;; vim: syntax=fasm include "uefi.asm" ;; "Syscalls" {{{ ;; [NOTE] Volatile registers Linux (syscalls) vs UEFI ;; ;; Linux syscalls: RAX, RCX, R11 ;; UEFI: RAX, RCX, R11, RDX, R8, R9, R10 ;; We are in the process of replacing our dependency on Linux with a dependency ;; on UEFI. The following macros attempt to isolate what would be syscalls in ;; Linux; thus, we will be able to replace these with UEFI-based implementations, ;; and in theory we should expect the program to work. ;; Print a string of a given length. ;; ;; Input: ;; - RCX = Pointer to buffer ;; - RDX = Buffer length ;; ;; Clobbers: RAX, RCX, R11, RDI, RSI macro sys_print_string { push r8 push r9 push r10 call uefi_print_string pop r10 pop r9 pop r8 } ;; Read a character from the user into the given buffer. ;; ;; Input: ;; - RSI = Character buffer ;; ;; Output: ;; - BYTE [RSI] = Character ;; ;; Clobbers: RAX, RCX, R11, RDI, RSI, RDX macro sys_read_char { push rbx push r8 push r9 push r10 push r15 mov rcx, rsi call uefi_read_char pop r15 pop r10 pop r9 pop r8 pop rbx } macro sys_terminate code { mov rax, code call uefi_terminate } ;; }}} ;; The code in this macro is placed at the end of each Forth word. When we are ;; executing a definition, this code is what causes execution to resume at the ;; next word in that definition. macro next { ;; RSI points to the address of the definition of the next word to execute. lodsq ; Load value at RSI into RAX and increment RSI ;; Now RAX contains the location of the next word to execute. The first 8 ;; bytes of this word is the address of the codeword, which is what we want ;; to execute. jmp qword [rax] ; Jump to the codeword of the current word } ;; pushr and popr work on the return stack, whose location is stored in the ;; register RBP. macro pushr x { sub rbp, 8 mov qword [rbp], x } macro popr x { mov x, [rbp] add rbp, 8 } ;; The following macro generates the dictionary header. It updates the ;; initial_latest_entry variable, which is used as the initial value of the ;; latest_entry variable that is made available at runtime. ;; ;; The header contains a link to the previous entry, the length of the name of ;; the word and the word itself as a string literal. ;; ;; This macro also defines a label LABEL_entry. initial_latest_entry = 0 macro header label, name, immediate { local .string_end label#_entry: dq initial_latest_entry if immediate eq db 0 else db 1 end if db .string_end - ($ + 1) db name .string_end: label: initial_latest_entry = label#_entry } ;; Define a Forth word that is implemented in assembly. See 'header' for details. macro forth_asm label, name, immediate { header label, name, immediate dq .start .start: } section '.text' code readable executable include "impl.asm" ; Misc. subroutines include "bootstrap.asm" ; Forth words encoded in Assembly main: cld ; Clear direction flag so LODSQ does the right thing. mov rbp, return_stack_top ; Initialize return stack call uefi_initialize mov rax, MAIN jmp qword [rax] program: dq MAIN ;; The codeword is the code that will be executed at the beginning of a forth ;; word. It needs to save the old RSI and update it to point to the next word to ;; execute. header DOCOL, 'DOCOL' pushr rsi ; Save old value of RSI on return stack; we will continue execution there after we are done executing this word lea rsi, [rax + 8] ; RAX currently points to the address of the codeword, so we want to continue at RAX+8 next ; Execute word pointed to by RSI ;; This word is called at the end of a Forth definition. It just needs to ;; restore the old value of RSI (saved by 'DOCOL') and resume execution. forth_asm EXIT, 'EXIT' popr rsi next ;; LIT is a special word that reads the next "word pointer" and causes it to be ;; placed on the stack rather than executed. forth_asm LIT, 'LIT' lodsq push rax next ;; Given a string (a pointer following by a size), return the location of the ;; dictionary entry for that word. If no such word exists, return 0. forth_asm FIND, 'FIND' mov [.rsi], rsi pop [find.search_length] pop [find.search_buffer] mov rsi, [latest_entry] ; Start with the last added word call find push rsi mov rsi, [.rsi] next push rsi mov rsi, [.rsi] next ;; Given an entry in the dictionary, return a pointer to the codeword of that ;; entry. forth_asm TCFA, '>CFA' pop rax add rax, 8 + 1 ; [rax] = length of name movzx rbx, byte [rax] inc rax add rax, rbx ; [rax] = codeword push rax next ;; BRANCH is the fundamental mechanism for branching. BRANCH reads the next word ;; as a signed integer literal and jumps by that offset. forth_asm BRANCH, 'BRANCH' add rsi, [rsi] ; [RSI], which is the next word, contains the offset; we add this to the instruction pointer. next ; Then, we can just continue execution as normal ;; 0BRANCH is like BRANCH, but it jumps only if the top of the stack is zero. forth_asm ZBRANCH, '0BRANCH' ;; Compare top of stack to see if we should branch pop rax cmp rax, 0 jnz .dont_branch .do_branch: jmp BRANCH.start .dont_branch: add rsi, 8 ; We need to skip over the next word, which contains the offset. next ;; Duplicate the top of the stack. forth_asm DUP_, 'DUP' push qword [rsp] next ;; Execute the codeword at the given address. forth_asm EXEC, 'EXEC' pop rax jmp qword [rax] ;; Expects a character on the stack and prints it to standard output. forth_asm EMIT, 'EMIT' pushr rsi pushr rax lea rcx, [rsp] mov rdx, 1 sys_print_string add rsp, 8 popr rax popr rsi next ;; Read a single character from the current input stream. Usually, this will wait ;; for the user to press a key, and then return the corresponding character. When ;; reading from a special buffer, it will instead return the next characater from ;; that buffer. ;; ;; The ASCII character code is placed on the stack. forth_asm KEY, 'KEY' call .impl push rax next ;; Result in RAX .impl: ;; Are we reading from user input or from the input buffer? cmp [input_buffer], 0 jne .from_buffer ;; Reading user input push rsi mov rsi, .buffer sys_read_char pop rsi movzx rax, byte [.buffer] ret .from_buffer: ;; Reading from buffer mov rax, [input_buffer] movzx rax, byte [rax] inc [input_buffer] dec [input_buffer_length] ret ;; Read a word and push it onto the stack as a pointer and a size. The pointer ;; is valid until the next call to READ_WORD. forth_asm READ_WORD, 'READ-WORD' push rsi .skip_whitespace: ;; Read characters until one of them is not whitespace. call KEY.impl ;; We consider newlines and spaces to be whitespace. cmp al, ' ' je .skip_whitespace cmp al, $A je .skip_whitespace ;; We got a character that wasn't whitespace. Now read the actual word. mov [.length], 0 .read_alpha: movzx rbx, [.length] mov rsi, .buffer add rsi, rbx mov [rsi], al inc [.length] call KEY.impl cmp al, ' ' je .end cmp al, $A jne .read_alpha .end: pop rsi push .buffer movzx rax, [.length] push rax next ;; Takes a string on the stack and replaces it with the decimal number that the ;; string represents. forth_asm PARSE_NUMBER, 'PARSE-NUMBER' pop rcx ; Length pop rdi ; String pointer push rsi call parse_number pop rsi push rax ; Result next ;; Takes a string (in the form of a pointer and a length on the stack) and ;; prints it to standard output. forth_asm TELL, 'TELL' pushr rax pushr rsi pop rdx ; Length pop rcx ; Buffer sys_print_string popr rsi popr rax next ;; Exit the program cleanly. forth_asm TERMINATE, 'TERMINATE' sys_terminate 0 ;; Duplicate a pair of elements. forth_asm PAIRDUP, '2DUP' pop rbx pop rax push rax push rbx push rax push rbx next ;; Swap the top two elements on the stack. forth_asm SWAP, 'SWAP' pop rax pop rbx push rax push rbx next ;; Remove the top element from the stack. forth_asm DROP, 'DROP' add rsp, 8 next forth_asm NOT_, 'NOT' pop rax cmp rax, 0 jz .false .true: push 0 next .false: push 1 next ;; .U prints the value on the stack as an unsigned integer in hexadecimal. forth_asm DOTU, '.U' mov [.length], 0 mov [.printed_length], 1 pop rax ; RAX = value to print push rsi ; Save value of RSI ;; We start by constructing the buffer to print in reverse .loop: mov rdx, 0 mov rbx, $10 div rbx ; Put remainer in RDX and quotient in RAX ;; Place the appropriate character in the buffer mov rsi, .chars add rsi, rdx mov bl, [rsi] mov rdi, .rbuffer add rdi, [.length] mov [rdi], bl inc [.length] ;; .printed_length is the number of characters that we ulitmately want to ;; print. If we have printed a non-zero character, then we should update ;; .printed_length. cmp bl, '0' je .skip_updating_real_length mov rbx, [.length] mov [.printed_length], rbx .skip_updating_real_length: cmp [.length], 16 jle .loop ;; Flip buffer around, since it is currently reversed mov rcx, [.printed_length] .flip: mov rsi, .rbuffer add rsi, rcx dec rsi mov al, [rsi] mov rdi, .buffer add rdi, [.printed_length] sub rdi, rcx mov [rdi], al loop .flip ;; Print the buffer mov rcx, .buffer mov rdx, [.printed_length] sys_print_string ;; Restore RSI and continue execution pop rsi next ;; Takes a value and an address, and stores the value at the given address. forth_asm PUT, '!' pop rbx ; Address pop rax ; Value mov [rbx], rax next ;; Takes an address and returns the value at the given address. forth_asm GET, '@' pop rax mov rax, [rax] push rax next forth_asm PUT_BYTE, 'C!' pop rbx pop rax ; Value mov [rbx], al next forth_asm GET_BYTE, 'C@' pop rax movzx rax, byte [rax] push rax next ;; Add two integers on the stack. forth_asm PLUS, '+' pop rax pop rbx add rax, rbx push rax next ;; Calculate difference between two integers on the stack. The second number is ;; subtracted from the first. forth_asm MINUS, '-' pop rax pop rbx sub rbx, rax push rbx next ;; Given two integers a and b on the stack, pushes the quotient and remainder of ;; division of a by b. forth_asm TIMESMOD, '/MOD' pop rbx ; b pop rax ; a mov rdx, 0 div rbx push rax ; a / b push rdx ; a % b next ;; Read input until next " character is found. Push a string containing the ;; input on the stack as (buffer length). Note that the buffer is only valid ;; until the next call to S" and that no more than 255 characters can be read. forth_asm READ_STRING, 'S"' ;; If the input buffer is set, we should read from there instead. cmp [input_buffer], 0 jne read_string_buffer push rsi mov [.length], 0 .read_char: mov rsi, .char_buffer sys_read_char mov al, [.char_buffer] cmp al, '"' je .done mov rdx, .buffer add rdx, [.length] mov [rdx], al inc [.length] jmp .read_char .done: pop rsi push .buffer push [.length] next read_string_buffer: push rsi ;; We borrow READ_STRING's buffer. They won't mind. mov [READ_STRING.length], 0 .read_char: mov rbx, [input_buffer] mov al, [rbx] cmp al, '"' je .done mov rdx, READ_STRING.buffer add rdx, [READ_STRING.length] mov [rdx], al inc [READ_STRING.length] inc [input_buffer] dec [input_buffer_length] jmp .read_char .done: pop rsi ;; Skip closing " inc [input_buffer] dec [input_buffer_length] push READ_STRING.buffer push [READ_STRING.length] next ;; CREATE inserts a new header in the dictionary, and updates LATEST so that it ;; points to the header. To compile a word, the user can then call ',' to ;; continue to append data after the header. ;; ;; It takes the name of the word as a string (address length) on the stack. forth_asm CREATE, 'CREATE' pop rcx ; Word string length pop rdx ; Word string pointer mov rdi, [here] ; rdi = Address at which to insert this entry mov rax, [latest_entry] ; rax = Address of the previous entry mov [rdi], rax ; Insert link to previous entry mov [latest_entry], rdi ; Update LATEST to point to this word add rdi, 8 mov [rdi], byte 0 ; Insert immediate flag add rdi, 1 mov [rdi], byte cl ; Insert length ;; Insert word string add rdi, 1 push rsi mov rsi, rdx ; rsi = Word string pointer rep movsb pop rsi ;; Update HERE mov [here], rdi next forth_asm TICK, "'" lodsq push rax next forth_asm ROT, 'ROT' pop rax pop rbx pop rdx push rax push rdx push rbx next forth_asm PICK, 'PICK' pop rax lea rax, [rsp + 8 * rax] mov rax, [rax] push rax next forth_asm EQL, '=' pop rax pop rbx cmp rax, rbx je .eq .noteq: push 0 next .eq: push 1 next forth MAIN, 'MAIN' dq SYSCODE dq INTERPRET_STRING dq INTERPRET dq BRANCH, -8 * 2 dq TERMINATE ;; Built-in variables: forth STATE, 'STATE' dq LIT, var_STATE dq EXIT forth LATEST, 'LATEST' dq LIT, latest_entry dq EXIT forth HERE, 'HERE' dq LIT, here dq EXIT forth SYSCODE, 'SYSCODE' dq LIT, sysf dq LIT, sysf.len dq EXIT forth INPUT_BUFFER, 'INPUT-BUFFER' dq LIT, input_buffer dq EXIT forth INPUT_LENGTH, 'INPUT-LENGTH' dq LIT, input_buffer_length dq EXIT section '.data' readable writable ;; The LATEST variable holds a pointer to the word that was last added to the ;; dictionary. This pointer is updated as new words are added, and its value is ;; used by FIND to look up words. latest_entry dq initial_latest_entry ;; The STATE variable is 0 when the interpreter is executing, and non-zero when ;; it is compiling. var_STATE dq 0 ;; The interpreter can read either from standard input or from a buffer. When ;; input-buffer is set (non-null), words like READ-WORD and S" will use this ;; buffer instead of reading user input. input_buffer dq 0 input_buffer_length dq 0 FIND.rsi dq ? READ_WORD.rsi dq ? READ_WORD.rbp dq ? READ_STRING.char_buffer db ? READ_STRING.buffer rb $FF READ_STRING.length dq ? DOTU.chars db '0123456789ABCDEF' DOTU.buffer rq 16 ; 64-bit number has no more than 16 digits in hex DOTU.rbuffer rq 16 DOTU.length dq ? DOTU.printed_length dq ? KEY.buffer dq ? READ_WORD.buffer rb $FF READ_WORD.length db ? ;; Reserve space for compiled words, accessed through HERE. here dq here_top here_top rq $4000 ;; Return stack rq $2000 return_stack_top: ;; We store some Forth code in sys.f that defined common words that the user ;; would expect to have available at startup. To execute these words, we just ;; include the file directly in the binary, and then interpret it at startup. sysf file 'sys.f' sysf.len = $ - sysf