;; This newlisp "module" sets up a dbus API adapter ;; ;; dbus is an object oriented interprocess commmunications framework ;; based on utual object proxying. This end holds some objects that ;; remote ends can access and invoke methods on, and remote ends hold ;; objects that this pocess can access and invoke methods on. ;; ;; https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html ;; https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-api-design.html ;; [C API] https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/api/html/ ;; (unless (context? MAIN:FOOP) (load "foop.lsp")) (unless (context? MAIN:prog1) (load "misc.lsp")) (unless (context? MAIN:DbusConnection) (load "lsp-dbus-connection.lsp")) ################################################################# (context 'MAIN:Dbus) ;; Declaring the FOOP object (FOOP path name bus) ;; "The FOOP Constructor". Creates an object for a given path. (define (Dbus:Dbus PATH (NAME (replace "/" (1 PATH) ".")) (BUS 'SYSTEM-BUS)) (list (context) PATH NAME BUS)) ;; Update the connection serial and return it (define (connection++) (case (%bus) (SYSTEM-BUS (:serial++ SYSTEM-BUS)) (true 0))) ; Include marshalling functions and signal handling framework (load "lsp-dbus-marshal.lsp" (context)) (load "lsp-dbus-events.lsp" (context)) ;; ==================== ;; Dbus symbols (constant 'PROTOCOL-VERSION '(1 1) 'MESSAGE-TYPES '(INVALID METHOD_CALL METHOD_RETURN ERROR SIGNAL) 'MESSAGE-FLAGS '(NO_REPLY_EXPECTED NO_AUTO_START ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION) ;; Message headers: [code] => (name type) 'MESSAGE-HEADERS '((INVALID ) (PATH "o") (INTERFACE "s") (MEMBER "s") (ERROR_NAME "s") (REPLY_SERIAL "i") (DESTINATION "s") (SENDER "s") (SIGNATURE "g") (UNIX_FDS "i") ) ) ;; Map message type symbol to dbus type code (i.e. the list index) (define (message-type-code TYPE) (or (find TYPE MESSAGE-TYPES =) 0)) ;; Map flag symbol F to its dbus "bit code" (define (flag F) (if (find F MESSAGE-FLAGS) (pow 2 $it) 0)) ;; Return the dbus flags code from FLAGS; if it is a number thent tha ;; is returned as is; if FLAGS is a list of message flag symbols then ;; combine their codes by bit-OR. Anything else yields 0. (define (message-flags FLAGS) (if (number? FLAGS) FLAGS (list? FLAGS) (apply | (map flag FLAGS)) 0)) ;; (message-header (NAME VALUE)) ; Translate header into its marshalling data. The name is mapped to ; its header code and associated value type. This gets translated into ; the marshalling data form of (code (type value)) (define (message-header HDR) (when (list? HDR) (if (find (list (HDR 0) '*) MESSAGE-HEADERS match) (list $it (list (MESSAGE-HEADERS $it -1) (HDR 1)))))) ;; Join the excess string arguments N-byte alignment successively (define (pad-join N) (let ((OUT "")) (dolist (S (args)) (let ((PAD (dup "\000" (% (- N (% (length OUT) N)) N)))) (extend OUT PAD S))) OUT)) ;; Return a marshalled message string appended by the marshalled body (define (message TYPE FLAGS HDRS BODY) (pad-join 8 (pack-data "yyyyuua(yv)" (list (char "l") (message-type-code TYPE) (message-flags FLAGS) (PROTOCOL-VERSION 0) ; Major version code (length BODY) (connection++) (clean null? (map message-header HDRS)))) BODY )) ;; (:invoke OBJ METHOD ARGS FLAGS) ; Perform a METHOD_CALL on the (self) object ;; The given METHOD has format "INTERFACE.NAME(SIGNATURE)" with the ;; "INTERFACE." bit optional. The function returns the list of headers ;; of the reply message extended with reply value as a faked header ;; named "". ;; ;; This function calls send-recv-message which also polls for signals ;; until a reply is given, but any such signals are stocked up as ;; pending for later processing on demand. (define (invoke METHOD ARGS (FLAGS 0)) (when (regex "((.+):)?((.+)\\.)?([^(]+)\\((.*)\\)$" METHOD 0) (let ((PATH $2) (INTERFACE $4) (MEMBER $5) (SIGNATURE $6)) ;;(println (list 'invoke (%name) INTERFACE MEMBER SIGNATURE)) (if (message 'METHOD_CALL FLAGS (list nil ; (if SELF-NAME (list 'SENDER SELF-NAME)) (list 'DESTINATION (%name)) (list 'PATH (if (empty? PATH) (%path) PATH)) (if (empty? INTERFACE) nil (list 'INTERFACE INTERFACE)) (list 'MEMBER MEMBER) (if (empty? SIGNATURE) nil (list 'SIGNATURE SIGNATURE)) ) (if (empty? SIGNATURE) "" (pack-data SIGNATURE ARGS))) (send-recv-message $it) nil )))) ;; Context variables and framework registration (setf SYSTEM-BUS (MAIN:DbusConnection "/run/dbus/system_bus_socket") APPID (:initialize SYSTEM-BUS) ROOT (Dbus "/org/freedesktop/DBus") APPNAME (if (lookup "" (:invoke ROOT "org.freedesktop.DBus.Hello()")) ($it 0)) ) ;; Installation of some framework notification handlers ;; Helper method to notify (define (signal-trace ARGS) (die nil "** Got:" KEY ARGS )) (:handler ROOT "org.freedesktop.DBus.NameAcquired(s)" signal-trace) (:handler ROOT "org.freedesktop.DBus.NameLost(s)" signal-trace) (:handler ROOT "org.freedesktop.DBus.NameOwnerChanged(sss)" signal-trace) ; Process notifications that came with the registration handshake (process-all-pending) ;; Set up the Dbus event loop as prompt-event handler (prompt-event Dbus:main-loop) (context 'DbusInterface) (FOOP name members) ;; FOOP constructor; remember the interface name (define (DbusInterface:DbusInterface NAME (MEMBERS '())) (list (context) NAME MEMBERS)) ;; Utility method to expand a member with interface prefix (define (m MEMBER) (string (%name) "." MEMBER)) ;; Install this interface into the context of the caller (define (use) (let ((IF (when (regex "([^.]+)$" (%name) 0) $1)) (CC (prefix (first (or (1 (history)) '(MAIN)))))) (letex ((S (sym $1 CC)) (V (self))) (begin (context CC) (constant 'S 'V))))) ;; Declare additional members for this interface (define (has) (dolist (MEMBER (args)) (unless (member MEMBER (%members)) (!members (push MEMBER (%members) -1))))) ;;###################################################################### ;; ;; Standard interfaces (context MAIN) (:use (DbusInterface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer" '( "Ping()" "GetMachineId()" ; s ))) (:use (DbusInterface "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" '( "GetManagedObjects()" ; a(oa(sa(sv))) ))) (:use (DbusInterface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" ' Introspectable "Introspect()" ; s (xml data) )) ; https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#introspection-format (:use (DbusInterface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" '( "Get(ss)" ; v "Set(ssv)" ; -- "GetAll(s)" ; a(sv) "PropertiesChanged(sa(sv)as)" ; signal ? ))) (:use (DbusInterface "org.freedesktop.DBus" '( "Hello()" ; s "RequestName(su)" ; u "ReleaseName(s)" ; u "ListQueuedOwners (s)" ; as "ListNames()" ; as "ListActivatableNames()" ; as "NameHasOwner(s)" ; b "NameOwnerChanged(sss)" ; -- signal "NameLost(s)" ; -- signal "NameAcquired(s)" ; -- signal "ActivatableServicesChanged()" ; -- signal "StartServiceByName(s,u)" ; u "UpdateActivationEnvironment(a(ss))" ; ? "GetNameOwner(s)" ; s "GetConnectionUnixUser(s)" ; u "GetConnectionUnixProcessID(s)" ; u "GetConnectionCredentials(s)" ; a(sv) "GetAdtAuditSessionData(s)" ; ay "GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext(s)" ; ay "AddMatch(s)" ; "RemoveMatch(s)" ; ? "GetId()" ; s "Monitoring.BecomeMonitor(asu)" ; ? ))) ;eg AddMatch argument: ;"type='signal',sender='org.example.App2',path_namespace='/org/example/App2'" "lsp-dbus.lsp"