Notes for "bootdiagnostic.b.gz" 03-May-2002 The lilo boot disk diagnostic (version 2.1) is distributed in binary form in the file: bootdiagnostic.b.gz In order to create the bootable diagnostic floppy from this file, issue the following commands: gunzip bootdiagnostic.b.gz dd if=bootdiagnostic.b of=/dev/fd0 The entire 1.44M floppy disk will be written. This is an msdos filesystem diskette with the files: version 1 of the bootable lilo diagnostic version 2 version 2, MSDOS executable hipboot.sys copy of Whichever file is copied to 'hipboot.sys' will be booted by the special bootloader on the floppy. As distributed, version 2, or '' is the file copied to 'hipboot.sys'. The MSDOS executable is of some use if you can boot a bare DOS system. It may be executed from the DOS prompt to capture the output to a file; viz., A> >log.txt (you'll have to hit a lot of CR's to get past all the pauses) The output from is not necessarily the same as from the booted file '', since MSDOS intercepts and modifies the responses to certain bios calls. User beware. --John Coffman