rrqnet-ifupdown.sh(8) ===================== :doctype: manpage :revdate: {sys:date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"} NAME ---- rrqnet-ifupdown.sh - an ifupdown script to uphold *rrqnet* cables by configuration in +/etc/network/interfaces+. SYNOPSIS -------- /etc/network/if-post-down.d/rrqnet -> /etc/rrqnet/ifupdown.sh /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/rrqnet -> /etc/rrqnet/ifupdown.sh DESCRIPTION ----------- */etc/rrqnet/ifupdown.sh* is a utility script for upholding +rrqnet+ virtual cables via +/etc/network/interfaces+. The script is set up both as "pre-up" and "post-down" scripts for handling the associated +rrqnet+ configurations to bring up and tear down virtual cable plugs over +tap+ interfaces. An +rrqnet+ virtual cable uses +tap+ interfaces at each cable end host, which also have the service processes, aptly named +rrqnet+, to forward network traffic over UDP. Each +rrqnet+ process acts as a networking switch that facilitates level 2 connectivity among all its end points according to the Ethernet machine addresses of the packets. This script implements additional option codes for the IFACE stanzas for declaring the configuration of the +rrqnet+ daemon that should use a +tap+ interface for its virtual cabling. The list of options are: *rrqnet_port* _port_:: This IFACE option is required both as way of identifying the stanza as an +rrqnet+ virtual cable +tap+, and to declare which UDP port to use for incomming cabling. *rrqnet_remote* _remote_:: This IFACE option is used for declaring the remote connection details. Refer to +rrqnet+ man page for the full specification. Multiple remotes for a single +rrqnet+ process are declared by using multiple +rrqnet_remote+ lines. *rrqnet_options* _options_:: This IFACE option is used for declaring any additional rrqnet configuration options ([-4] [-B n] [-T n] [-m mcast]). Refer to the +rrqnet+ man page for the full specification. *rrqnet_log* _level_ _pathname_:: This IFACE option is used for declaring the log level as one of +-v+, +-vv+ or +-vvv+, and to nominate the log file. If omitted, all the +rrqnet+ process output will be directed to +/dev/null+. *rrqnet_bridge* _bridge_:: This IFACE option is used if needed, to make the +tap+ once created to be mad a "port" of the nominated preceding +bridge+ interface [3]. EXAMPLES -------- The virtual cabling requires configurations for all +rrqnet+ processes This script handles the particular configuration The following is a configuration example: ---- iface mynet0 inet static address broadcast rrqnet_port 3636 rrqnet_options -4 rrqnet_remote 111.222.333.444:3636=/sec/mynet.key rrqnet_log -v /var/log/mynet0.log ---- The illustration example is of a virtual cable plug using port +3636+ for UDP tunneling through host +111.222.333.444+, port +3636+, where the local +tap+, named +mynet0+, has ipv4 address + The +rrqnet_port+ option is understood to identify the stanza as a virtual cabling set up which then is duly handled by +rrqnet-ifupdown.sh+, and all its options are used for declaring that tunneling. NOTES ----- The script creates a +tap+ interface if needed, and brings it up as needed. Then if so configured, the +tap+ is added to the +bridge+, and then the +rrqnet+ virtual cable process is started under a +daemon+ supervision. Note that the +rrqnet+ virtual cable requires real networking for its UDP tunnel traffic. The real packets will have a UDP header in addition to the orignal packet, which means that it grows packets with 24 or 48 bytes (for ipv4 and ipv6 respectively). This may cause packet fragmentation of the tunneling packets unless the associated +tap+ is configured with that much smaller MTU than the real traffic. SEE ALSO -------- *interfaces(5)* - network interface configuration for ifup and ifdown *rrqnet(8)* - packet tunneling over UDP, multiple channels *brctl(8)* - ethernet bridge administration *daemon(1)* - turns other processes into daemons AUTHOR ------ Ralph Rönnquist