; This is a forth interpreter for x86_64 (elf64) format elf64 executable entry main include 'machine.asm' ;;; ============================================================ segment readable writable executable WORD return_stack,'RS',dovariable ;; The return stack rb 1048576 ; 1 Mb return stack RS_TOP: ; The initial rbp WORD data_stack,'DS',dovariable ;; The data stack rb 1048576 ; 1 Mb data stack DS_TOP: ; The initial rsp WORD inline_code,'[ASM]',fasm ;; ( -- ) ;; This transitions execution into inline assembler in the ;; calling word defintion. Note that it stops advancing rsi; ;; code should use FORTH macro to reenter forth execution, or ;; exit to the calling definition via "jmp exit". jmp qword rsi WORD p_exit, 'EXIT',fasm ;; ( -- ) ( R: addr -- ) ;; Returns execution to the calling definition as per the ;; return stack. exit: popr rsi next ;;; Execution semantics for FORTH defition word ;;; At entry, rsi points into the calling definition, at the cell ;;; following the cell indicating this word, rax points to the CFA of ;;; this word. doforth: pushr rsi lea rsi, [rax+8] ; rsi = the DFA of the rax word next ;;; Execution semantics for DOES> ;;; The cell at [cfa-8] holds an adjustment offset. dodoes: pushr rsi lea rsi, [rax+8] ; rsi = the DFA of the rax word add rsi,[rax-8] ; adjust rsi to the DOES> part next ;; Execution semantics for a variable ( -- addr ) ;; rax points to CFA field dovariable: add rax,8 push rax next ;; Execution semantics for a constant ( -- v ) ;; rax points to CFA field dovalue: push qword [rax+8] next ;; Execution semantics for a string constant ( -- addr n ) ;; rax points to CFA field dostring: add rax,8 xor rbx,rbx mov bl,[rax] inc rax push rax push rbx next include 'wordlists.asm' include 'syscalls.asm' include 'memory.asm' include 'stack.asm' include 'math.asm' include 'stdio.asm' WORD p_program_version,'PROGRAM_VERSION',dostring STRING 'RRQ Forth version 0.1 - 2021-05-13',10 WORD p_stdin,'STDIN',dovalue ;; Initialised to hold a STREAM for fd 0 dq 0 WORD p_quit,'QUIT',fasm ;; QUIT is the program entry point ******************** main: mov rsp,DS_TOP mov rbp,RS_TOP ;; Initialize STREAM STDIN push 0 push 10000 DOFORTH p_stream pop qword [p_stdin_DFA] ;; Initial blurb push qword 1 ; stdout DOFORTH p_program_version ; version string => ( s n ) DOFORTH sys_write ; printout pop rax ; ignore errors DOFORTH p_words push 0 DOFORTH sys_exit ;; TERMINATE0 terminates the program with code 0 ;; ( v -- ) WORD terminate, 'TERMINATE',fasm pop rdx terminate_special: mov eax,60 syscall last_word: ;; FORTH is the last word of VOCABULARY FORTH WORD forth,'FORTH',dovalue dq forth_TFA dq 0 heap_start: