This directory contains the files for making the bootable diagnostic diskette, version 2. They are released under the terms of the BSD licence, contained in the file COPYING in the root LILO source directory. sector.S -- the MSDOS boot code which boots HIPBOOT.SYS test4.c -- the actual diagnostic Robert de Bath's "dev-0.16.0" package is REQUIRED to correctly make the programs in this directory. The following sources are derived from his package, are his property, and are released under the 'LGPLicence' contained in this directory. bios.c -- modified source for the bios_start.o program cprintf.c -- modified source for the standalone print routine The files placed on the MSDOS floppy are as follows: -- DOS version 2 of the diagnostic, runs under MSDOS; useful for capturing output to a file, BUT output is not guaranteed to be the same as the standalone version 2 program -- standalone version 2 of the diagnostic, bootable if copied to 'hipboot.sys' -- version 1 of the disk diagnostic, bootable if copied to 'hipboot.sys' (14-Jan-2002) -- jrc