=for header manpage: LILO section: 8 title: lilo documentation version: 23.3 datum: 2013-05-01 =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME lilo - install boot loader of LiLO =head1 SYNOPSIS Main function: E<10> E<8> B Auxiliary uses: E<10> E<8> B B<-A> # activate/show active partition E<10> E<8> B B<-E> # edit header or update a bitmap file E<10> E<8> B B<-I> # inquire path name of current kernel E<10> E<8> B B<-M> # write a Master Boot Loader on a device E<10> E<8> B B<-q> # query map and show its content E<10> E<8> B B<-R> # set default command line for next reboot E<10> E<8> B B<-T> # tell more about specified topic E<10> E<8> B B<{-u|-U}> # uninstall LiLO boot loader =head1 DESCRIPTION lilo installs a boot loader that will be activated the next time you boot your system. The default configuration file F (see manpage lilo.conf(5)) will contain most options, but many, including those which override the configuration file, may be specified on the command line. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-A> I Used with a single argument, inquire of active partition on device I; e.g. I. With N==0: deactivate all partitions on the device. With N in the range [1..n]: activate the specified partition and deactivate all others. Normally, only primary partitions [1..4] may be activated, but if the 'Extended Master Boot Loader' is present on the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the device (see the -M option), any partition may be made active. Whether the actual OS in the partition will boot from an extended partition depends on the characteristics of the OS. LILO boot records for Linux may be booted from an extended partition. =item B<-b> I Set the boot device where the boot loader will be installed. For example I<"-b /dev/sda"> set the Master Boot Record (MBR) on the first disk as boot device. I<"-b /dev/sdb5"> set the first extended partition on the second disk as boot device. =item B<-B> I Define a bitmap file for the boot-time graphics screen, preferably one already pre-processed with the I<-E> option. =item B<-c> Enable map compaction. This will merge read requests from adjacent sectors. Speeds up the booting especially from floppy. =item B<-C> I Set another pathname and filename for the configuration file. The default configuration file is F. =item B<-d> I Set the delay time in tenths of a second ('20' = 2 sec) before automatically booting the first image. This give you time to interrupt the automatic boot process with: Shift, Alt, Ctrl, ScrollLock, or CapsLock. If interrupted, the I prompt will be displayed. This switch will be overridden by the appearance of I in the configuration file! =item B<-D> I