.TH FUSE_XATTRS "1" "February 2017" "FUSE_XATTRS version @FUSE_XATTRS_VERSION_MAJOR@.@FUSE_XATTRS_VERSION_MINOR@" "User Commands" .SH NAME FUSE_XATTRS \- Filesystem that add xattrs support using sidecar files .SH SYNOPSIS .SS mounting .TP \fBfuse_xattrs\fP \fBsource_dir\fP \fBmountpoint\fP .SS unmounting .TP \fBfusermount -u mountpoint\fP .SH DESCRIPTION FUSE_XATTRS is a way to add xattrs support to any filesystem. The attributes are stored in sidecar files. .PP .PD .SH "EXAMPLES" .TP Add xattrs support to \fB/mnt/nfs/data\fP by mounting it on \fB/mnt/nfs_data_with_xattrs\fP \fBfuse_xattrs /mnt/nfs/data /mnt/nfs_data_with_xattrs\fP .LP .SH "AUTHORS" .LP FUSE_XATTRS has been written by Felipe Barriga Richards . .LP