/* A sometimes minimal FORTH compiler and tutorial for Linux / i386 systems. -*- asm -*- By Richard W.M. Jones http://annexia.org/forth gcc -m32 -nostdlib -static -Wl,-Ttext,0 -o jonesforth jonesforth.S INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORTH is one of those alien languages which most working programmers regard in the same way as Haskell, LISP, and so on. Something so strange that they'd rather any thoughts of it just go away so they can get on with writing this paying code. But that's wrong and if you care at all about programming then you should at least understand all these languages, even if you will never use them. LISP is the ultimate high-level language, and features from LISP are being added every decade to the more common languages. But FORTH is in some ways the ultimate in low level programming. Out of the box it lacks features like dynamic memory management and even strings. In fact, at its primitive level it lacks even basic concepts like IF-statements and loops. Why then would you want to learn FORTH? There are several very good reasons. First and foremost, FORTH is minimal. You really can write a complete FORTH in, say, 2000 lines of code. I don't just mean a FORTH program, I mean a complete FORTH operating system, environment and language. You could boot such a FORTH on a bare PC and it would come up with a prompt where you could start doing useful work. The FORTH you have here isn't minimal and uses a Linux process as its 'base PC' (both for the purposes of making it a good tutorial). It's possible to completely understand the system. Who can say they completely understand how Linux works, or gcc? Secondly FORTH has a peculiar bootstrapping property. By that I mean that after writing a little bit of assembly to talk to the hardware and implement a few primitives, all the rest of the language and compiler is written in FORTH itself. Remember I said before that FORTH lacked IF-statements and loops? Well of course it doesn't really because such a lanuage would be useless, but my point was rather that IF-statements and loops are written in FORTH itself. Now of course this is common in other languages as well, and in those languages we call them 'libraries'. For example in C, 'printf' is a library function written in C. But in FORTH this goes way beyond mere libraries. Can you imagine writing C's 'if' in C? And that brings me to my third reason: If you can write 'if' in FORTH, then why restrict yourself to the usual if/while/for/switch constructs? You want a construct that iterates over every other element in a list of numbers? You can add it to the language. What about an operator which pulls in variables directly from a configuration file and makes them available as FORTH variables? Or how about adding Makefile-like dependencies to the language? No problem in FORTH. This concept isn't common in programming languages, but it has a name (in fact two names): "macros" (by which I mean LISP-style macros, not the lame C preprocessor) and "domain specific languages" (DSLs). This tutorial isn't about learning FORTH as the language. I'll point you to some references you should read if you're not familiar with using FORTH. This tutorial is about how to write FORTH. In fact, until you understand how FORTH is written, you'll have only a very superficial understanding of how to use it. So if you're not familiar with FORTH or want to refresh your memory here are some online references to read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forth_%28programming_language%29 http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/551.jvn.fall01/primer.htm http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Forth_Lessons Here is another "Why FORTH?" essay: http://www.jwdt.com/~paysan/why-forth.html SETTING UP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's get a few housekeeping things out of the way. Firstly because I need to draw lots of ASCII-art diagrams to explain concepts, the best way to look at this is using a window which uses a fixed width font and is at least this wide: <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Secondly make sure TABS are set to 8 characters. The following should be a vertical line. If not, sort out your tabs. | | | Thirdly I assume that your screen is at least 50 characters high. ASSEMBLING ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to actually run this FORTH, rather than just read it, you will need Linux on an i386. Linux because instead of programming directly to the hardware on a bare PC which I could have done, I went for a simpler tutorial by assuming that the 'hardware' is a Linux process with a few basic system calls (read, write and exit and that's about all). i386 is needed because I had to write the assembly for a processor, and i386 is by far the most common. (Of course when I say 'i386', any 32- or 64-bit x86 processor will do. I'm compiling this on a 64 bit AMD Opteron). Again, to assemble this you will need gcc and gas (the GNU assembler). The commands to assemble and run the code (save this file as 'jonesforth.S') are: gcc -m32 -nostdlib -static -Wl,-Ttext,0 -o jonesforth jonesforth.S ./jonesforth You will see lots of 'Warning: unterminated string; newline inserted' messages from the assembler. That's just because the GNU assembler doesn't have a good syntax for multi-line strings (or rather it used to, but the developers removed it!) so I've abused the syntax slightly to make things readable. Ignore these warnings. ASSEMBLER ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (You can just skip to the next section -- you don't need to be able to read assembler to follow this tutorial). However if you do want to read the assembly code here are a few notes about gas (the GNU assembler): (1) Register names are prefixed with '%', so %eax is the 32 bit i386 accumulator. The registers available on i386 are: %eax, %ebx, %ecx, %edx, %esi, %edi, %ebp and %esp, and most of them have special purposes. (2) Add, mov, etc. take arguments in the form SRC,DEST. So mov %eax,%ecx moves %eax -> %ecx (3) Constants are prefixed with '$', and you mustn't forget it! If you forget it then it causes a read from memory instead, so: mov $2,%eax moves number 2 into %eax mov 2,%eax reads the 32 bit word from address 2 into %eax (ie. most likely a mistake) (4) gas has a funky syntax for local labels, where '1f' (etc.) means label '1:' "forwards" and '1b' (etc.) means label '1:' "backwards". (5) 'ja' is "jump if above", 'jb' for "jump if below", 'je' "jump if equal" etc. (6) gas has a reasonably nice .macro syntax, and I use them a lot to make the code shorter and less repetitive. For more help reading the assembler, do "info gas" at the Linux prompt. Now the tutorial starts in earnest. THE DICTIONARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In FORTH as you will know, functions are called "words", as just as in other languages they have a name and a definition. Here are two FORTH words: : DOUBLE DUP + ; \ name is "DOUBLE", definition is "DUP +" : QUADRUPLE DOUBLE DOUBLE ; \ name is "QUADRUPLE", definition is "DOUBLE DOUBLE" Words, both built-in ones and ones which the programmer defines later, are stored in a dictionary which is just a linked list of dictionary entries. <--- DICTIONARY ENTRY (HEADER) -----------------------> +------------------------+--------+---------- - - - - +----------- - - - - | LINK POINTER | LENGTH/| NAME | DEFINITION | | FLAGS | | +--- (4 bytes) ----------+- byte -+- n bytes - - - - +----------- - - - - I'll come to the definition of the word later. For now just look at the header. The first 4 bytes are the link pointer. This points back to the previous word in the dictionary, or, for the first word in the dictionary it is just a NULL pointer. Then comes a length/flags byte. The length of the word can be up to 31 characters (5 bits used) and the top three bits are used for various flags which I'll come to later. This is followed by the name itself, and in this implementation the name is rounded up to a multiple of 4 bytes by padding it with zero bytes. That's just to ensure that the definition starts on a 32 bit boundary. A FORTH variable called LATEST contains a pointer to the most recently defined word, in other words, the head of this linked list. DOUBLE and QUADRUPLE might look like this: pointer to previous word ^ | +--|------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+------------- - - - - | LINK | 6 | D | O | U | B | L | E | 0 | (definition ...) +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+------------- - - - - ^ len padding | +--|------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+------------- - - - - | LINK | 9 | Q | U | A | D | R | U | P | L | E | 0 | 0 | (definition ...) +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+------------- - - - - ^ len padding | | LATEST You shoud be able to see from this how you might implement functions to find a word in the dictionary (just walk along the dictionary entries starting at LATEST and matching the names until you either find a match or hit the NULL pointer at the end of the dictionary), and add a word to the dictionary (create a new definition, set its LINK to LATEST, and set LATEST to point to the new word). We'll see precisely these functions implemented in assembly code later on. One interesting consequence of using a linked list is that you can redefine words, and a newer definition of a word overrides an older one. This is an important concept in FORTH because it means that any word (even "built-in" or "standard" words) can be overridden with a new definition, either to enhance it, to make it faster or even to disable it. However because of the way that FORTH words get compiled, which you'll understand below, words defined using the old definition of a word continue to use the old definition. Only words defined after the new definition use the new definition. DIRECT THREADED CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we'll get to the really crucial bit in understanding FORTH, so go and get a cup of tea or coffee and settle down. It's fair to say that if you don't understand this section, then you won't "get" how FORTH works, and that would be a failure on my part for not explaining it well. So if after reading this section a few times you don't understand it, please email me (rich@annexia.org). Let's talk first about what "threaded code" means. Imagine a peculiar version of C where you are only allowed to call functions without arguments. (Don't worry for now that such a language would be completely useless!) So in our peculiar C, code would look like this: f () { a (); b (); c (); } and so on. How would a function, say 'f' above, be compiled by a standard C compiler? Probably into assembly code like this. On the right hand side I've written the actual 16 bit machine code. f: CALL a E8 08 00 00 00 CALL b E8 1C 00 00 00 CALL c E8 2C 00 00 00 ; ignore the return from the function for now "E8" is the x86 machine code to "CALL" a function. In the first 20 years of computing memory was hideously expensive and we might have worried about the wasted space being used by the repeated "E8" bytes. We can save 20% in code size (and therefore, in expensive memory) by compressing this into just: 08 00 00 00 Just the function addresses, without 1C 00 00 00 the CALL prefix. 2C 00 00 00 Of course this code won't run directly any more. Instead we need to write an interpreter which takes each pair of bytes and calls it. On an i386 machine it turns out that we can write this interpreter rather easily, in just two assembly instructions which turn into just 3 bytes of machine code. Let's store the pointer to the next word to execute in the %esi register: 08 00 00 00 <- We're executing this one now. %esi is the _next_ one to execute. %esi -> 1C 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 The all-important x86 instruction is called LODSL (or in Intel manuals, LODSW). It does two things. Firstly it reads the memory at %esi into the accumulator (%eax). Secondly it increments %esi by 4 bytes. So after LODSL, the situation now looks like this: 08 00 00 00 <- We're still executing this one 1C 00 00 00 <- %eax now contains this address (0x0000001C) %esi -> 2C 00 00 00 Now we just need to jump to the address in %eax. This is again just a single x86 instruction written JMP *(%eax). And after doing the jump, the situation looks like: 08 00 00 00 1C 00 00 00 <- Now we're executing this subroutine. %esi -> 2C 00 00 00 To make this work, each subroutine is followed by the two instructions 'LODSL; JMP *(%eax)' which literally make the jump to the next subroutine. And that brings us to our first piece of actual code! Well, it's a macro. */ /* NEXT macro. */ .macro NEXT lodsl jmp *(%eax) .endm /* The macro is called NEXT. That's a FORTH-ism. It expands to those two instructions. Every FORTH primitive that we write has to be ended by NEXT. Think of it kind of like a return. The above describes what is known as direct threaded code. To sum up: We compress our function calls down to a list of addresses and use a somewhat magical macro to act as a "jump to next function in the list". We also use one register (%esi) to act as a kind of instruction pointer, pointing to the next function in the list. I'll just give you a hint of what is to come by saying that a FORTH definition such as: : QUADRUPLE DOUBLE DOUBLE ; actually compiles (almost, not precisely but we'll see why in a moment) to a list of function addresses for DOUBLE, DOUBLE and a special function called EXIT to finish off. At this point, REALLY EAGLE-EYED ASSEMBLY EXPERTS are saying "JONES, YOU'VE MADE A MISTAKE!". I lied about JMP *(%eax). INDIRECT THREADED CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It turns out that direct threaded code is interesting but only if you want to just execute a list of functions written in assembly language. So QUADRUPLE would work only if DOUBLE was an assembly language function. In the direct threaded code, QUADRUPLE would look like: +------------------+ | addr of DOUBLE --------------------> (assembly code to do the double) +------------------+ NEXT %esi -> | addr of DOUBLE | +------------------+ We can add an extra indirection to allow us to run both words written in assembly language (primitives written for speed) and words written in FORTH themselves as lists of addresses. The extra indirection is the reason for the brackets in JMP *(%eax). Let's have a look at how QUADRUPLE and DOUBLE really look in FORTH: : QUADRUPLE DOUBLE DOUBLE ; +------------------+ | codeword | : DOUBLE DUP + ; +------------------+ | addr of DOUBLE ---------------> +------------------+ +------------------+ | codeword | | addr of DOUBLE | +------------------+ +------------------+ | addr of DUP --------------> +------------------+ | addr of EXIT | +------------------+ | codeword -------+ +------------------+ %esi -> | addr of + --------+ +------------------+ | +------------------+ | | assembly to <-----+ | addr of EXIT | | | implement DUP | +------------------+ | | .. | | | .. | | | NEXT | | +------------------+ | +-----> +------------------+ | codeword -------+ +------------------+ | | assembly to <------+ | implement + | | .. | | .. | | NEXT | +------------------+ This is the part where you may need an extra cup of tea/coffee/favourite caffeinated beverage. What has changed is that I've added an extra pointer to the beginning of the definitions. In FORTH this is sometimes called the "codeword". The codeword is a pointer to the interpreter to run the function. For primitives written in assembly language, the "interpreter" just points to the actual assembly code itself. In words written in FORTH (like QUADRUPLE and DOUBLE), the codeword points to an interpreter function. I'll show you the interpreter function shortly, but let's recall our indirect JMP *(%eax) with the "extra" brackets. Take the case where we're executing DOUBLE as shown, and DUP has been called. Note that %esi is pointing to the address of +. The assembly code for DUP eventually does a NEXT. That: (1) reads the address of + into %eax %eax points to the codeword of + (2) increments %esi by 4 (3) jumps to the indirect %eax jumps to the address in the codeword of +, ie. the assembly code to implement + /* Macros to deal with the return stack. */ .macro PUSHRSP reg lea -4(%ebp),%ebp // push reg on to return stack movl \reg,(%ebp) .endm .macro POPRSP reg mov (%ebp),\reg // pop top of return stack to reg lea 4(%ebp),%ebp .endm /* ELF entry point. */ .text .globl _start _start: cld mov %esp,var_S0 // Store the initial data stack pointer. mov $return_stack,%ebp // Initialise the return stack. mov $cold_start,%esi // Initialise interpreter. NEXT // Run interpreter! .section .rodata cold_start: // High-level code without a codeword. .int COLD /* DOCOL - the interpreter! */ .text .align 4 DOCOL: PUSHRSP %esi // push %esi on to the return stack addl $4,%eax // %eax points to codeword, so make movl %eax,%esi // %esi point to first data word NEXT /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed sized buffers for everything. */ .bss /* FORTH return stack. */ #define RETURN_STACK_SIZE 8192 .align 4096 .space RETURN_STACK_SIZE return_stack: /* Space for user-defined words. */ #define USER_DEFS_SIZE 16384 .align 4096 user_defs_start: .space USER_DEFS_SIZE /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Built-in words defined the long way. */ #define F_IMMED 0x80 #define F_HIDDEN 0x20 // Store the chain of links. .set link,0 .macro defcode name, namelen, flags=0, label .section .rodata .align 4 .globl name_\label name_\label : .int link // link .set link,name_\label .byte \flags+\namelen // flags + length byte .ascii "\name" // the name .align 4 .globl \label \label : .int code_\label // codeword .text .align 4 .globl code_\label code_\label : // assembler code follows .endm .macro defword name, namelen, flags=0, label .section .rodata .align 4 .globl name_\label name_\label : .int link // link .set link,name_\label .byte \flags+\namelen // flags + length byte .ascii "\name" // the name .align 4 .globl \label \label : .int DOCOL // codeword - the interpreter // list of word pointers follow .endm .macro defvar name, namelen, flags=0, label, initial=0 defcode \name,\namelen,\flags,\label push $var_\name NEXT .data .align 4 var_\name : .int \initial .endm // Some easy ones, written in assembly for speed defcode "DROP",4,,DROP pop %eax // drop top of stack NEXT defcode "DUP",3,,DUP pop %eax // duplicate top of stack push %eax push %eax NEXT defcode "SWAP",4,,SWAP pop %eax // swap top of stack pop %ebx push %eax push %ebx NEXT defcode "OVER",4,,OVER mov 4(%esp),%eax // get the second element of stack push %eax // and push it on top NEXT defcode "ROT",3,,ROT pop %eax pop %ebx pop %ecx push %eax push %ecx push %ebx NEXT defcode "-ROT",4,,NROT pop %eax pop %ebx pop %ecx push %ebx push %eax push %ecx NEXT defcode "1+",2,,INCR incl (%esp) // increment top of stack NEXT defcode "1-",2,,DECR decl (%esp) // decrement top of stack NEXT defcode "4+",2,,INCR4 addl $4,(%esp) // increment top of stack NEXT defcode "4-",2,,DECR4 subl $4,(%esp) // decrement top of stack NEXT defcode "+",1,,ADD pop %eax addl %eax,(%esp) NEXT defcode "-",1,,SUB pop %eax subl %eax,(%esp) NEXT defcode "*",1,,MUL pop %eax pop %ebx imull %ebx,%eax push %eax // ignore overflow NEXT defcode "/",1,,DIV xor %edx,%edx pop %ebx pop %eax idivl %ebx push %eax // push quotient NEXT defcode "MOD",3,,MOD xor %edx,%edx pop %ebx pop %eax idivl %ebx push %edx // push remainder NEXT defcode "=",1,,EQU // top two words are equal? pop %eax pop %ebx cmp %ebx,%eax je 1f pushl $0 NEXT 1: pushl $1 NEXT defcode "<>",2,,NEQU // top two words are not equal? pop %eax pop %ebx cmp %ebx,%eax je 1f pushl $1 NEXT 1: pushl $0 NEXT defcode "0=",2,,ZEQU // top of stack equals 0? pop %eax test %eax,%eax jz 1f pushl $0 NEXT 1: pushl $1 NEXT defcode "AND",3,,AND pop %eax andl %eax,(%esp) NEXT defcode "OR",2,,OR pop %eax orl %eax,(%esp) NEXT defcode "INVERT",6,,INVERT notl (%esp) NEXT // COLD must not return (ie. must not call EXIT). defword "COLD",4,,COLD // XXX reinitialisation of the interpreter .int INTERPRETER // call the interpreter loop (never returns) .int LIT,1,SYSEXIT // hmmm, but in case it does, exit(1). defcode "EXIT",4,,EXIT POPRSP %esi // pop return stack into %esi NEXT defcode "LIT",3,,LIT // %esi points to the next command, but in this case it points to the next // literal 32 bit integer. Get that literal into %eax and increment %esi. // On x86, it's a convenient single byte instruction! (cf. NEXT macro) lodsl push %eax // push the literal number on to stack NEXT defcode "LITSTRING",9,,LITSTRING lodsl // get the length of the string push %eax // push it on the stack push %esi // push the address of the start of the string addl %eax,%esi // skip past the string addl $3,%esi // but round up to next 4 byte boundary andl $~3,%esi NEXT defcode "BRANCH",6,,BRANCH add (%esi),%esi // add the offset to the instruction pointer NEXT defcode "0BRANCH",7,,ZBRANCH pop %eax test %eax,%eax // top of stack is zero? jz code_BRANCH // if so, jump back to the branch function above lodsl // otherwise we need to skip the offset NEXT defcode "!",1,,STORE pop %ebx // address to store at pop %eax // data to store there mov %eax,(%ebx) // store it NEXT defcode "@",1,,FETCH pop %ebx // address to fetch mov (%ebx),%eax // fetch it push %eax // push value onto stack NEXT defcode "+!",2,,ADDSTORE pop %ebx // address pop %eax // the amount to add addl %eax,(%ebx) // add it NEXT defcode "-!",2,,SUBSTORE pop %ebx // address pop %eax // the amount to subtract subl %eax,(%ebx) // add it NEXT /* ! and @ (STORE and FETCH) store 32-bit words. It's also useful to be able to read and write bytes. * I don't know whether FORTH has these words, so I invented my own, called !b and @b. * Byte-oriented operations only work on architectures which permit them (i386 is one of those). * UPDATE: writing a byte to the dictionary pointer is called C, in FORTH. */ defcode "!b",2,,STOREBYTE pop %ebx // address to store at pop %eax // data to store there movb %al,(%ebx) // store it NEXT defcode "@b",2,,FETCHBYTE pop %ebx // address to fetch xor %eax,%eax movb (%ebx),%al // fetch it push %eax // push value onto stack NEXT // The STATE variable is 0 for execute mode, != 0 for compile mode defvar "STATE",5,,STATE // This points to where compiled words go. defvar "HERE",4,,HERE,user_defs_start // This is the last definition in the dictionary. defvar "LATEST",6,,LATEST,name_SYSEXIT // SYSEXIT must be last in built-in dictionary // _X, _Y and _Z are scratch variables used by standard words. defvar "_X",2,,TX defvar "_Y",2,,TY defvar "_Z",2,,TZ // This stores the top of the data stack. defvar "S0",2,,SZ // This stores the top of the return stack. defvar "R0",2,,RZ,return_stack defcode "DSP@",4,,DSPFETCH mov %esp,%eax push %eax NEXT defcode "DSP!",4,,DSPSTORE pop %esp NEXT defcode ">R",2,,TOR pop %eax // pop parameter stack into %eax PUSHRSP %eax // push it on to the return stack NEXT defcode "R>",2,,FROMR POPRSP %eax // pop return stack on to %eax push %eax // and push on to parameter stack NEXT defcode "RSP@",4,,RSPFETCH push %ebp NEXT defcode "RSP!",4,,RSPSTORE pop %ebp NEXT defcode "RDROP",5,,RDROP lea 4(%ebp),%ebp // pop return stack and throw away NEXT #include defcode "KEY",3,,KEY call _KEY push %eax // push return value on stack NEXT _KEY: mov (currkey),%ebx cmp (bufftop),%ebx jge 1f xor %eax,%eax mov (%ebx),%al inc %ebx mov %ebx,(currkey) ret 1: // out of input; use read(2) to fetch more input from stdin xor %ebx,%ebx // 1st param: stdin mov $buffer,%ecx // 2nd param: buffer mov %ecx,currkey mov $buffend-buffer,%edx // 3rd param: max length mov $__NR_read,%eax // syscall: read int $0x80 test %eax,%eax // If %eax <= 0, then exit. jbe 2f addl %eax,%ecx // buffer+%eax = bufftop mov %ecx,bufftop jmp _KEY 2: // error or out of input: exit xor %ebx,%ebx mov $__NR_exit,%eax // syscall: exit int $0x80 defcode "EMIT",4,,EMIT pop %eax call _EMIT NEXT _EMIT: mov $1,%ebx // 1st param: stdout // write needs the address of the byte to write mov %al,(2f) mov $2f,%ecx // 2nd param: address mov $1,%edx // 3rd param: nbytes = 1 mov $__NR_write,%eax // write syscall int $0x80 ret .bss 2: .space 1 // scratch used by EMIT defcode "WORD",4,,WORD call _WORD push %ecx // push length push %edi // push base address NEXT _WORD: /* Search for first non-blank character. Also skip \ comments. */ 1: call _KEY // get next key, returned in %eax cmpb $'\\',%al // start of a comment? je 3f // if so, skip the comment cmpb $' ',%al jbe 1b // if so, keep looking /* Search for the end of the word, storing chars as we go. */ mov $5f,%edi // pointer to return buffer 2: stosb // add character to return buffer call _KEY // get next key, returned in %al cmpb $' ',%al // is blank? ja 2b // if not, keep looping /* Return the word (well, the static buffer) and length. */ sub $5f,%edi mov %edi,%ecx // return length of the word mov $5f,%edi // return address of the word ret /* Code to skip \ comments to end of the current line. */ 3: call _KEY cmpb $'\n',%al // end of line yet? jne 3b jmp 1b .bss // A static buffer where WORD returns. Subsequent calls // overwrite this buffer. Maximum word length is 32 chars. 5: .space 32 defcode "EMITSTRING",10,,EMITSTRING mov $1,%ebx // 1st param: stdout pop %ecx // 2nd param: address of string pop %edx // 3rd param: length of string mov $__NR_write,%eax // write syscall int $0x80 NEXT defcode ".",1,,DOT pop %eax // Get the number to print into %eax call _DOT // Easier to do this recursively ... NEXT _DOT: mov $10,%ecx // Base 10 1: cmp %ecx,%eax jb 2f xor %edx,%edx // %edx:%eax / %ecx -> quotient %eax, remainder %edx idivl %ecx pushl %edx call _DOT popl %eax jmp 1b 2: xor %ah,%ah aam $10 cwde addl $'0',%eax call _EMIT ret // Parse a number from a string on the stack -- almost the opposite of . (DOT) // Note that there is absolutely no error checking. In particular the length of the // string must be >= 1 bytes. defcode "SNUMBER",7,,SNUMBER pop %edi pop %ecx call _SNUMBER push %eax NEXT _SNUMBER: xor %eax,%eax xor %ebx,%ebx 1: imull $10,%eax // %eax *= 10 movb (%edi),%bl inc %edi subb $'0',%bl // ASCII -> digit add %ebx,%eax dec %ecx jnz 1b ret defcode "FIND",4,,FIND pop %edi // %edi = address pop %ecx // %ecx = length call _FIND push %eax NEXT _FIND: push %esi // Save %esi so we can use it in string comparison. // Now we start searching backwards through the dictionary for this word. mov var_LATEST,%edx // LATEST points to name header of the latest word in the dictionary 1: test %edx,%edx // NULL pointer? (end of the linked list) je 4f // Compare the length expected and the length of the word. // Note that if the F_HIDDEN flag is set on the word, then by a bit of trickery // this won't pick the word (the length will appear to be wrong). xor %eax,%eax movb 4(%edx),%al // %al = flags+length field andb $(F_HIDDEN|0x1f),%al // %al = name length cmpb %cl,%al // Length is the same? jne 2f // Compare the strings in detail. push %ecx // Save the length push %edi // Save the address (repe cmpsb will move this pointer) lea 5(%edx),%esi // Dictionary string we are checking against. repe cmpsb // Compare the strings. pop %edi pop %ecx jne 2f // Not the same. // The strings are the same - return the header pointer in %eax pop %esi mov %edx,%eax ret 2: mov (%edx),%edx // Move back through the link field to the previous word jmp 1b // .. and loop. 4: // Not found. pop %esi xor %eax,%eax // Return zero to indicate not found. ret defcode ">CFA",4,,TCFA // DEA -> Codeword address pop %edi call _TCFA push %edi NEXT _TCFA: xor %eax,%eax add $4,%edi // Skip link pointer. movb (%edi),%al // Load flags+len into %al. inc %edi // Skip flags+len byte. andb $0x1f,%al // Just the length, not the flags. add %eax,%edi // Skip the name. addl $3,%edi // The codeword is 4-byte aligned. andl $~3,%edi ret defcode "CHAR",4,,CHAR call _WORD // Returns %ecx = length, %edi = pointer to word. xor %eax,%eax movb (%edi),%al // Get the first character of the word. push %eax // Push it onto the stack. NEXT defcode ":",1,,COLON // Get the word and create a dictionary entry header for it. call _WORD // Returns %ecx = length, %edi = pointer to word. mov %edi,%ebx // %ebx = address of the word movl var_HERE,%edi // %edi is the address of the header movl var_LATEST,%eax // Get link pointer stosl // and store it in the header. mov %cl,%al // Get the length. orb $F_HIDDEN,%al // Set the HIDDEN flag on this entry. stosb // Store the length/flags byte. push %esi mov %ebx,%esi // %esi = word rep movsb // Copy the word pop %esi addl $3,%edi // Align to next 4 byte boundary. andl $~3,%edi movl $DOCOL,%eax // The codeword for user-created words is always DOCOL (the interpreter) stosl // Header built, so now update LATEST and HERE. // We'll be compiling words and putting them HERE. movl var_HERE,%eax movl %eax,var_LATEST movl %edi,var_HERE // And go into compile mode by setting STATE to 1. movl $1,var_STATE NEXT defcode ",",1,,COMMA pop %eax // Code pointer to store. call _COMMA NEXT _COMMA: movl var_HERE,%edi // HERE stosl // Store it. movl %edi,var_HERE // Update HERE (incremented) ret defcode "HIDDEN",6,,HIDDEN call _HIDDEN NEXT _HIDDEN: movl var_LATEST,%edi // LATEST word. addl $4,%edi // Point to name/flags byte. xorb $F_HIDDEN,(%edi) // Toggle the HIDDEN bit. ret defcode "IMMEDIATE",9,F_IMMED,IMMEDIATE call _IMMEDIATE NEXT _IMMEDIATE: movl var_LATEST,%edi // LATEST word. addl $4,%edi // Point to name/flags byte. xorb $F_IMMED,(%edi) // Toggle the IMMED bit. ret defcode ";",1,F_IMMED,SEMICOLON movl $EXIT,%eax // EXIT is the final codeword in compiled words. call _COMMA // Store it. call _HIDDEN // Toggle the HIDDEN flag (unhides the new word). xor %eax,%eax // Set STATE to 0 (back to execute mode). movl %eax,var_STATE NEXT /* This definiton of ' (TICK) is strictly cheating - it also only works in compiled code. */ defcode "'",1,,TICK lodsl // Get the address of the next word and skip it. pushl %eax // Push it on the stack. NEXT /* This interpreter is pretty simple, but remember that in FORTH you can always override * it later with a more powerful one! */ defword "INTERPRETER",11,,INTERPRETER .int INTERPRET,RDROP,INTERPRETER defcode "INTERPRET",9,,INTERPRET call _WORD // Returns %ecx = length, %edi = pointer to word. // Is it in the dictionary? xor %eax,%eax movl %eax,interpret_is_lit // Not a literal number (not yet anyway ...) call _FIND // Returns %eax = pointer to header or 0 if not found. test %eax,%eax // Found? jz 1f // In the dictionary. Is it an IMMEDIATE codeword? mov %eax,%edi // %edi = dictionary entry movb 4(%edi),%al // Get name+flags. push %ax // Just save it for now. call _TCFA // Convert dictionary entry (in %edi) to codeword pointer. pop %ax andb $F_IMMED,%al // Is IMMED flag set? mov %edi,%eax jnz 4f // If IMMED, jump straight to executing. jmp 2f 1: // Not in the dictionary (not a word) so assume it's a literal number. incl interpret_is_lit call _SNUMBER // Returns the parsed number in %eax mov %eax,%ebx mov $LIT,%eax // The word is LIT 2: // Are we compiling or executing? movl var_STATE,%edx test %edx,%edx jz 4f // Jump if executing. // Compiling - just append the word to the current dictionary definition. call _COMMA mov interpret_is_lit,%ecx // Was it a literal? test %ecx,%ecx jz 3f mov %ebx,%eax // Yes, so LIT is followed by a number. call _COMMA 3: NEXT 4: // Executing - run it! mov interpret_is_lit,%ecx // Literal? test %ecx,%ecx // Literal? jnz 5f // Not a literal, execute it now. This never returns, but the codeword will // eventually call NEXT which will reenter the loop in INTERPRETER. jmp *(%eax) 5: // Executing a literal, which means push it on the stack. push %ebx NEXT .data .align 4 interpret_is_lit: .int 0 // Flag used to record if reading a literal // NB: SYSEXIT must be the last entry in the built-in dictionary. defcode SYSEXIT,7,,SYSEXIT pop %ebx mov $__NR_exit,%eax int $0x80 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Input buffer & initial input. */ .data .align 4096 buffer: // XXX gives 'Warning: unterminated string; newline inserted' messages which you can ignore .ascii "\ \\ Define some character constants : '\\n' 10 ; : 'SPACE' 32 ; : '\"' 34 ; : ':' 58 ; \\ CR prints a carriage return : CR '\\n' EMIT ; \\ SPACE prints a space : SPACE 'SPACE' EMIT ; \\ Primitive . (DOT) function doesn't follow with a blank, so redefine it to behave like FORTH. \\ Notice how we can trivially redefine existing functions. : . . SPACE ; \\ DUP, DROP are defined in assembly for speed, but this is how you might define them \\ in FORTH. Notice use of the scratch variables _X and _Y. \\ : DUP _X ! _X @ _X @ ; \\ : DROP _X ! ; \\ The 2... versions of the standard operators work on pairs of stack entries. They're not used \\ very commonly so not really worth writing in assembler. Here is how they are defined in FORTH. : 2DUP OVER OVER ; : 2DROP DROP DROP ; \\ More standard FORTH words. : 2* 2 * ; : 2/ 2 / ; \\ [ and ] allow you to break into immediate mode while compiling a word. : [ IMMEDIATE \\ define [ as an immediate word 0 STATE ! \\ go into immediate mode ; : ] 1 STATE ! \\ go back to compile mode ; \\ LITERAL takes whatever is on the stack and compiles LIT : LITERAL IMMEDIATE ' LIT , \\ compile LIT , \\ compile the literal itself (from the stack) ; \\ condition IF true-part THEN rest \\ compiles to: \\ condition 0BRANCH OFFSET true-part rest \\ where OFFSET is the offset of 'rest' \\ condition IF true-part ELSE false-part THEN \\ compiles to: \\ condition 0BRANCH OFFSET true-part BRANCH OFFSET2 false-part rest \\ where OFFSET if the offset of false-part and OFFSET2 is the offset of rest \\ IF is an IMMEDIATE word which compiles 0BRANCH followed by a dummy offset, and places \\ the address of the 0BRANCH on the stack. Later when we see THEN, we pop that address \\ off the stack, calculate the offset, and back-fill the offset. : IF IMMEDIATE ' 0BRANCH , \\ compile 0BRANCH HERE @ \\ save location of the offset on the stack 0 , \\ compile a dummy offset ; : THEN IMMEDIATE DUP HERE @ SWAP - \\ calculate the offset from the address saved on the stack SWAP ! \\ store the offset in the back-filled location ; : ELSE IMMEDIATE ' BRANCH , \\ definite branch to just over the false-part HERE @ \\ save location of the offset on the stack 0 , \\ compile a dummy offset SWAP \\ now back-fill the original (IF) offset DUP \\ same as for THEN word above HERE @ SWAP - SWAP ! ; \\ BEGIN loop-part condition UNTIL \\ compiles to: \\ loop-part condition 0BRANCH OFFSET \\ where OFFSET points back to the loop-part \\ This is like do { loop-part } while (condition) in the C language : BEGIN IMMEDIATE HERE @ \\ save location on the stack ; : UNTIL IMMEDIATE ' 0BRANCH , \\ compile 0BRANCH HERE @ - \\ calculate the offset from the address saved on the stack , \\ compile the offset here ; \\ BEGIN loop-part AGAIN \\ compiles to: \\ loop-part BRANCH OFFSET \\ where OFFSET points back to the loop-part \\ In other words, an infinite loop which can only be returned from with EXIT : AGAIN IMMEDIATE ' BRANCH , \\ compile BRANCH HERE @ - \\ calculate the offset back , \\ compile the offset here ; \\ BEGIN condition WHILE loop-part REPEAT \\ compiles to: \\ condition 0BRANCH OFFSET2 loop-part BRANCH OFFSET \\ where OFFSET points back to condition (the beginning) and OFFSET2 points to after the whole piece of code \\ So this is like a while (condition) { loop-part } loop in the C language : WHILE IMMEDIATE ' 0BRANCH , \\ compile 0BRANCH HERE @ \\ save location of the offset2 on the stack 0 , \\ compile a dummy offset2 ; : REPEAT IMMEDIATE ' BRANCH , \\ compile BRANCH SWAP \\ get the original offset (from BEGIN) HERE @ - , \\ and compile it after BRANCH DUP HERE @ SWAP - \\ calculate the offset2 SWAP ! \\ and back-fill it in the original location ; \\ With the looping constructs, we can now write SPACES, which writes n spaces to stdout. : SPACES BEGIN SPACE \\ print a space 1- \\ until we count down to 0 DUP 0= UNTIL ; \\ .S prints the contents of the stack. Very useful for debugging. : .S DSP@ \\ get current stack pointer BEGIN DUP @ . \\ print the stack element 4+ \\ move up DUP S0 @ 4- = \\ stop when we get to the top UNTIL DROP ; \\ DEPTH returns the depth of the stack. : DEPTH S0 @ DSP@ - ; \\ .\" is the print string operator in FORTH. Example: .\" Something to print\" \\ The space after the operator is the ordinary space required between words. \\ This is tricky to define because it has to do different things depending on whether \\ we are compiling or in immediate mode. (Thus the word is marked IMMEDIATE so it can \\ detect this and do different things). \\ In immediate mode we just keep reading characters and printing them until we get to \\ the next double quote. \\ In compile mode we have the problem of where we're going to store the string (remember \\ that the input buffer where the string comes from may be overwritten by the time we \\ come round to running the function). We store the string in the compiled function \\ like this: \\ LITSTRING, string length, string rounded up to 4 bytes, EMITSTRING, ... : .\" IMMEDIATE STATE @ \\ compiling? IF ' LITSTRING , \\ compile LITSTRING HERE @ \\ save the address of the length word on the stack 0 , \\ dummy length - we don't know what it is yet BEGIN KEY \\ get next character of the string DUP '\"' <> WHILE HERE @ !b \\ store the character in the compiled image 1 HERE +! \\ increment HERE pointer by 1 byte REPEAT DROP \\ drop the double quote character at the end DUP \\ get the saved address of the length word HERE @ SWAP - \\ calculate the length 4- \\ subtract 4 (because we measured from the start of the length word) SWAP ! \\ and back-fill the length location HERE @ \\ round up to next multiple of 4 bytes for the remaining code 3 + 3 INVERT AND HERE ! ' EMITSTRING , \\ compile the final EMITSTRING ELSE \\ In immediate mode, just read characters and print them until we get \\ to the ending double quote. Much simpler than the above code! BEGIN KEY DUP '\"' = IF EXIT THEN EMIT AGAIN THEN ; \\ While compiling, [COMPILE] WORD compiles WORD if it would otherwise be IMMEDIATE. : [COMPILE] IMMEDIATE WORD \\ get the next word FIND \\ find it in the dictionary >CFA \\ get its codeword , \\ and compile that ; \\ RECURSE makes a recursive call to the current word that is being compiled. \\ Normally while a word is being compiled, it is marked HIDDEN so that references to the \\ same word within are calls to the previous definition of the word. : RECURSE IMMEDIATE LATEST @ >CFA \\ LATEST points to the word being compiled at the moment , \\ compile it ; \\ ALLOT is used to allocate (static) memory when compiling. It increases HERE by \\ the amount given on the stack. : ALLOT HERE +! ; \\ Finally print the welcome prompt. .\" OK \" " _initbufftop: .align 4096 buffend: currkey: .int buffer bufftop: .int _initbufftop