#!/usr/bin/perl -w # liloconfig - creating a new lilo.conf file # # # Copyright 2011-2014 Joachim Wiedorn # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. #---- some modules use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; use Pod::Usage; use File::Copy; #---- global variables my $prog = $0; $prog =~ s#.*/##; my $version = "0.4"; #---- parameter check # h: help, v: verbose, f: force our $opt_h = 0; our $opt_v = 0; our $opt_f = 0; our $opt_u = 0; getopts('hvfu'); # define perldoc usage pod2usage(1) if $opt_h; #---- other variables our $liloconf = "/etc/lilo.conf"; our $conftmp_1 = "/tmp/lilotmp1"; our $conftmp_2 = "/tmp/lilotmp2"; our $liloconfold = $liloconf . ".old"; our $liloconfnew = $liloconf . ".new"; our $fstabconf = "/etc/fstab"; our $idpath = "/dev/disk/by-id"; our $uuidpath = "/dev/disk/by-uuid"; our $lblpath = "/dev/disk/by-label"; our $template = "/usr/share/doc/lilo/examples/lilo.example.conf.gz"; our $rootpart; # found root part our $root_dev; # /dev/hdX9, /dev/sdX9, /dev/md/* our $root_id; # UUID, LABEL, ID our $boot_dev; # /dev/hdX, /dev/sdX, /dev/md our $boot_id; # DISK-ID #-------------------- main program -------------------- sub main { my $exit = 0; if (@ARGV == 1) { $liloconf = "$ARGV[0]"; $liloconfold = $liloconf . ".old"; $liloconfnew = $liloconf . ".new"; } if (-f $liloconf and not $opt_f and not $opt_u) { print $prog .": " . $liloconf . " already exist! Please force overwriting with '-f' or '-u'.\n"; $exit = 1; } else { $exit = create_lilo_conf(); } return $exit; } #-------------------- subroutines -------------------- sub create_lilo_conf { my $found = 0; my $exit = 1; # search for root device in fstab and convert it $found = detect_root_device(); # convert root device to boot device if ($found) { $found = convert_boot_device(); } # finally write new lilo.conf file if ($found) { if ($opt_u) { $exit = update_lilo_conf(); } else { $exit = write_lilo_conf(); } } return $exit; } sub detect_root_device { # read fstab and find root device; my $found = read_fstab(); # identify root device: root_dev and root_id if ($found) { $found = convert_root_device(); } return $found; } sub read_fstab { my $root_part; my $mountpoint; my $broken_fstab = 1; my $base_fstab = 0; my $found = 1; # check fstab for root device if (-f $fstabconf) { # Parsing fstab for the root partition open(FSTAB, "<$fstabconf") or die "$prog: couldn't open $fstabconf: $!\n"; while () { # Search magic string which indicates a base filesystem $base_fstab = 1 if /^# UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM/; next if /^#/; # ignore comment lines s/^[ \t]+//; # remove space or tab at begin of the line ($root_part,$mountpoint) = split(/[ \t]+/); next unless defined $mountpoint; # ignore empty lines too # stop if we found the root device... if ($mountpoint eq '/') { $broken_fstab = 0; last; } } close(FSTAB) or die "$prog: couldn't close $fstabconf: $!\n"; } if ($base_fstab) { print "E: It seems you want configure the base filesystem \n" . "and I'm therefore simply going to exit successfully \n" . "without trying to actually configure LILO properly. \n"; $found = 0; } if ($broken_fstab) { print "E: It seems the file /etc/fstab is not properly \n" . "configured: no root partition '/' found! \n"; $found = 0; } # save the found root device $rootpart = $root_part; return $found; } sub convert_root_device { my $found = 1; my $root_disk = ''; my $root_link; # global variables: $root_dev, $root_id if ($rootpart =~ /\/dev\//) { $root_disk = $rootpart; if (-b $root_disk) { $root_dev = $root_disk; if($opt_v) { print "Convert root option $root_disk into UUID\n"; } $root_id = find_id_link($root_disk,$uuidpath); if (not -l "$uuidpath/$root_id") { if($opt_v) { print "W: could not find UUID for $root_disk!\n"; } ## than we want use root_dev in lilo.conf #$found = 0; } else { # finally add uuid label $root_id = "UUID=" . $root_id; } } else { if($opt_v) { print "E: cannot check $root_disk: device does not exist!\n"; } $found = 0; } } elsif ($rootpart =~ /^UUID/ or $rootpart =~ /^LABEL/) { $root_link = $rootpart; $root_link =~ s{\"}{}g; $root_link =~ s{^LABEL=}{/dev/disk/by-label/}; $root_link =~ s{^UUID=}{/dev/disk/by-uuid/}; if (-l $root_link) { $root_id = $rootpart; $root_disk = readlink($root_link); $root_disk =~ s{\.\./\.\./}{/dev/}; if (-b $root_disk) { $root_dev = $root_disk; } else { if($opt_v) { print "E: cannot check $root_link: link does not exist!\n"; } $found = 0; } } else { print "E: cannot check $root_link: link does not exist!\n"; $found = 0; } } else { print "E: cannot use uncommon $rootpart found as root device!\n"; $found = 0; } return $found; } sub find_id_link { my $olddev = $_[0]; my $path_id = $_[1]; my @sellinks; my $_idlink; my $_actlink; my $newdevid = ''; opendir(MYDH, "$path_id") or die("cannot open $path_id: $! \n"); @sellinks = grep(!/\-part\d\d?$/, grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir(MYDH))); @sellinks = sort(@sellinks); closedir(MYDH); foreach $_idlink (@sellinks) { chomp $_idlink; if(not $_idlink =~ /^usb/ and length($_idlink) > 10) { $_actlink = readlink("$path_id/$_idlink"); $_actlink =~ s{\.\./\.\./}{/dev/}; if($opt_v) { print "** try: $_actlink => $_idlink \n"; } # stop if we find the right link... if($_actlink eq $olddev) { $newdevid = $_idlink; if($opt_v) { print "** convert: $_actlink => $path_id/$_idlink \n\n"; } last; } } } if(not $newdevid) { if($opt_v) { print "W: $olddev not converted: link not useful\n\n"; } } return ($newdevid); } sub convert_boot_device { my $found = 1; my $boot_disk = ''; my $boot_link; # global variables: $boot_dev, $boot_id if (-b $root_dev) { if ($root_dev =~ /\/dev\/md/) { # search if the found partition is a raid volume $boot_disk = check_raid($root_dev); } else { # find the right block device name $boot_disk = $root_dev; $boot_disk =~ s/\d+$//; } if (-b $boot_disk) { # set global variable boot_dev $boot_dev = $boot_disk; } else { print "E: boot device $boot_disk does not exist! \n"; $found = 0; } } else { print "E: could not find root device $root_dev! \n"; $found = 0; } if ($found) { if($opt_v) { print "Convert boot option $boot_disk into DISK ID\n"; } $boot_id = $idpath . "/" . find_id_link($boot_disk,$idpath); if(not -l "$boot_id") { if($opt_v) { print "W: could not find DISK ID for $boot_disk!\n"; } ## not so important, than using boot_dev in lilo.conf #$found = 0; } } return $found; } sub check_raid { my $part = $_[0]; my $mdname; my $md; my @devices; # check if the found partition is a raid volume if($part =~ /\/dev\/md/) { $mdname = $part; $mdname =~ s/\/dev\///; $mdname =~ s/\///; $md = `grep $mdname /proc/mdstat`; @devices = split(" ", $md); @devices = sort(@devices[4..$#devices]); $part = "/dev/" . $devices[0]; $part =~ s/\[.*$//; } return $part; } sub write_lilo_conf { my @status; my $exit = copy_template(); if (not $exit) { # create lilo.conf.new write_bootroot_option(); if ( not write_image_config() ) { if ( not write_imagelinks_config() ) { print "E: Cannot find any images or image symlinks!\n"; $exit = 1; } } } if (-f $liloconf and not -f $liloconfold) { # move old lilo.conf to lilo.conf.old @status = stat($liloconf); move ($liloconf, $liloconfold) or die "Cannot rename file: $!\n"; utime ($status[9],$status[9],$liloconfold); chmod (0600,$liloconfold); print "Old file moved to: $liloconfold \n"; } if (-f $liloconfnew) { move ($liloconfnew, $liloconf) or die "Cannot move file: $!\n"; chmod (0600,$liloconf); print "New file created as: $liloconf \n"; print "Now you must execute '/sbin/lilo' to " . "activate this new configuation!\n\n"; } else { print "E: Cannot find temporary file $conftmp_1!\n"; $exit = 1; } return $exit; } sub copy_template { my $endreached = 0; my $exit = 0; # copy template config if (-f $template) { system("gzip -d -c $template >$conftmp_1") if ($template =~ /\.gz$/); system("cat $template >$conftmp_1") if ($template =~ /\.conf$/); open(CONFTMP1, "<$conftmp_1") or die "$prog: couldn't open $conftmp_1: $!\n"; open(CONFTMP2, ">$conftmp_2") or die "$prog: couldn't open $conftmp_2: $!\n"; while () { if (/first\ example/) { $endreached = 1; } unless ($endreached) { print CONFTMP2 $_; } } close(CONFTMP1) or die "$prog: couldn't close $conftmp_1: $!\n";; close(CONFTMP2) or die "$prog: couldn't close $conftmp_2: $!\n";; } else { open(CONFTMP2, ">$conftmp_2") or die "$prog: couldn't open $conftmp_2: $!\n"; print CONFTMP2 "# /etc/lilo.conf ### LILO global section ### #large-memory lba32 boot = /dev/sda root = /dev/sda1 map = /boot/map install = menu menu-scheme = Wb:Yr:Wb:Wb prompt timeout = 100 vga = normal #default = Linux ### LILO per-image section ### "; close(CONFTMP2) or die "$prog: couldn't close $conftmp_2: $!\n";; } return $exit; } sub update_lilo_conf { my @status; my $exit = 0; if (-f $liloconf) { # copy old config system("cat $liloconf >$conftmp_2"); # create lilo.conf.new update_bootroot_option(); } if (-f $liloconf and not -f $liloconfold) { # move old lilo.conf to lilo.conf.old @status = stat($liloconf); move ($liloconf, $liloconfold) or die "Cannot rename file: $!\n"; utime ($status[9],$status[9],$liloconfold); chmod (0600,$liloconfold); print "Old file moved to: $liloconfold \n"; } if (-f $liloconfnew) { move ($liloconfnew, $liloconf) or die "Cannot move file: $!\n"; chmod (0600,$liloconf); print "New file created as: $liloconf \n"; print "Now you must execute '/sbin/lilo' to " . "activate this new configuation!\n\n"; } else { print "E: Cannot find temporary file $conftmp_1!\n"; $exit = 1; } return $exit; } sub write_bootroot_option { my $oldline = ''; my $newline = ''; my $ok = 0; open(MYFH_NEW, "> $liloconfnew") or die "Cannot open file: $!"; open(MYFH_TMP, "< $conftmp_2") or die "Cannot read file: $!"; while () { # line read from MYFH_TMP $oldline = $_; # lines beginning direct with boot option if (/^boot/ and $ok == 0) { if ($boot_id) { $newline = "#boot = " . $boot_dev . "\n"; print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; } $newline = "boot = " . $boot_id . "\n"; } else { $newline = "boot = " . $boot_dev . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; print "\n";} # convert only one time $ok = 1; } # lines beginning direct with root option elsif (/^root\ =/) { if ($root_id) { $newline = '#root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; } $newline = 'root = "' . $root_id . '"' . "\n"; } else { $newline = 'root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; print "\n";} } # print the rest into file, but not old commented root lines elsif ( not (/^\#boot\ =/ or /^\#root\ =/) ) { print MYFH_NEW $oldline; } } close(MYFH_TMP); close(MYFH_NEW); } sub update_bootroot_option { my $oldline = ''; my $newline = ''; my $ok = 0; open(MYFH_NEW, "> $liloconfnew") or die "Cannot open file: $!"; open(MYFH_TMP, "< $conftmp_2") or die "Cannot read file: $!"; while () { # read (old) line from MYFH_TMP $oldline = $_; # lines beginning direct with boot option if (/^boot/ and $ok == 0) { if ($boot_id) { $newline = "#boot = " . $boot_dev . "\n"; print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; } $newline = "boot = " . $boot_id . "\n"; } else { $newline = "boot = " . $boot_dev . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; print "\n";} # convert only one time $ok = 1; } # lines beginning direct with root option elsif (/^root\ =/) { if ($root_id) { $newline = '#root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; } $newline = 'root = "' . $root_id . '"' . "\n"; } else { $newline = 'root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; print "\n";} } # lines beginning with one tabulator or with two - eight spaces elsif (/^\troot\ =/ or /^\ {2,8}root\ =/) { if ($root_id) { $newline = "\t" . '#root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; } $newline = "\t" . 'root = "' . $root_id . '"' . "\n"; } else { $newline = "\t" . 'root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW $newline; if($opt_v) { print $newline; print "\n";} } # print the rest into file, but not old commented root lines elsif ( not (/^\#boot\ =/ or /^\#root\ =/ or /^\t\#root\ =/ or /^\ {2,8}\#root\ =/) ) { print MYFH_NEW $oldline; } } close(MYFH_TMP); close(MYFH_NEW); } sub write_image_config { my $image; my $initrd; my $initrd2; my $nr; my $nr2; # append to new lilo.conf open(MYFH_NEW, ">> $liloconfnew") or die "Cannot open file: $!"; # search for kernel image files my @vmlinuz = readpipe("/bin/ls -t -1 /boot/vmlinuz* 2>/dev/null"); # create some lines for each kernel image $nr = 0; foreach $image (@vmlinuz) { # search for kernel initrd file chomp $image; $initrd = $image; $initrd =~ s/vmlinuz/initrd\.img/; $initrd2 = $initrd; $initrd2 =~ s/\.img//; $nr2 = $nr + 1; print MYFH_NEW 'image = ' . $image . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print 'image = ' . $image . "\n"; } if ($nr == 0) { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'label = "Linux"' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'label = "Linux"' . "\n"; } } elsif ($nr == 1) { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'label = "Linux Old"' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'label = "Linux Old"' . "\n"; } } print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'read-only' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'read-only' . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW "#\t" . 'restricted' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "#\t" . 'restricted' . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW "#\t" . 'alias = ' . "$nr2" . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "#\t" . 'alias = ' . "$nr2" . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW "#\t" . 'optional' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "#\t" . 'optional' . "\n"; } if (-e $initrd) { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'initrd = ' . $initrd . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'initrd = ' . $initrd . "\n"; } } elsif (-e $initrd2) { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'initrd = ' . $initrd2 . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'initrd = ' . $initrd2 . "\n"; } } else { if($opt_v) { print "W: initrd $initrd could not be found!\n" } } print MYFH_NEW "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\n"; } $nr++; last if ($nr > 1); } close(MYFH_NEW); if ($nr == 0) { print "No images '/boot/vmlinuz*' found!\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\n"; } } elsif( not $opt_v ) { print "$nr images '/boot/vmlinuz*' found.\n"; } return ($nr > 0); # if =0 this is an error } sub write_imagelinks_config { my $image; my $initrd; my $nr; my $nr2; # append to new lilo.conf open(MYFH_NEW, ">> $liloconfnew") or die "Cannot open file: $!"; # search for kernel image files my @vmlinuz = readpipe("/bin/ls -t -1 /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old 2>/dev/null"); # create some lines for each kernel image $nr = 0; foreach $image (@vmlinuz) { # search for kernel initrd file chomp $image; $initrd = $image; $initrd =~ s/vmlinuz/initrd\.img/; $nr2 = $nr + 1; print MYFH_NEW 'image = ' . $image . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print 'image = ' . $image . "\n"; } if ($nr == 0) { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'label = "Linux"' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'label = "Linux"' . "\n"; } } elsif ($nr == 1) { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'label = "Linux Old"' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'label = "Linux Old"' . "\n"; } } if ($root_id) { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . '#root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . '#root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'root = "' . $root_id . '"' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'root = "' . $root_id . '"' . "\n"; } } else { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'root = ' . $root_dev . "\n"; } } print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'read-only' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'read-only' . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW "#\t" . 'restricted' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "#\t" . 'restricted' . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW "#\t" . 'alias = ' . "$nr2" . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "#\t" . 'alias = ' . "$nr2" . "\n"; } print MYFH_NEW "#\t" . 'optional' . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "#\t" . 'optional' . "\n"; } if (-e $initrd) { print MYFH_NEW "\t" . 'initrd = ' . $initrd . "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\t" . 'initrd = ' . $initrd . "\n"; } } else { if($opt_v) { print "W: initrd $initrd could not be found!\n" } } print MYFH_NEW "\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\n"; } $nr++; last if ($nr > 1); } close(MYFH_NEW); if ($nr == 0) { print "No image symlinks '/vmlinuz*' found!\n"; if($opt_v) { print "\n"; } } elsif( not $opt_v ) { print "$nr image symlinks '/vmlinuz*' found.\n"; } return ($nr > 0); # if =0 this is an error } main(); __END__ =head1 NAME liloconfig - create new lilo.conf file (with diskid and uuid) =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-h>] [B<-v>] [B<-f>] [B<-u>] [B] =head1 DESCRIPTION liloconfig is an simple program for creating a new lilo.conf file. After creating the new configuration file you must execute '/sbin/lilo'. liloconfig use the lilo.example.conf file as template. In the final lilo.conf file you find many useful comments for custom changes. Please pay attention about error messages if liloconfig cannot find any images (/boot/vmlinuz*) oder image symlinks (/vmlinuz, /vmlinu.old). Then you need to search for images by ourself and make some changes in the '/etc/lilo.conf' file. Otherwise no bootloader can be installed with '/sbin/lilo'. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-h> Print a brief help. =item B<-v> Print verbose messages. =item B<-f> Force overriding existing lilo.conf. =item B<-u> Force overriding/update of boot line in lilo.conf. =back =head1 EXAMPLES Lines in the configuration file /etc/lilo.conf: ### LILO global section ### #large-memory lba32 boot = /dev/sda #root = /dev/sda1 root = "UUID=18843936-00f9-4df0-a373-000d05a5dd44" map = /boot/map install = menu menu-scheme = Wb:Yr:Wb:Wb prompt timeout = 100 vga = normal #default = Linux ### LILO per-image section ### #boot = /dev/sda boot = /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_SV1604N_S01FJ10X999999 image = /boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-trunk-686 label = "Linux" #root = /dev/sda1 #root = "UUID=18843936-00f9-4df0-a373-000d05a5dd44" read-only # restricted # alias = 1 # optional initrd = /boot/initrd.img-3.5.0-trunk-686 image = /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-686 label = "Linux Old" #root = /dev/sda1 #root = "UUID=18843936-00f9-4df0-a373-000d05a5dd44" read-only # restricted # alias = 2 # optional initrd = /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-686 =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Joachim Wiedorn This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =head1 AUTHOR B was written by Joachim Wiedorn. This manual page was written by Joachim Wiedorn . =head1 SEE ALSO B(8), B(8), B(8) =cut