.TH FUSE_XATTRS "1" "February 2017" "FUSE_XATTRS version @FUSE_XATTRS_VERSION_MAJOR@.@FUSE_XATTRS_VERSION_MINOR@" "User Commands" .SH NAME fuse_xattrs \- Filesystem that adds xattrs support using sidecar files. .SH SYNOPSIS .SS \fRmounting .TP \fBfuse_xattrs\fP \fBsource_dir\fP \fBmountpoint\fP [ options ] .SS \fRunmounting .TP \fBfusermount -u mountpoint\fP .SH DESCRIPTION \fBfuse_xattrs\fR is a way to add extended attribute support (xattrs) to any filesystem. The attributes are stored in "sidecar files" which by default are held as siblings to the attributed pathnames with the addition of the \fB.xattr\fR extension. .PP .PD .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB-o\ show_sidecar\fR .br Don't hide sidecar files. By default the sidecar files are kept as siblings to the attributed pathnames plus extension ".xattr", but hidden from access through the mountpoint. With this option the sidecar files will show up as files. .TP \fB-o\ enable_namespaces\fR .br Enable namespaces checks. Restricts attribute setting to the "user" namespace. .TP \fB-o\ sroot=path\fR .br Use other sidecar root path. By default the sidecar files are kept as siblings to the attributed pathnames plus extension ".xattr". By this option, the sidecar files are instead held as a nominated directory tree which typically is different from the source directory. .TP \fB-o \fIfuse option\fR .br See \fBman fuse\fR for details about additional \fBfuse\fR options. .PP .SH "EXAMPLES" .SS \fBfuse_xattrs /mnt/nfs/data /mnt/xdata\fP Adds xattrs support for an existing mount, \fB/mnt/nfs/data\fR, at \fB/mnt/xdata\fP. .SS \fBfuse_xattrs /mnt/nfs/data /mnt/xdata -o sroot=/mnt/xattrs\fP Adds xattrs support for an existing mount, \fB/mnt/nfs/data\fR, at \fB/mnt/xdata\fP with the sidecar files held under \fB/mnt/xattrs\fR. .SS \fBfuse_xattrs /mnt/nfs/data /mnt/xdata \\ \fB-o sroot=/mnt/xattrs -o allow_other\fP .br The fuse option \fBallow_other\fR must be enabled in the fuse configuration, and when so, the \fBfuse_xattr\fR mountpoint will be available to all users (depending on file permissions). .SH "AUTHORS" 2021-11-11 - Forked and extended by Ralph Ronnquist . .br FUSE_XATTRS version 0.4 written by Felipe Barriga Richards .