mov ax,#2053 ;0805H jmp d4_L670 ; state 2 d4_SC503: mov ax,#2565 ;0a05H d4_L670: out dx,ax mov ax,#7 d4_L669: out dx,ax mov ax,#3 out dx,ax mov ax,#-248 ;ff08H out dx,ax d4_SB497: #if 0 pusha call ss2 .ascii "setstate exit" .byte 10,0 ss2: pop bx call say ;; call pause popa #endif pop ds ret .even ; 4 ; ; _display4: display the BITMAP ; ; Enter with: ES:BX points to the possible bitmap image ; DS==CS ; ; Exit with: ; Carry Clear - bitmap was displayed ; AX = 0 ; ; Carry Set - error occurred ; AX = 1 "BM" signature not found ; AX = 2 not VGA adapter or display ; AX = 3 not 640x480x16 bitmap ; AX = 4 no VESA support ; _display4: ; Line 286 enter #22,#0 push si push di ; bits = -2 ; colors = -6 ; i = -8 ; disable = -10 ; color = -14 ; bmfh = -18 ; bmh = -22 ; name = 4 ; Line 296 mov WORD [_bmp],bx ;store for later mov WORD [_bmp+2],es ;;; les bx,[_bmp] mov WORD (bp-18),bx ;bmfh mov WORD (bp-16),es seg es cmp WORD (bx),#19778 ;4d42H jne d4_I573 seg es cmp WORD (bx+14+2),#0 ; hi-order part of DWORD jne d4_I573 seg es cmp WORD (bx+14),#40 ; Windows/OS2 bitmap header je d4_I574 seg es cmp WORD (bx+14),#12 ; OS2 bitmap header je d4_I574 ; Line 297 d4_I573: mov ax,#1 stc br _display4_ret d4_I574: mov ax,WORD [_bmp] mov dx,WORD [_bmp+2] add ax,#14 ;000eH ;; sbb cx,cx ;; and cx,#0x1000 ;; add dx,cx mov WORD [_tp],ax mov WORD [_tp+2],dx mov WORD (bp-22),ax ;bmh mov WORD (bp-20),dx ; Line 302 mov es,dx mov bx,ax seg es cmp BYTE (bx),#40 ; Windows je d4_I575 ; OS2 bitmaps seg es mov ax,WORD (bx+8) seg es mul WORD (bx+10) mov WORD (bp-2),ax ;bits ; Line 305 mov cx,ax mov ax,#1 shl ax,cl cwd mov WORD (bp-6),ax ;colors ; Line 317 seg es cmp WORD (bx+4),#640 ;0280H jne d4_I576 seg es cmp WORD (bx+6),#480 ;01e0H jne d4_I576 cmp cx,#8 ;bits je d4_Vesa_Setup cmp cx,#4 ;bits jne d4_I576 jmp d4_I575a ; Windows/OS2 bitmaps d4_I575: seg es mov ax,WORD (bx+12) seg es mul WORD (bx+14) mov WORD (bp-2),ax ;bits ; Line 305 mov cx,ax mov ax,#1 shl ax,cl cwd mov WORD (bp-6),ax ;colors ; Line 317 seg es ;;; cmp DWORD (bx+4),#640 ;0280H cmp WORD (bx+4),#640 ;0280H jne d4_I576 seg es ;;; cmp DWORD (bx+8),#480 ;01e0H cmp WORD (bx+8),#480 ;01e0H jne d4_I576 cmp cx,#8 ;bits je d4_Vesa_Setup cmp cx,#4 ;bits jne d4_I576 d4_I575a: mov WORD [_Mode],#18 ;0012H ;; mov cx,#8 ;; cwd ;; idiv cx ;; mov WORD [_ypitch],ax ; Line 318 br d4_I577 d4_I576: ; Line 319 mov ax,#3 stc br _display4_ret d4_Vesa_Setup: mov WORD [_Mode],#0x101 ; 640x480x256 mov di,#MAP ; ES:DI -> 512 byte buffer mov DWORD (di),#SIG_VBE2 ; "VBE2" mov ax,#0x4f00 ; get mode information push es push ds pop es ; -> communication area int 0x10 ; video interrupt pop es #if FAIL xor ax,ax #endif cmp ax,#0x004f jne d4_I576_4 ; no VESA cmp DWORD (di),#SIG_VESA ; "VESA" jne d4_I576_4 mov ax,#0x4f01 ; get mode information mov cx,[_Mode] push es push ds pop es ; -> communication area int 0x10 ; video interrupt pop es cmp ax,#0x004f ;;d4_I576_jne: jne d4_I576_4 ; no VESA mov ax,v_BytesPerScanLine(di) mov [_ypitch],ax mov ax,v_WinASegment(di) mov [_seg],ax mov cx,v_WinGranularity(di) mov ax,#9 ; shift = 9 d4_J575: jcxz d4_K575 inc ax ; shift++ shr cx,#1 jmp d4_J575 d4_K575: mov [_shift],ax xchg ax,cx ; shift to CX mov eax,#-1 shl eax,cl ; not eax mov DWORD [_mask],eax not eax and eax,#0x00FFFFFF mov DWORD [_himask],eax ; test BYTE v_ModeAttributes(di),#1 jz d4_I576_4 mov al,v_WinAAttributes(di) and al,#05 cmp al,#05 jne d4_I576_4 ;;; mov bx,#0x8000 ;;; mov WORD (bp-10),bx ;disable ;;; or bx,[_Mode] mov bx,[_Mode] mov ax,#0x4f02 ; set video mode int 0x10 cmp ax,#0x004f ;;; jne d4_I576_4 je d4_Line_327 d4_I576_4: mov ax,#4 stc br _display4_ret ; Line 321 d4_I577: ; Line 322 ; Line 323 mov bx,#0 mov ax,#6656 ;1a00H int 0x10 #if FAIL xor ax,ax #endif cmp al,#26 ;001aH jne d4_I578 cmp bl,#7 je d4_I579 cmp bl,#8 je d4_I579 d4_I578: mov ax,#2 stc br _display4_ret ; Line 324 d4_I579: mov bx,#49 ;0031H mov ax,#4609 ;1201H int 0x10 ;;; mov WORD (bp-10),#128 ;0080H ;disable mov ax,WORD [_Mode] ;;; or al,#128 ;0080H int 0x10 ; Line 327 d4_Line_327: mov dx,#480/16 mov bx,#0 mov ax,#0x1124 ;set for 8x16 characters int 0x10 ; Line 331 ;;; cmp WORD (bp-10),#0 ;disable ;;; je d4_I580 mov bx,#54 ;0036H mov ax,#4609 ;1201H int 0x10 ; Line 333 d4_I580: les bx,(bp-22) ;bmh seg es mov si,WORD (bx) add si,WORD [_tp] push ds mov ds,WORD [_tp+2] ; Line 334 xor bx,bx ;i d4_FC582: ; Line 335 push bx seg cs cmp [_Mode],#0x12 ja d4_Vesa_Palette mov bh,bl mov ax,#0x1000 int 0x10 d4_Vesa_Palette: mov bx,#0x3fff ;00ffH lodsb mul bh div bl mov cl,al lodsb mul bh div bl mov ch,al lodsb mul bh div bl mov dh,al xor dl,dl pop bx ;color = i mov ax,#0x1010 int 0x10 ; Line 336 mov di,(bp-22) ;bmh cmp BYTE (di),#12 ; test for OS/2 bitmap je d4_F580 inc si d4_F580: ; Line 337 inc bx ;WORD (bp-8) ;i d4_F581: cmp WORD (bp-6),bx ;colors jg d4_FC582 pop ds ; Line 339 les bx,(bp-18) ;bmfh seg es mov ax,WORD (bx+10) seg es mov dx,WORD (bx+12) add ax,WORD [_bmp] adc dx,#0 shl dx,#12 add dx,WORD [_bmp+2] mov WORD [_tp],ax mov WORD [_tp+2],dx ; Line 340 xor ax,ax call d4_setstate ; Line 341 mov ax,#1 call d4_setstate ; Line 342 les bx,(bp-22) ;bmh ;; seg es ;; mov ax,WORD (bx+8) ; 480 mov ax,#480 ; Windows or OS2 ;; seg es ;; mov dx,WORD (bx+4) ; 640 mov dx,#640 ; Windows or OS2 seg es cmp BYTE (bx),#13 ; OS2 sbb cx,cx ; OS2 = -1, Win = 0 not cx seg es and cx,WORD (bx+16) ; compression mov bx,cx ; compression to BX mov si,#d4_getrow4 mov di,#d4_putrow4 cmp WORD [_Mode],#0x12 jbe d4_FC586 mov si,#d4_getrow8 mov di,#d4_putrow8 d4_FC586: dec ax js d4_FC587 ; Line 343 xchg ax,bx ;;; call d4_getrow4 call si ;getrow ; Line 344 xchg ax,bx ;;; call d4_putrow4 call di ;putrow ; Line 345 jmp d4_FC586 d4_FC587: ; Line 346 xor ax,ax ; restore state call d4_setstate ; Line 348 mov bx,#54 ;0036H ;enable refresh mov ax,#4608 ;1200H int 0x10 xor ax,ax ;clears the carry _display4_ret: pop di pop si leave ret .even ; 4 _done4: xor ax,ax call d4_setstate ;restore state ; Line 356 ; enable default palette loading mov bx,#49 ;0031H mov ax,#4608 ;1200H int 0x10 ; Line 357 mov ax,#0x0003 ; set video mode int 0x10 ; Line 359 ret ; pixadr8 - pixel address in 256 color mode ; ; Enter with: ; AX = y ; BX = x ; ; Exit with: ; ES:DI = pointer to byte ; d4_pixadr8: push ax push cx push dx push ds push cs pop ds ;; seg cs mul WORD [_ypitch] add ax,bx adc dx,#0 mov di,ax ;; seg cs mov cl,[_shift] ;; seg cs and di,[_mask] shrd ax,dx,cl ;; seg cs cmp ax,[_VesaWindow] je d4p8_1 ;; seg cs mov [_VesaWindow],ax xchg ax,dx push bx xor cx,cx xor bx,bx mov ax,#0x4f05 int 0x10 pop bx d4p8_1: ;; seg cs mov es,[_seg] pop ds pop dx pop cx pop ax ret ; putrow8 ; ; Enter with: ; AX = y ; BX = compression ; DX = npix (640) ; DS == CS ; ; Exit with: ; ES is trashed ; all other registers preserved ; d4_putrow8: pusha mov si,#_line ; source mov cx,WORD [_mask] ; mask xor bx,bx xor di,di d4p8_2: test di,cx jnz d4p8_3 call d4_pixadr8 d4p8_3: inc bx movsb cmp bx,dx jb d4p8_2 popa ret ; getrow8 ; ; AX = compression ; DX = npix (640) ; BX = y ; ; d4_getrow8: pusha push ds push cs pop es mov di,#_line ; ES:DI setup lds si,[_tp] ; DS:SI is a HUGE pointer mov bp,ds ; also in BP:SI test ax,ax jz d4_get8_nocompr ; get with compression ; ; DX is npix ; BH is repeat ; BL is skip ; CX is rpt ; repeat = 1; mov bh,#1 ; while (npix>0) { jmp d4_get8_99 d4_get8_1: ; while (repeat && npix>0) { jmp d4_get8_30 d4_get8_10: ; rpt = GETC(infile); call getbyte xchg ax,cx ; repeat = rpt; mov bh,cl ; if (repeat) { test bh,bh jz d4_get8_20 ; c = GETC(infile); call getbyte ; npix -= rpt; sub dx,cx ; while (rpt>0) { ; *lp++ = c; ; rpt--; ; } rep stosb ; } d4_get8_20: ; } /* end while (repeat && npix>0) */ d4_get8_30: test bh,bh ; repeat jz d4_get8_40 cmp dx,#0 jg d4_get8_10 d4_get8_40: ; if (npix>0) { /* get some enumerated data */ cmp dx,#0 jle d4_get8_95 ; rpt = GETC(infile); call getbyte xchg ax,cx ; npix -= rpt; sub dx,cx ; skip = (rpt%2 != 0); mov bl,cl ; while (rpt>0) { jcxz d4_get8_75 d4_get8_70: ; c = GETC(infile); call getbyte ; *lp++ = c; stosb ; rpt--; ; } loop d4_get8_70 d4_get8_75: ; if (skip) c = GETC(infile); shr bl,#1 jnc d4_get8_80 call getbyte d4_get8_80: ; } d4_get8_95: ; repeat = 1; mov bh,#1 ; } /* end while (npix>0) */ d4_get8_99: cmp dx,#0 jg d4_get8_1 ; GETC(infile); ; c=GETC(infile); call getbyte call getbyte jmp d4_get8_exit ; get with no compression ; really just a super movsb with a huge source pointer d4_get8_nocompr: mov cx,dx d4_get8_nloop: call getbyte ; BP==DS is required stosb loop d4_get8_nloop d4_get8_exit: seg cs mov [_tp],si ; seg cs mov [_tp+2],ds ; pop ds popa ret ; char256 ; ; Enter with: ; AL character to display ; BX ypos ; DX xpos ; (bp+4) far pointer to ; ; Exit with: ; ES is trashed ; ; ; Stack used: ; bp-2 points ; bp-4 ypos ; bp-6 xpos ; bp-8 bits ; bp-10 xtem ; ; Variables: ; DS:SI cgen ; SI i ; BX xtem ; ES:DI buf ; d4_char256: enter #10,#0 pusha push ds push WORD #0 pop ds ; points = *(short*)0x00000485UL; /* 40:85 */ mov cx,WORD [0x485] ;points xor ah,ah ;AL is char to put out mov WORD (bp-2),cx ;points mov WORD (bp-4),bx ;ypos mov WORD (bp-6),dx ;xpos ; cgen = *(char**)(0x43 * 4UL); /* int 0x43 points to char bitmap */ ; cgen += (unsigned)c * points; imul ax,cx ;leave DX alone; 386 form of instruction mov si,#268 ;010cH ; int 0x43 -> character bitmaps add ax,WORD (si) mov ds,WORD (si+2) ;cgen xchg si,ax ;cgen in DS:SI ; shadow = 0; xor ch,ch les di,(bp+4) ;sch-> ; fg = sch->fg; seg es mov cl,(di) ; bg = sch->bg; seg es mov dh,(di+2) ; sh = sch->sh; seg es mov dl,(di+4) ; ; while (points--) { d4_char256_10: ; int i; ; ; bits = *cgen++; ;cgen in DS:SI lodsb mov WORD (bp-8),ax ;bits push si ; save SI ; fore = bits; ; fore is BL xchg bx,ax ; fore is BL ; xtem = x; mov ax,WORD (bp-6) mov WORD (bp-10),ax ;xtem ; for (i=8; i; i--) { mov si,#8 ;i xor di,di ;buf d4_char256_20: seg cs test di,WORD [_mask] jnz d4_char256_22 push bx mov ax,WORD (bp-4) ;ypos mov bx,WORD (bp-10) ;xtem call d4_pixadr8 ;buf to ES:DI pop bx d4_char256_22: ; int color = 0x400; mov ax,#0x400 ; if (bg != fg) color = bg; cmp dh,cl ;bg:fg je d4_char256_31 mov al,dh ;color = bg cbw d4_char256_31: ; if ( (shadow&0200) && sh != fg) color = sh; shl ch,#1 ;shadow jnc d4_char256_33 cmp dl,cl ;sh:fg je d4_char256_33 mov al,dl ; color = sh cbw d4_char256_33: ; if ( (fore & 0200) ) color = fg; shl bl,#1 jnc d4_char256_35 mov al,cl ; color = fg cbw d4_char256_35: ; buf = pixadr8(xtem++, y); ; if (color<256) *buf = color; inc ah cmp ah,#1 ja d4_char256_39 seg es mov BYTE (di),al d4_char256_39: inc di inc WORD (bp-10) ;xtem ; shadow <<= 1; ; fore <<= 1; ; } dec si ;i jnz d4_char256_20 ; y++; inc WORD (bp-4) ;ypos ; shadow = bits>>1; mov ch,BYTE (bp-8) shr ch,#1 ; } pop si ;cgen dec WORD (bp-2) jnz d4_char256_10 d4_char256_exit: pop ds popa leave ret