is the first three quads of the IP address to use for the "listener network", with a final component being +1+ for the host and +2+ for the listener daemon. The listener daemon acts as a virtual host and is set up vie to receive copies of some network packets for the purpose of measuring activity. --- listener.ports are the port numbers of concern, separated by whitespace or comma, towards activity detection. Only packets to these ports will be considered. --- listener.activity.dir is the directory in which the activity files are stored. The Hourglass listener daemon operates continuously and populates one measure per day with a full sequence of (roughly) per-minute packet count measures. --- listener.tap is the name to use for the network tap that is set up to be the interface for the virtual listener host. --- control.action is the name of the control action script to use. Currently only +ipset-control.lsp+ is available. --- control.dat is the pathname for the policy file. The content is a newlisp format expression; a list with sublists to represent the desired control policy. It is typically generated by the Hourglass web service and then used by the Hourglass control bot. --- is the IP/bits code of the network to be controlled. --- control.extra.dat is the pathname for the ad-hoc time override. This is a pair of numbers that define an overriding "network open" time period of that many hours and minutes starting at the modification time of the file itself --- control.usage.dat the filename to use for the usage state. This is a newlisp expression of the current hours and minutes of usage. The file is generated by the Hourglass policy bot to be used and displayed via the Hourglass web service. --- control.usage.tmp is the temporary filename to use for the usage state update. The state update is written to this file which then is renamed as per +control.usage.dat+; this process avoids the risk of the Hourglass web service accessing an incompletely written file. --- is how many minutes of low activity is needed for identifying an idle period. --- control.activity.clip is the count measure limit for low activity. --- ipset.bin is the pathname for the +ipset+ binary. --- ipset.table is the name of the ipset set. --- wui.port is the port for the HTTP service. --- wui.passwd is the pathname for the file of authorizable users. Each line consists of the base64 encoding of a "user:password" pair as is used in the HTTP Basic Authorization scheme. --- libc is the pathname for the libc6 dynamic library. --- tundev is the pathname for the tuntap device generator.