# Virtual cable with uplink to example host at # + creates a local tap named "example" with tunneling MTU (1450) # + uses UDP port 3 for this cable end # + reniced service daemon # + single-v logging to /var/log/rrqnet-example.log # + cable PSK /etc/rrqnet/keys/example.key (not included) # + 10 packet buffers and a single dispatch thread # + using dhcpclient locally for IPv4 assignment # + static MAC address and IPv4 assignment # # This template includes an extension block for adding an ipv6 setup # (with fictive addresses). Usage: # ifup example=ipv6 # ifdown example=ipv6 auto example iface example inet static mtu 1450 hwaddress 02:00:00:00:00:02 address broadcast rrqnet_port 3 rrqnet_nice -3 rrqnet_log -v /var/log/rrqnet-example.log rrqnet_remote rrqnet_options -B 10 -T 1 iface ipv6 inet static inherits example up ip addr add fe00:0:0:0:0:1:c0a8:0002/96 dev example up ip route add ::/0 via fe00:0:0:0:0:1:0:1 dev example down ip route del ::/0 via fe00:0:0:0:0:1:0:1 dev example