# # lilo.sample.conf # # This example has been updated to version 22.5.5 and beyond # # The boot record is installed on the second primary partition # Which will have to be marked active to get to it. boot = /dev/hda2 # # The map file is placed in the default location, but # we change the name to '.map', since it is a critical system file. # DON'T use "System.map" -- you'll overwrite the kernel loader map. # lilo CREATES the (sector) map file of direct sector addresses which # are independent of any filesystem. map = /boot/.map # # LBA32 is needed to address all sectors of the 27Gb disks # on this system lba32 # # We ask for the MENU interface (works on VGA, EGA, and MDA video cards) # by installing this boot loader: install = menu # syntax since version 22.3 (see the man pages) #install = /boot/boot-menu.b # outdated syntax, but selection is based on # the substring "menu", so it still works # # and specify the color scheme and menu title # for the computer named DESDEMONA menu-scheme=wm:rw:wm:Wm menu-title=" DESDEMONA (2.4.2) boot " # # We always want to see the prompt with a 15 second timeout prompt timeout=150 # # If a LOCKed command line, or pre-stored command line is present # delay 3 seconds to allow cancellation with the Shift key (or Alt, or Ctrl) delay=30 # # All filesystems will initially be mounted 'read-only' read-only # # Booting may be performed from the serial interface serial=0,9600 # # All other= sections use this chain loader (version 22) #loader=/boot/chain.b # outdated; there is now only one chain # loader, so this line is not really needed # This system is complicated -- leave no doubt about how the # BIOS has assigned the device codes: disk=/dev/hda bios=0x80 disk=/dev/hdb bios=0x81 disk=/dev/hdc bios=0x82 disk=/dev/sda bios=0x83 disk=/dev/sdb inaccessible # has no device code, so mark it # off-limits disk=/dev/fd0 bios=0x00 # got a 2.88Mb floppy, so specify all sectors=36 heads=2 cylinders=80 # Version 22.5.6 and later will likely get the drive assignment correct, so # the above really applies to earlier LILO versions. ################################################# # end of sample-lilo.conf Global section # ################################################# # # The first image is the default image image=/dd/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.2 label=2.4.2 root=current append="reboot=warm" # # Yes, we run Windoze, too other=/dev/hda1 label=win_2k table=/dev/hda # master-boot # not really needed, since this drive is # already 0x80, but "master-boot" is a good # idea to put on any "other=" that must # boot from the "C:" drive. # # This is the backup kernel from RedHat image=/dd/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14-5.0 label=RH62 initrd=/dd/boot/initrd-2.2.14-5.0.img append="reboot=warm" root=/dev/hda7 # # The D: drive has a Win98 installation # Fake booting from drive C: with the map-drive options other=/dev/hdb1 label=win_98 # map-drive=0x80 to=0x81 # obsolete, but still allowed # map-drive=0x81 to=0x80 # boot-as = 0x80 # 22.5.5 syntax # # This is an experimental, small kernel image=/dd/boot/zImage-2.2.14 label=zI-2.2.14 root=/dev/hda7 # # And a route back to the Master Boot Record, if wanted other=/dev/hda # route back to the master LILO boot menu label=MBR # on the Master Boot Record master-boot # guarantee that it boots as 0x80 # # Allow us to boot the floppy drive from the main LILO boot menu other=/dev/fd0 # no "label=", so it appears as "fd0" master-boot # it boots as the master floppy (0x00) unsafe # and it may not be inserted, so do not # try to read the boot sector during LILO # installation ################################################# # end of sample-lilo.conf # #################################################