#!/usr/bin/newlisp ;; This is the main script for the pcm-dispatch tool ;; last main-arg nominates the configuration file ; ############################################################ ; misc API (signal 1 (fn (x) (exit 0))) (signal 2 (fn (x) (exit 0))) (signal 15 (fn (x) (exit 0))) (define (die N) (when (args) (write-line 2 (join (map string (args)) " "))) (when (number? N) (exit N))) (define (enlist X) (if (list? X) X (list X))) (define (comment? LINE) (and (regex "^\\s*(#|$)" LINE 0) true)) (define (first-word LINE) (and (regex "^\\s*(\\S+)" LINE 0) $1)) (define (prog1 X) X) (define (read-config-line LINE) (map (fn (x) (if (regex "^([^=]+)=(.*)" x) (list $1 $2) x)) (map trim (find-all "([^, ]+)" LINE $1 0)))) ;; ############################################################ ;; Load Configuration (~/.alsa-dispatcher) ; Format: one-liners for each option, ignoring comment lines starting ; with # and blank lines. (constant 'HOME (env "HOME") 'CONFIG (format "%s/.alsa-dispatcher" HOME) 'CFGLINES (if (read-file CONFIG) (clean comment? (parse $it "\n" )) '("bt,latency=1000" "plughw")) 'CFGMAP (map read-config-line CFGLINES) 'PCM-LIST (map first-word CFGLINES) ) (define (cfg-lookup PCM KEY DEFAULT) (if (if (assoc PCM CFGMAP) (lookup KEY $it)) (read-expr $it) DEFAULT)) ; ############################################################ ; libc API (constant 'libc.so.6 "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6") ; https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_mono/libc.html ;; (dup2 OLDFD NEWFD) - Duplicate file descriptor OLDFD onto NEWFD, ;; closing the latter first if open. (import libc.so.6 "dup2" "int" "int" ; int oldfd "int" ; int newfd ) ; ############################################################ ; libasound API (constant 'libasound.so "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasound.so") ; https://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-lib/ ; /usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h ;; Used constants (constant 'SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK 0 'SND_PCM_MODE_BLOCK 0 ; this mode label is invented here 'SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE 2 'SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED 3 ) ;; (snd_pcm_close PCM) - Close PCM handle. Closes the given PCM handle ;; and frees all associated resources. (import libasound.so "snd_pcm_close" "int" "void*" ; snd_pcm_t *pcm ) ;; (snd_pcm_drain PCM) - Stop PCM whilst preserving pending frames. ;; For playback wait for all pending frames to be played and then stop ;; the PCM. For capture stop PCM permitting to retrieve residual ;; frames. (import libasound.so "snd_pcm_drain" "int" "void*" ; snd_pcm_t *pcm ) ;; (snd_pcm_open NAME STREAM MODE) - Opens a PCM and returns its ;; handle or nil. Actual error code is discarded. (letex ((IMP (import libasound.so "snd_pcm_open" "int" "void*" ; snd_pcm_t **pcmp [output] "char*" ; const char *name "int" ; snd_pcm_stream_t stream "int" ; int mode ))) (constant 'snd_pcm_open ; redefine the symbol to wrap the import (fn (NAME STREAM MODE) (let ((PCM (pack "Lu" 0))) (when (= (IMP PCM NAME STREAM MODE)) ((unpack "Lu" PCM) 0)))))) ;; (snd_pcm_set_params PCM FMT ACCESS CH RATE RESAMPLE LATENCY) - Set ;; the hardware and software parameters in a simple way. (import libasound.so "snd_pcm_set_params" "int" "void*" ; snd_pcm_t *pcm "int" ; snd_pcm_format_t format "int" ; snd_pcm_access_t access "unsigned int" ; unsigned int channels "unsigned int" ; unsigned int rate "int" ;int soft_resample "unsigned int" ; unsigned int latency ) ;; (snd_pcm_writei PCM BUFFER FRAMES) - Write interleaved frames to a ;; PCM. If the blocking behaviour is selected and the PCM is running, ;; then routine waits until all requested frames are played or put to ;; the playback ring buffer. The returned number of frames can be less ;; only if a signal or underrun occurred. (import libasound.so "snd_pcm_writei" "long" ; snd_pcm_uframes_t "void*" ; snd_pcm_t *pcm "void*" ; const void *buffer "long" ; snd_pcm_uframes_t size ) ;; Open a PCM by name (define (open-pcm NAME) (snd_pcm_open NAME SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK SND_PCM_MODE_BLOCK)) ;; Setup PCM (define (setup-pcm PCM NAME) (snd_pcm_set_params PCM (cfg-lookup NAME "format" SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE) SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED 2 ; channels 48000 ; rate 1 ; soft resample (0/1) (cfg-lookup NAME "latency" 100000) ; (microseconds) )) ;; ############################################################ ; The main program ;; redirect stdout/err to /dev/null (when true (let ((REDIR (open "/dev/null" "append"))) (when (< REDIR) (exit 1)) (when (< (dup2 REDIR 2)) (exit 1)) (when (< (dup2 REDIR 1)) (exit 1)) (close REDIR) )) ; find the first usable PCM (setf PCM (unless (dolist (N PCM-LIST (open-pcm (setf NAME N)))) (die 1 "No PCM available"))) ; configure the PCM (when (!= (setf E (setup-pcm PCM NAME))) (snd_pcm_close PCM) (die 1 "setup pcm" E)) (setf N 0 x 0 E 0 i 0) (while (> (or (setf N (read 0 BUFFER 1000000)) 0)) (while (> N) (when (< (setf E (snd_pcm_writei PCM BUFFER (/ N 4)))) (snd_pcm_close PCM) (die 1 "writing" E N)) (setf E (* E 4)) (setf BUFFER (E BUFFER)) (dec N E) ) ) (snd_pcm_drain PCM) (snd_pcm_close PCM) (exit 0)