;; This newlisp module implements dbus socket send-receive together ;; with signal receive. (This file should be loaded into the Dbus ;; context) ;; ;; The REPL loop is re-mastered by means of a prompt-event function ;; that firstly handles any pending dbus messages, and secondly ;; net-select on both the dbus socket and stdin. ;; ;; Stdin is handled with priority. ;; ;; Dbus messages are read and added to the pending list. ;; ;; Handlers are set up as functions (fn (data msg) ..) identified by ;; "dbus callback key" consisting of path, interface, method and ;; signature separated by ":". For example: ;; ;; "/org/freedesktop/DBus:org.freedesktop.DBus.NameAcquired(s)" ;; ;; would identify the handler for the NameAcquired(string) method of ;; the interface "org.freedesktop.DBus" of the path ;; "/org/freedesktop/DBus" of the client. That particular callback is ;; a s.c. signal sent by the dbus framework implementation in reaction ;; to the initial Hello call, i.e. the s.c. invocation of ;; ;; "/org/freedesktop/DBus:org.freedesktop.DBus.Hello()" ;; ;; Return the callback key for a message MSG (define (message-key MSG) (string (lookup 'PATH MSG) ":" (lookup 'INTERFACE MSG) "." (lookup 'MEMBER MSG) "(" (lookup 'SIGNATURE MSG) ")" )) ;; This is the table of handlers, keyed by path:interface:method:signature (define RECV:RECV nil) ;; Utility function to install a handler for a given key, (define (handler KEY HANDLER) (RECV (string (%path) ":" KEY) HANDLER)) ;; This is the list of Dbus messages still to handle. (setf pending '()) (define (no-handler KEY MSG) (write-line 2 (format "** No handler %s for:\n%s" KEY (string MSG)))) (define (process-message MSG) (let ((KEY (message-key MSG))) (if (RECV KEY) ($it (lookup "" MSG)) (no-handler KEY MSG)))) ;; Process all messages currently pending (define (process-all-pending) (while (if (pop pending) (process-message $it)))) ;; The main-loop is intended as a prompt-handler so as to deal with ;; asyncronous events (define (main-loop S) (let ((FDS (list 0 (:%socket SYSTEM-BUS))) (FD nil)) (write 2 (string "> ")) (while (or pending (not (member 0 (net-select FDS "r" -1)))) (if (pop pending) (process-message $it) (if (unpack-messages (or (:read-message SYSTEM-BUS) "")) (extend pending $it)) )) "main-loop: ")) ;; Send message, then keep reading messages until there is a reply (define (send-recv-message MSG) (net-send (:%socket SYSTEM-BUS) MSG) (let ((REPLY nil)) (while (nil? REPLY) (dolist (M (unpack-messages (:read-message SYSTEM-BUS))) (if (lookup 'REPLY_SERIAL M) (setf REPLY M) (push M pending -1)))) REPLY)) "lsp-dbus-events.lsp"