Template: lilo/new-config Type: note _Description: LILO configuration It seems to be your first LILO installation. It is absolutely necessary to run liloconfig(8) when you complete this process and execute /sbin/lilo after this. . LILO won't work if you don't do this. Template: lilo/add_large_memory Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Do you want to add the large-memory option? Usually LILO loads the initrd file into the first 15MB of memory to avoid a BIOS limitation with older systems (earlier than 2001 and few systems until 2004). . With newer kernels the combination of kernel and initrd may not fit into the first 15MB of memory. LILO compute the needed size of memory and will automatically use the memory above 15MB, too, if there is enough physical memory. . If this machine has a recent BIOS without a 15MB limitation and you want to use memory above 15MB for all kernels, set the 'large-memory' option. Template: lilo/runme Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Do you want to run /sbin/lilo now? It was detected that it's necessary to run /sbin/lilo in order to activate the new LILO configuration. . WARNING: This procedure will write data in your MBR and may overwrite some data there. If you skip this step, you must run /sbin/lilo before rebooting your computer, or your system may not boot again. Template: lilo/diskid_uuid Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Do you want to convert boot and root options? Since kernel using the newer disk interface 'libata' you need the newer DiskID and/or UUID in your /etc/lilo.conf for the boot and root options. For the most modern systems you should use this conversion and then run '/sbin/lilo'.