;; This newlisp "module" implements dbus marshalling ; ; The newlisp representation is a simplified form using lists for ; structs and arrays. ;; (expand-signature S) ; Expland a signature string into a nested list to correspond to the ; newlisp list representation. ;; Basic dbus types are basic newlisp types, including strings. Arrays ;; and structs are sublists; the expanded signature marks array ;; sublists with an initial "a", otherwise it's a struct sublist. ; ; Ex: "yi" = ("y" "i") ; Ex: "y(ai)" = ("y" (("a" "i"))) ; Ex: "a(yi)" = (("a" ("y" "i"))) ; Ex: "yyyyuua(yv)" = ("y" "y" "y" "y" "u" "u" ("a" ("y" "v"))) (define (expand-signature S) (let ((STACK '()) (CUR '()) (A 0)) (dolist (X (explode S)) (case X (")" (setf X CUR) (setf CUR (pop STACK))) ("(" (push CUR STACK) (setf CUR '())) (true true)) (when (and (!= X "a") (!= X "(")) (while (and CUR (= "a" (last CUR))) (setf X (list (last CUR) X)) (setf CUR (chop CUR)))) (when (!= "(" X) (push X CUR -1))) (if (null? CUR) '() CUR))) ;; Align AT to an I multiple and pad DATA with as many NUL bytes at ;; front, then increment AT past it all. (define (pack-align DATA (I (length DATA))) (let ((PAD (dup "\000" (% (- I (% AT I)) I)))) (setf DATA (extend PAD DATA)) (inc AT (length DATA)) DATA)) ;; Pack data from DATA according to signature. The DATA is a nested ;; list where container types are sub lists. Variant types also appear ;; as pairs of signature and value. (define (pack-data SIGN DATA) (let ((AT 0)) (pack-data-struct (expand-signature SIGN) DATA))) ;; Pack a newlisp data element according to marshalling type The ;; newlisp data is integer, double, string or list (for container and ;; variant elements). (constant 'FMTMAP ; mapping dbus type code to byte size and newlisp code '( ("y" 1 "b") ; BYTE (unsigned 8-bit integer) ("b" 1 "b") ; BOOLEAN (0 is FALSE, 1 is TRUE, else invalid) ("n" 2 "d") ; INT16 (signed 16-bit integer) ("q" 2 "u") ; UINT16 (unsigned 16-bit integer) ("i" 4 "ld") ; INT32 (signed 32-bit integer) ("u" 4 "lu") ; UINT32 (unsigned 32-bit integer) ("x" 8 "Ld") ; INT64 (signed 64-bit integer) ("t" 8 "Lu") ; UINT64 (unsigned 64-bit integer) ("d" 8 "lf") ; DOUBLE (64-bit float) ("h" 4 "lu") ; UINT32 (unix file descriptor) ("a" ? ?) ; ARRAY = UINT32 byte-length, items ("s" ? ?) ; STRING = length + data + NUL ("o" ? ?) ; OBJECT_PATH = BYTE length + data + NUL ("g" ? ?) ; SIGNATURE = BYTE length + data + NUL ("(" ? ?) ; STRUCT begin in signature = (8-align) + data (")" 0 ?) ; STRUCT end in signature ("v" ? ?) ; VARIANT = signature + data ("{" ? ?) ; DICT_ENTRY begin ("}" ? ?) ; DICT_ENTRY end ("r" ? ?) ; reserved STRUCT in bindings? ("e" ? ?) ; reserved DICT_ENTRY in bindings ? ("m" ? ?) ; reserved 'maybe' ("*" ? ?) ; reserved 'single complete type' ("?" ? ?) ; reserved 'basic type' ("@" ? ?) ; reserved ("&" ? ?) ; reserved ("^" ? ?) ; reserved ) ) (define (pack-data-item ES DATA) (if (list? ES) (pack-data-struct ES DATA) (= ES "s") (pack-data-string ES DATA) (= ES "o") (pack-data-string ES DATA) (= ES "g") (pack-data-signature ES DATA) (= ES "v") (apply pack-data-variant DATA) (if (lookup ES FMTMAP) (pack-align (pack $it DATA))))) (define (pack-data-variant ES DATA) (extend (pack-align (pack "bbb" 1 (char ES) 0) 1) (pack-data-item ES DATA))) ;; pack types "s" and "o" (define (pack-data-string ES DATA) (pack-align (pack (format "lus%db" (length DATA)) (length DATA) DATA 0) 4)) ;; pack type "g" (define (pack-data-signature ES DATA) (pack-align (pack (format "bs%db" (length DATA)) (length DATA) DATA 0) 1)) ;; Pack an array. DATA elements marshalled by repeating ES, preceded ;; by the array length in bytes as aligned UINT32. (define (pack-data-array ES DATA) (let ((PAD (pack-align "" 4)) (X (inc AT 4)) ; start index of array bytes (DATA (apply extend (map (curry pack-data-item ES) DATA)))) (extend PAD (pack "lu" (- AT X)) DATA))) ;; Pack a struct. ES and DATA elements marshalled pairwise in order ;; following an initial8-byte alignment. (define (pack-data-struct ES DATA) (if (= "a" (ES 0)) (pack-data-array (ES 1) DATA) (apply extend (cons (pack-align "" 8) (map pack-data-item ES DATA))))) ;;########## unpacking ;; Advance AT to an I multiple. (define (align-AT I) (inc AT (% (- I (% AT I)) I))) ;; Advance AT to an I multiple and unpack (by newlisp format) at that ;; position in DATA. Then advance AT further past that unpacking but ;; return the unpacked value. (define (unpack-align I FMT) (align-AT I) (prog1 ((unpack FMT (AT DATA)) 0) (inc AT I))) ;; Unpack a string or object path. The format is "lu" (UINT32) with ;; the string length, then "s%db" with that string length and followed ;; by a NUL byte. (define (unpack-data-string ES (N (unpack-align 4 "lu"))) (prog1 ((unpack (string "s" N) (AT DATA)) 0) (inc AT (+ 1 N)))) ;; Unpack a signature string. The format is "b" (BYTE) with the string ;; length, then "s%db" with that string length and followed by a NUL ;; byte. I.e. the same as unpack-data-string but with the string ;; length in a BYTE rather than an UINT32. (define (unpack-data-signature ES) (unpack-data-string ES (unpack-align 1 "b"))) ;; Unpack a variant item. This consists of "bbb" where the middle ;; character is the type character for the data, preceded by a 1 byte ;; and followed by a NUL byte. The subsequent data is unpacked ;; according to that type character. (define (unpack-data-variant) (let ((ES ((unpack "bs1b" (AT DATA)) 1))) (inc AT 3) (unpack-data-item ES))) ;; Unpack the ES type item from (AT DATA), optionally with ;; pre-alignment, and increment AT past the padding and item. (define (unpack-data-item ES) (if (list? ES) (unpack-data-struct ES) (= ES "s") (unpack-data-string ES) (= ES "o") (unpack-data-string ES) (= ES "g") (unpack-data-signature ES) (= ES "v") (unpack-data-variant) (if (assoc ES FMTMAP) (unpack-align ($it -2) ($it -1))))) ;; Unpack array with ES elements. The array begins with an UINT32 ;; field telling how many bytes to unpack, followed by the array ;; elements. (define (unpack-data-array ES) (let ((A AT) (N (+ (unpack-align 4 "u") AT)) (OUT '())) (while (< AT N) (push (unpack-data-item ES) OUT -1)) OUT)) ;; Unpack a structure or array with ES fields. (define (unpack-data-struct ES) (if (= "a" (ES 0)) (unpack-data-array (ES 1)) (begin (align-AT 8) (map unpack-data-item ES)))) ;; Unpack from a DATA string according to signature SIGN This returns ;; a pair (unpacked pos) of unpacked data and how much data is ;; consumed. (define (unpack-data SIGN DATA (AT 0)) (list (unpack-data-item (expand-signature SIGN)) AT)) ;; Unpack all dbus messages in the given DATA block. Each message ;; consists of head and body. The head has signature "yyyyuua(yv)" ;; where the array is an alist of key-value pairs, optionally ;; including the 'SIGNATURE key with the signature for the body; if ;; omitted, then the body is empty. ;; ;; The function returns the header list of key-value pairs optionally ;; extended with the pair ("" body). (define (unpack-messages DATA) (let ((AT 0) (OUT '()) (M nil) (D nil) (S nil)) (while (and (< AT (length DATA)) (setf M (unpack-data "yyyyuua(yv)" DATA AT))) (setf AT (M 1)) (setf M (M 0 -1)) ; Drop (dotimes (i (length M 0)) (setf (M i 0) (MESSAGE-HEADERS (M i 0) 0))) (setf S (if (lookup 'SIGNATURE M) ($it 0) "")) (when (and (!= S "") (setf D (unpack-data S DATA AT))) (setf AT (D 1)) (extend M (list (list "" (D 0))))) (push M OUT -1) (setf DATA (AT DATA)) (setf AT 0) ) OUT ))