: FIB ( n -- Fn ) 0 1 ( n a b ) 0 ( n a b i ) BEGIN ROT ( n i a b ) DUP ROT + ( n i b a+b ) ROT ROT ( n b a+b i ) 1 + ( n b a+b i+1 ) DUP 4 PICK = UNTIL DROP SWAP DROP SWAP DROP ; ( a+b ) : HELLO S" Hello!" TELL NEWLINE ; : TEST-FIB S" 10 FIB = " TELL 10 FIB .U SPACE S" (Expected: 59)" TELL NEWLINE ; \ This example calls the Blt() function on UEFI's Graphics Output Protocol. See \ the UEFI specification and uefi.f for more information. : BLUE-SQUARE GraphicsOutputProtocol HERE @ 255 C, 0 C, 0 C, 0 C, \ Buffer with single blue pixel EfiBltVideoFill 0 0 \ Source 100 100 20 20 \ Destination 0 GOP.Blt() ; HELLO TEST-FIB BLUE-SQUARE