DOS executable '' Configuration file: C:\ETC\LILO.CNF Sector Map file: C:\BOOT\MAP 1. The default configuration file may be overridden with the speci- fication '-C ' on the command line. '' may be specified literally as "none", for no configuration file. The only keyword allowed in the configuration file is "map=", to specify the name of the sector map file. 2. The sector map file is 'C:\BOOT\MAP' if no other name is explicitly specified by "map=" in the configuration file, or '-m ' on the command line. This file must be the same file as specified in the '/etc/lilo.conf' file, except that under Linux, Linux file system naming applies; whereas under DOS/Windows, DOS file system naming applies. 3. The sector map file MUST be placed on a filesystem that can be read/ written under both DOS and Linux. FAT filesystems satisfy this require- ment. 4. The 'LILO.COM' executable must be placed somewhere on the executable path within the DOS/Windows system. Or it may be referenced by a *.BAT file on the executable PATH, which provides the opportunity to override the default configuration and sector map files with command line switches that will always be seen by the 'LILO.COM' executable. --John Coffman 23-Jan-2005